How to re-write and release a replacement product.
Ray Timmermans said:
Prioritizing in L4 is simply not as intuitive as L3. In L3 the user had more direct control over the outcome of searches from the context menu. Prioritizing doesn't have a method for doing this, nor is the documentation all that helpful. In fact I have to ask: what documentation? I have never received a manual of the quality of BibleWorks, for example..a complaint I first made in beta testing of L3 in 2005!!!
I would argue that L4 Prioritizing is more intuitive then L3, but not as useful. Dragging a resource to a list is pretty simple and pretty intuitive. It works just the way Logos wants it to. Its just not as functional. this is one area I think Logos over simplified things. I truly was asking simply to see if he knew about agenda beyond that.
As far as Biblework's documentation, no doubt about it, Bibleworks rocks in this department. They also have a completely different philosophy that makes documentation much easier. They have never, nor do I think they ever will, revalutionalize their user interface in the way Logos has. This means that while the do need to review their manuals they do not need to re-write them every time. They also do not have to coordinate with multiple departments the way Logos does. Bibleworks is a great program. Logos is a great program. each does things differently and each have different goals in mind.
Certainly the documentation for L4 has much improvement to go. I would actually be curious though to know the number of people that use the documentation. Not that a low percentage would be an excuse for inadequate documentation, but I'm sure it would inform their priorities.
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Philip Spitzer said:
As far as Biblework's documentation, no doubt about it, Bibleworks rocks in this department.
Except that BW7 did not have a manual (and the UI changed substantially between BW6 and BW7)
They made the decision to no longer print manuals because of constant changes to the program.
In many ways this was a shame. I became quite a power user with BW6 because of the excellent manual.
BUT, the helpfile is excellent and complete and constantly being updated.
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Damian McGrath said:
BUT, the helpfile is excellent and complete and constantly being updated.
the help file is the documentation I was referring to. I will take it to a book any day :-)
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Philip Spitzer said:
I will take it to a book any day :-)
Really? I found working through the book in the BW6 days much easier than reading a chm file... Horses for courses of course....
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Damian McGrath said:Philip Spitzer said:
I will take it to a book any day :-)
Really? I found working through the book in the BW6 days much easier than reading a chm file... Horses for courses of course....
I found clicking icons and drop down menus for hours and resorting to the help file as a last resort more beneficial :-)
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Philip Spitzer said:
I found clicking icons and drop down menus for hours and resorting to the help file as a last resort more beneficial :-)
This is "vaguely" reminiscent of my spouse of three-and-a-half decades. Last resorting anything instructional is the norm, be it software help files, road trip maps or various and sundry directions of any kind. [;)]
Lenovo P72: Intel 8th Gen i7-8750H 6-core, 32GB RAM, 2TB HDD + 1TB Sata SSD, 17.3" FHD 1920x1080, NVIDIA Quadro P600 4GB, Win 10 Pro
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Ken Avery said:
Let me get you caught up on what I have been saying in layman terms; I believe the core engine functionality of Logos has changed in a way that does not support keylinking the way it use to, it is basically broke in comparison to Logos 3, apperantly this is not a big issue for some.
It appears the architecture has changed and also the requirements when it comes to keylinking.
If you want a SW discussion I'm happy to oblige. But did you read my post on p4?
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Damian McGrath said:
Except that BW7 did not have a manual (and the UI changed substantially between BW6 and BW7)
They made the decision to no longer print manuals because of constant changes to the program.
But the in program help was EXCELLENT!! I think Logos in program help is also very good. I just don't like the default way it opens in that little window along the side. But that easy to fix. Just pop up the window.
Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association0 -
Ken Avery said:
Don't get me wrong, I am a huge fan of Logos and use it daily for hours on end (not so much with L4 because I spend most of my time trying to make L4 do what L3 does); I have been thru the videos and press every button I can find, I purchased L4 a day or so after the release.
I just downloaded the newly complied files for L3 and will be going back to using L3; I have spent weeks trying to get the same productivity out of L4 as I am accustom to with L3, it is not happening.
This is why I would like to see a chart depicting a side-by-side comparisson of L3/L4 features, replacements, dropped features and a schedule of anticipated feature implimentation dates, I want to know what and when it will be baked.
