BUG: Logos Crashes When Copying From EEC Volumes

Just after the EEC volume for James downloaded, I wanted to see how many "pages" it had. So I highlighted the entire book and attempted to paste it into a Word document. As soon as I selected "Copy", Logos crashed. I tried this several times and with several other EEC volumes and the same problem happened. I tried the same thing with a few non-EEC volumes and everything was able to copy just fine.
Smaller chunks of the EEC volumes were able to be copied. Smaller as in half the book.
I'm on Mountain Lion and running the most recent build of Logos 4.6 (SR2, I think). I'm typing this at work right now so I don't have access to any logs generated by Logos. If I remember and I'm not too tired, I'll post them when I get home.
Anyone else noticing this problem?
Greg Masone said:
So I highlighted the entire book
How did you accomplish this? "Select All" does not do it. Clicking at the beginning and shift-clicking at the end did not select the entire book. Holding down the mouse button while scrolling through the entire document takes more time than I am willing to spend in confirming this problem.
Greg Masone said:I tried the same thing with a few non-EEC volumes and everything was able to copy just fine.
Were those other books are large as the EEC volumes? Since EEC is designed from the ground up to be an electronic book, the writers were not limited in page length. The James volume appears to be extremely long.
I would not call this a bug, but a design limitation.
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Jack Caviness said:
How did you accomplish this? "Select All" does not do it. Clicking at the beginning and shift-clicking at the end did not select the entire book. Holding down the mouse button while scrolling through the entire document takes more time than I am willing to spend in confirming this problem.
Jack, I would do a few things to make it a quick process. First I would make the font as small as it would go, then I would float the panel and maximize it to my screen (24 inch). I turn on the "columns" option so I have several rows worth of text, then make sure that footnotes are turned off, as they slow down the highlighting.
After all that, which takes about 15 seconds to do, I can manually select the text in an entire book pretty quickly. I highlighted James in under a minute, for example, and highlighted one of the IVP dictionaries (900ish pages) in about two minutes. Only James crashed.
Jack Caviness said:Were those other books are large as the EEC volumes? Since EEC is designed from the ground up to be an electronic book, the writers were not limited in page length. The James volume appears to be extremely long.
I would not call this a bug, but a design limitation.
I tried the same thing with the Philemon EEC volume too, and that crashed Logos. Size doesn't seem to be a factor here. For me, it only happens with the EEC volumes. I had no trouble with the 900 page IVP dictionary, for example.
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Greg Masone said:
Jack, I would do a few things to make it a quick process.
If I ever want to select an entire book, I will remember your procedure.
Greg Masone said:For me, it only happens with the EEC volumes. I had no trouble with the 900 page IVP dictionary, for example.
Perhaps some logs would be in order here. While I do not read loges, several others in this forum do.
First download this
Applescript file from KS4J Logos 4 Mac AppleScript Application It
will enable/disable logging for youThen download Logos Log
Scribe This little app will gather your logs, create
an archive, and place it on your desktop.Excuse the gibberish as that is a feature of pasting from MS Word. Tried Mellel, but that strips the links [:'(]
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Greg Masone said:
I'm on Mountain Lion and running the most recent build of Logos 4.6 (SR2, I think).
OK Curiosity got the best of me [8-|] Tried your selection method with EEC Philemon. Selection took well under a minute. Pasted into an existing MS Word document without incident. It came to 101 pages.
I am using L4 Mac 4.6 SR-2 under Mac OS 10.7.4 (Lion). Could this be another ML issue?
After posting the logging instructions in my last post, I realized you probably don't need them, but someone else might stumble on this thread.
Will give James a try and report back
UPDATE: Tried James with surprising results.
Did not turn off footnotes, but selection was rather rapid with the small text, full screen, multiple columns.
The print dialog showed James 1:1-5:20, but the pasted text was only through 2:18. This was equal to 100 pages at the text size in Logos. In Word it came to 184 pages at 12 pt.
When you tried the IVP dictionary, did L4 export the entire 900 pages? Seems that I remember something about a 100 page limit mentioned in a thread many months ago.
I could not confirm your crash with either James or Philemon.
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I'm at home finally so I went through Philemon and posted the log files. OSX also generated a log and I've included that one too.
Jack Caviness said:OK Curiosity got the best of me
Tried your selection method with EEC Philemon. Selection took well under a minute. Pasted into an existing MS Word document without incident. It came to 101 pages.
Jack, you got further then I did. It still crashed when I tried it with Philemon. Maybe it is related to the operating system?
Either way, here are the logs: 1643.Logos 4 Logs.zip
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I wasn't able to reproduce the behavior with Nehemiah/Ezra on ML, but I just got James in so I'll try that.
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Ok, I was able to reproduce the behavior. Nevertheless, not knowing the goal or purpose of this endeavor (and I'm not accusing anyone of this), I should remind everyone that pasting the entirety of a resource to another location in hopes of distributing it is against the EULA agreed to by installing the software and in this case would be tantamount to copyright infringement (thus the 100page limit on the Export/print feature). I've sent the case to development because regardless of the EULA the program should not crash.
See "THINGS YOU MAY NOT DO" here http://www.logos.com/support/EULA
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Tommy Ball said:
Nevertheless, not knowing the goal or purpose of this endeavor
Believe Greg stated this in his original post:
Greg Masone said:Just after the EEC volume for James downloaded, I wanted to see how many "pages" it had.
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Tommy Ball said:
Nevertheless, not knowing the goal or purpose of this endeavor
Jack correctly posted the reason why I was attempting to copy the James volume into Word. Since no page numbers are included, and this being a digital resource, there isn't any way to tell the "heft" of the volume just from looking at it on my computer.
Thanks for reproducing the crash and submitting it to those who can fix it.
Take care,
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This crash should be fixed for beta users in 4.6a Beta 3, and in general when 4.6a ships to the stable channel.