Feature Request: Book Organization and Book Check In & Check Out

Book Organization
It would be helpful if the LIBRARY was organized into Sections such as Spiritual Growth, Theology, Pastoral, ect. And Possibly if the interface looked something like IPAD Photos APP, where you are able to touch on a "group" of photos and spread them out.
The Long list of books is actually very discouraging.
Book Check Out
Also, can you add a feature on the IPAD, where I am able to "Check Out" a book from my library and it goes under a folder of books that I am currently reading. Also, if you can have the books being "checked out" to more than one user. My wife and I both use my IPAD, and with the addition of Fiction books on VYSRO, we need an easy way to keep track of what we are reading.
Without a feature that easily allows me to TRACK the books I am reading, I will most likely not buy any more book from Logos. I bought 7 books because of the sale prices in VYSRO, and they were swallowed up by my existing library.
Thanks, If any 1 is waiting for features like this please make your voice heard.
Coral said:
Book Organization
It would be helpful if the LIBRARY was organized into Sections such as Spiritual Growth, Theology, Pastoral, ect. And Possibly if the interface looked something like IPAD Photos APP, where you are able to touch on a "group" of photos and spread them out.
The Long list of books is actually very discouraging.
Welcome [:D]
Thankful can filter iPad library list like Logos 4 (e.g. title:theology).
Wiki Library => Search Fields that you can use in the Find box
Wish iPad Library had collection bookshelves (or groupings) that could tap to show collection contents.
Coral said:Without a feature that easily allows me to TRACK the books I am reading, I will most likely not buy any more book from Logos. I bought 7 books because of the sale prices in VYSRO, and they were swallowed up by my existing library.
Forum discussion => Perseus Collection Overwhelms Library may be helpful; perhaps could tag books being read with something currently not found in Library (e.g. honey, hubby). In iPad library, type your tag for your list of books.
Wiki has => http://wiki.logos.com/Tagging
Coral said:Thanks, If any 1 is waiting for features like this please make your voice heard.
Recommend posting suggestion(s) in Suggestions forum; also can create Logos User Voice suggestion(s) for community voting, found many for iPad:
=> Add prayer list on iphone / ipad / ipod (236 votes)
=> iphone / ipad / ipod - icon for "download all available resources" (207 votes)
=> Text/background color options (like the Kindle app) for reading in the iPad app (8 votes)
=> Notes with in the iPad/iPhone/iPod app (7 votes)
=> In iPhone / iPad - zoom in - out by "pinching". Great help for pics and charts, journals, mags (5 votes)
=> Make the improved iPad top navigation more finger friendly. (3 votes)
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Book Organization
I agree "The Long list of books is actually very discouraging".
I just bought the Portfolio Edition. The Library just shows me a list of 1600 books. I have to return to the Logos Web page and look at the book I got to help find out which book belong together. This is really weak.
An explorer view with folders showing me the books I have in a structured way is a must.
The only workaround for me is to go through the 1600 books and build folders in the "favorites" section and then arrange all the book myself.
I cannot believe this is true, I still hope I am missing something.
I would be grateful for any answers.
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Sandro - First, welcome to the forums!
Sandro Polenta said:I agree "The Long list of books is actually very discouraging".
Sandro Polenta said:An explorer view with folders showing me the books I have in a structured way is a must.
The mobile app is not much different than the desktop app in this regard. You can, however, tag your resources and then filter for those tags. This works best when the tags are unique. History is not a good tag. HistoryAnabaptist is a great tag.
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Thanks for replying and thanks for the welcome, I appreciate, nice.
Unfortunately I have no mobile device. I am 60 and my eyes require a bigger screen :-) . I use Windows 7 and a 27" screen.
I understand your answer, tagging the 1600 books by hand seems to be the workaround. Why do Logos developers not come up themselves with a tagging representing the products I bought? I have difficulties to understand certain aspects of the usage philosophy in the Logos program.
I just would expect to see in my Logos the groups and the books I see on the Logos Web page:
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Sandro Polenta said:
Unfortunately I have no mobile device. I am 60 and my eyes require a bigger screen :-)
That's OK. We are glad you are here. [:)]
The reason we assumed you were using a mobile device is because you posted your comments in reply to someone who was using a mobile device. Furthermore, this thread is in the iPhone/iPad app forum! [;)]
If you have questions that are related more towards the Windows PC app, you can access the forum HERE.
Sandro Polenta said:Why do Logos developers not come up themselves with a tagging representing the products I bought? I have difficulties to understand certain aspects of the usage philosophy in the Logos program.
The reason is that you might tag a book differently than I would. With this system, YOU are the librarian and YOU decide where the books go. A fourth year Greek student might organize the books much differently than a non-original language using lay person might. A Baptist might organize the books differently than a Presbyterian or a Catholic user.
It would not be that difficult to tag the books according to the list that you gave, although I don't think there is much benefit in doing so. One suggestion that is given by Morris Proctor (the official trainer for Logos) is that you spend 5-10 minutes every day going through your library and tagging your books. That will help you to know what you have in your collection.
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Let me also add that some of the books are already in those categories. For example, a search for type:commentary or type:bible will bring up all your commentaries or bibles.
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Sandro Polenta said:
I just would expect to see in my Logos the groups and the books I see on the Logos Web page:
You can go to this site: http://www.logos.com/contents/portfolio and copy and paste it into a word processor and then make it into a personal book. It will make the chapter headings automatically, but it doesn't make each book a link.
If you do organize your library with My Tags then you can click on the My Tag heading and you will have a similar organization. I think, however, most would agree that the library (and Files) need a way to better organize them into something like folders.
"For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power"
Wiki Table of Contents
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Sorry for being in the wrong part of the forum. I landed here after a query about organizing book. I will go to the Windows part you mentioned :-)
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Thanks Jerry, I understand what you propose. It will be a non-negligible piece of work to do it. Especially I have to understand which books belong to which groups.
I was just wondering how other people use the Library.
I tried to build collections. I did one with the Bunyan Books. It worked. I had to drag the 62 books one by one into the collection.
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Sandro Polenta said:
I tried to build collections. I did one with the Bunyan Books. It worked. I had to drag the 62 books one by one into the collection.
You need to learn more about Logos, and with time, you will! Logos is a powerful tool, but powerful tools take time and effort to learn. Your Bunyan Collection, for example, just took me 10 seconds to reproduce, plus, I found one more book than you did! Try this, for example:
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Thanks, that is a quick way to do a collection, that helps
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Sandro Polenta said:
Thanks, that is a quick way to do a collection, that helps
Sure thing. Make sure to come back to the forum with other questions or to learn more. [:)]
One last suggestion: If you have not watched the "unofficial videos" by Mark Barnes, you should do so.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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Thanks, the unofficial videos are very good and helpful.