I use both for hours each day. I like the floating panel and the automatic saving of one's place in the text which makes reading very pleasant, but, if I want to do some morphological searching or make notes on anything, I use L3.
gfsomselיְמֵי־שְׁנוֹתֵינוּ בָהֶם שִׁבְעִים שָׁנָה וְאִם בִּגְבוּרֹת שְׁמוֹנִים שָׁנָה וְרָהְבָּם עָמָל וָאָוֶן
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Dave Hooton said:Ken Avery said:
Let me get you caught up on what I have been saying in layman terms; I believe the core engine functionality of Logos has changed in a way that does not support keylinking the way it use to, it is basically broke in comparison to Logos 3, apperantly this is not a big issue for some.
It appears the architecture has changed and also the requirements when it comes to keylinking.
If you want a SW discussion I'm happy to oblige. But did you read my post on p4?
Yes, I am really wondering how keylinking will be replaced, I hope proritization is not the answer.
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Ken Avery said:JackCaviness said:Ken Avery said:
I must disagree strongly that the new product is not required to function as the old product; I have maintained SW that has to be backwords compatable for decades, you don't remove features that breaks your customer base!
Your multiple posts make me wonder if you have ever heard of these companies: Microsoft, Apple? They don't seem to think that your absolutes are so absolute.
Time for SW school again
What changes and what does not change depends on what type of SW you are writing;
You can maintain this information and provide many ways to view it; the base data fields can stay the same while the ways to view and edit the data can change in several ways and not affect the base design.
The point is, if the program is only providing user interface presentation stuff then there is more opportunity for change without changing the underlying architecture, kind of like changing clothes, you still have the same body functioning underneath.
Before all you non-sw people start linking pages that confirm your own prejudices you might want to spend a little time understanding what you are talking about; what type of program Logos is and should we expect it to be randomly changing because that is what some software does?
Let me get you caught up on what I have been saying in layman terms; I believe the core engine functionality of Logos has changed in a way that does not support keylinking the way it use to, it is basically broke in comparison to Logos 3, apperantly this is not a big issue for some.
It appears the architecture has changed and also the requirements when it comes to keylinking.
As someone who works in software, and has worked in software for many (many) years in various positions (including developer of all the kinds of software you mention), I must say that I find your application of the "Laws of Upgrading" to be quite personal, and not in any way absolutes in the business of software. Don't get me wrong... good axioms... good approaches, but never what makes a "good upgrade."
Your arguments actually remind me quite a lot of the arguments made by users (and developers) of text-based interfaces that were being replaced by "Windows versions" that were very much less productive, lacked the kinds of shortcuts that made greens screen users so darn fast. Frankly, they were right; and so are you. And they were wrong... and so are you [:)]
They (and you) were right to raise cain about their frustrations. Many of them quite simply refused to "upgrade" for many years and learned to live with bugs that some would find amazingly unproductive. I actually know of one case where someone spent huge amounts of cash to buy Alpha-based machines, to continue running a particular version of VMS, that would run a particular version of the software that they felt gave them what they wanted... they didn't want any of those new fangled things like unicode. They didn't care about connecting to that crazy internet thing to interact with partners. They wanted the UI and functionality to remain as it was on the version they liked and wanted to stay on. They could customize and build other software around it to work with partners! Just leave my software alone! In the mean time, the software developer (OK, a couple hundred of them) had to focus on a marketplace that was moving, on tech stacks that were changing as fast as they were, to open up to new customers using many different currencies, languages and had new needs for security and compliance with laws.
You may be that customer, but I don't think so. Logos isn't that ISV.
Logos is taking us onto the bleeding edge instead of being pulled there. They're playing the role of market leader instead of follower, and they're gaining new customers with their new direction that never would have come without it. I definitely see Logos in the upper left of the gartner magic quad.
As one of those new customers, who doesn't have much of a clue about the fantastic nature of the "old", I desperately want you to raise your voice, and loudly. But not so that you can get your specific feature back the way it was, and not based on some set of rules that you claim to know that Logos should be following, do it so that you can help make it a better product.
Please do it in a way that Logos do more with your feedback then "go back to the old way", don't just try to take them (or us) to "Software School." I've been there and done it, including making the (very hard) decisions to remove, yes, remove, features to replace them with features that we knew would frustrate our current users for a while, but that we knew was a step in the right direction. OK, so we didn't know, we hoped. In some cases I was wrong. In other cases, I was right. Smack-dead-spot-on right, and I've had old customers thank me for opposing them and frustrating them. I would hope we can avoid being dogmatic about feature implementation or supposed "rules" of the software business, and instead be evangelistic about what we want to accomplish, and how and why we don't like the new and we did like the old. I see some of that in your posts, but you just keep going back to your dogma about the software business that you don't represent quite so accurately.
