Feature Request: Book Organization and Book Check In & Check Out

Coral Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Book Organization

It would be helpful if the LIBRARY was organized into Sections such as Spiritual Growth, Theology, Pastoral, ect. And Possibly if the interface looked something like IPAD Photos APP, where you are able to touch on a "group" of photos and spread them out. 

The Long list of books is actually very discouraging.

Book Check Out

Also, can you add a feature on the IPAD, where I am able to "Check Out" a book from my library and it goes under a folder of books that I am currently reading. Also, if you can have the books being "checked out" to more than one user. My wife and I both use my IPAD, and with the addition of Fiction books on VYSRO, we need an easy way to keep track of what we are reading.

Without a feature that easily allows me to TRACK the books I am reading, I will most likely not buy any more book from Logos. I bought 7 books because of the sale prices in VYSRO, and they were swallowed up by my existing library. 


Thanks, If any 1 is waiting for features like this please make your voice heard. 