Please take my words as constructive criticism. I'm not trying to shut you up by any means, but I would like to better understand what you really care about and how it is different in a substantive way.
p.s. I have always worked for ISVs and consulting firms that focused on software for businesses, nothing direct to individual consumers.
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Mike S.
Kudos to you. You took an opposing view but were not belligerent about it. Thanks for helping to keep the discourse high. I found your insight as both a new user and software coder insightful and helpful.
Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association0 -
This discussion reminds me of when Logos went from LLS 2.0 to Series X.
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Ken Avery said:
Having worked on SW for years developing SW for very large customers, here are a couple things I have learned:
- The ideal replacement SW does everything the original SW does.
- The settings for the original product are migrated to the new product.
- If the presentation changes the new product must have equivalency.
Even before starting the re-write these goals should be first on the radar.
The fun stuff always blows up on the forums when I'm on the road. :-)
i apologize for not re-naming the software, In the past, we went from Logos Bible Software v1.6 to Logos Library System to Libronix Digital Library System/Logos Bible Software Series X. Each of these transitions was intended to make it clear that we'd rewritten, not just updated.
We considered this for Logos 4 -- everything from a completely new name to a new platform name. But we didn't have the energy to re-educate the market, and didn't want to give up the brand equity in Logos Bible Software, which is what people end up calling it no matter what. (Or Libronix, which added to the confusion.)
I totally understand and appreciate your software principles. It's what Microsoft followed for years, and it's why my 1986 DOS programs run today. Very cool. None of my Apple IIe code runs anywhere except in emulators.
On the other hand, Microsoft takes a pretty thorough beating for lack of innovation and bloat, and there's an ENORMOUS cost in testing and maintaining that backwards compatibility. (It must be awful to be on that testing team. Or worse, to be assigned to fix one of the bugs the team finds!)
Logos 4 is to Logos 3 what the Mac was to the Apple IIe.
(Actually, we're a little nicer. Logos 4 reads your old books. The Apple IIe software -- 10,000+ packages at the time, as I recall -- was all useless.)
As an Apple IIe user who got an original Mac, I can tell you it was in some ways a step back. (One disk drive!) But in other ways? It was the coolest thing on earth.
It's funny to me to read all the outside guesses about how we make decisions at Logos. (I'm not criticizing; I'm just amused.) Some are dead on (we do like to earn some revenue after years of R&D!) and others way off base. I particularly like the idea that "development" sold "management" a bill of goods on the re-write. Since I'm a lead instigator of the re-write (with the help of a brilliant team!), the development manager, and the guy who decided it was time to ship it. :-)
Ken Avery said:I do believe Logos 4 is salvageable and should be considered "beta" at best, the product still needs a lot of work to meet the goals specified above.
I'm glad you think it's salvageable. :-) But I don't share your goals.
My goal isn't to maintain a particular set of features, data formats, and user interface for decades. My goal is to more people do more and better Bible study.
I believe that Logos 3 had reached the limits of its design. We had found the people who would invest in learning its UI in order to do what it could do. But it wasn't accessible and easy enough for the next group of people.
For good business reasons, among many others, we're describing Logos 4 as an upgrade, and working to ensure that your notes, highlights, resource purchases, etc. transition into the future. We do value and appreciate our existing users. But our mission is to reach even more people, and that's what drives us to innovate and experiment. Because after 8 years of the Libronix DLS engine, even with tremendous growth, it was clear it wasn't going to get double or triple as many people engaged in Bible study. Maybe a nice 10% growth each year. And we want more.
I'm a bit nervous being so direct -- please don't read this as our not caring about our existing users! We do, and we want your feedback, and to build a product you're happy to keep using and upgrading. But I hope you can appreciate and share our goal of engaging even more users. And if we're going to get 2x, 3x, 4x more people doing better Bible study, that's going to take some bold new ideas. Just tweaking the old thing gets you just tweaked results.
I feel like I said some of this before... "Throwing it all away and starting over is incredibly rare in the software world. It is considered a dangerous business decision." It's like I anticipated this forum thread! :-)
-- Bob
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Thanks for that Mike. And for the other thoughtful posts in this thread on all sides. I especially appreciate hearing from 'experts' even when they disagree. I don't consider myself one, at least not about software, or the marketplace, but I'm genuinely interested in the discussion and have refrained from commenting until now. [I'll also admit that there were a few posts I didn't like very much at all. But I'll say no more about that.]
I can say that as a long time user of Logos software, I am very encouraged by the steps Logos is taking in Logos4. It tells me that Logos is leading the pack here in Bible research software development, breaking new ground as they go. Logos4 is already addressing much of the frustration with Libronix, and in my view, it is doing so marvelously. I'll grant a couple of things have to come up to speed yet, but it is already a much better product incomplete than Libronix is now -- at least for me. And while there was a re-learning curve for me, I actually find the transition from Logos3 to Logos4 easier than the one from Logos2 to Logos3.
Another bit of encouragement is Logos' deal with Zondervan. Not only did Zondervan realize it couldn't compete with Logos, it made a deal with them, recognizing them as the industry leader. This bodes well for the future of Logos, and will, I hope, start a trend among other Christian publishers (Eerdmans, please!).
That being said, the difficulties many are facing are quite real, and not at all limited to people being set in their ways. There are some genuine issues with Logos4 on some systems on which it runs very, very slowly. This is mystifying, and can't be attributed to inadequate system spec's. I wish there were a place where users with both a good and bad experience with Logos speed issues could upload a standard, in depth, system spec data sheet. Such issues as background tasks, services, and driver conflicts with WPF, or even chipset incompatibility could be explored and the speed problem at least narrowed down a bit, or at least certain theories excluded. Since WPF operates so close to the hardware (bypassing and creating
it's own virtual OS - if I understand it right), and since it's so new,
incompatibility issues, that show up as degraded usability, can't be
completely unexpected.There seems to be some hints that Logos is aware of these issues and is working on them, but it's hard to see anything definite in these forums. It would go a long way for a lot of people (me included) to hear Logos say something as vague as "We know there's a problem with poor performance for some who's systems that meet or exceed our minimum and even our recommended system spec's. We are still trying to determine what the cause of this is. We're working on the problem, but don't have a working solution yet."
I have read that the current beta (2) and the next (3) are addressing some performance issues. I am on the beta2 for 4.0a and find it stable, with some cool and helpful new features. But I can't speak to performance issues, since I didn't have a problem before.
To those weighing in on this thread, I'm quite certain it would be more productive to speak specifically about what you find frustrating, and ask if there's a better way, or an easier way. If you don't like a solution, make a suggestion. If there are speed issues, offer to help decipher the issues. Expressing frustration, angst, etc,. has it's place, but finding solutions to the problems and addressing the issues in a constructive atmosphere goes farther in making Logos4 as good as it can be.
EDIT: I wrote this before I saw Bob's post. Thanks Bob. Your perspective is so valueable and encouraging for those of us who have thousands of dollars already invested in Logos. I agree with you: go after more people! The bigger Logos becomes, the more stable my investment becomes as well. And Logos4 is a definite winner in my book. Thanks for taking the risk.
Help links: WIKI; Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)
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Ken Avery said:
Not sure what world you guys live in; the world I live in, you do not take features away when you re-write your SW. If I understand the development process being used to develop Logos 4, the replacement for Logos 3, the features are being introduced gradually.
Er ...a... I'm not a guy but I live on the planet third from some sun/star - never knew it's formal name - in a non-descript region of a non-descript galaxy. Here, when we write replacement software, we sometimes engage in an activity known as process re-engineering. In this process one looks at what each process is intended to achieve. Then you look for ways to achieve it that may take fewer steps, decrease error rate, decrease training requirements etc. As a general practice, one does not allow for all logically possible cases ... and ocassionally, cases that users said they didn't use/need are in fact necessary so you add them back in. I'm very glad to know that it is done differently in your world. I think this means that Logos has truly gone beyond international!
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Thank you Bob for this reply and the directness. I have been a user and customer for many years now, and will probably continue to be, though I admit working with Logos 4 has caused me to look around at competitors for the first time. I am not a power-user of 3 or 4, but I do a lot of Bible study for myself and on behalf of others. Very important to me within the 3 program were verse-lists, notes you could paste web page info into, the ability to create documents within the program like notes and so on, add in information from elsewhere or my own and then print them, the ability to cut and paste into and out of the program windows, all of them, so easily, and what I found to be an easy "UI".
Trying to get my head round 4 as some kind of "upgrade" has been difficult. Indeed, for my own purposes if 3 were released as an upgrade to 4, Id accept it more easily
The UI of 4 is ok. I use enough programs to not worry about changes that way too much, and I think 4 is "clean" and the print looks nice on screen. The graphs for the various analysis is prettier too. If the searching capability is better it is better in a way I don't see - never look under the bonnet/hood, don't care what the engines doing as long as it is doing it.
So I like 4, in lots of ways its nicer to look at. But today, when im doing my work, I'll have to use 3. Maybe in a 6 months I shall be able to use 4 for my work? Or maybe I won't. I don't really know, but it is helpful to read your thoughts and especially your purpose behind 4. I wish I had read more posts and wikis and details about this earlier, but, cest la vie. This brings me to my point at last though. I have been trying to work out what has bothered me so much about the 3 to 4 move. People have said its a beta, and its not an upgrade, it should be renamed, but none of this is quite it. I think it is rooted in the fact that the relationship with Logos has been extraordinarily good in the past. That is why criticism is citiqued on here too I think. I quite quickly clicked upgrade and did not do due diligence because, well, its Logos. I trust Logos. We have the same aims; its the Bible!
So it was thought time for "Throwing it all away and starting over.." - that's fine. Good thing. There is a time for everything. But I had gotten used to the abilites 3 gave me and finding them gone in 4 and not knowing if 4 will be able even in the future to do what I have been able to do means a kind of uncertain future for me with Logos. I love your purpose
"My goal isn't to maintain a particular set of features, data formats, and user interface for decades. My goal is to more people do more and better Bible study."
I hope its realised many times over. It's just this; Logos 4's future might not be for me, and I guess I don't know yet wether to invest more notes and work and book buying into Logos or not.
Thanks again for the clarity of your post on this.
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Edward hyndman said:
Very important to me within the 3 program were verse-lists,
The thing I miss the most...its coming though.
Edward hyndman said:notes you could paste web page info into
If you mean adding a Web address to text in notes you can do that. Highlight the text you want to hyperlink, and type the address into the "hyperlink" box. You have to use the full address so include http://www when you create the link.
Edward hyndman said:the ability to create documents within the program like notes and so on
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this.
Edward hyndman said:add in information from elsewhere or my own and then print them
A lot of people miss the printing.
Edward hyndman said:the ability to cut and paste into and out of the program windows
I'm taking it you mean search windows and Passage Guide type of stuff. I don't know about the guides, but I'm pretty sure Bob has said we will be able to that from the search windows with an upcoming feature he's calling "search analysis"
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Your involvement here speaks volumes about Logos! While I have my own frustrations with Logos4 I do appreciate the vision. That said, it's inevitable some will not feel led to follow the path you're blazing. My only critique is that the roll-out of Logos4 was (and is) billed as an "upgrade" which carries quite a bit of baggage in terms of expectations. Happily there are many out there who enjoy exploring new software and who like engaging in beta testing. However, some of us don't; we simply want to install and go ... regardless of how unreasonable that may seem. I understand there are development and implementation challenges I can't hope to understand but the fact remains that Logos4 feels rough and unfinished -- and I'm not running a 6-year old computer
. To some degree I feel like an unwilling participant in a beta test! The fact that Logos is willing to offer a full refund to unsatisfied customers is an honorable policy but it's also simplistic to suggest folks simply return the product and walk away. It's sort of like waiting in line for an extended time; once you've invested this much time you may as well see it through! Now I also have to admit I didn't take on the responsibility of fully researching the Logos4 "upgrade" before purchasing ... I simply trusted that meeting the minimum performance specifications ensured smooth sailing ... more time on the forums might well have resulted in a more informed decision to wait a few months to upgrade. I'll stick around because I do appreciate the vision and I'm deeply thankful there's a company out there with such a great customer focus.
I hope I haven't sounded too negative; I know the folks at Logos have a genuine heart for making God's word more accessible and I'm sure Logos4 will continue to meet that need.
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GreggShelton said:
Your involvement here speaks volumes about Logos! While I have my own frustrations with Logos4 I do appreciate the vision. That said, it's inevitable some will not feel led to follow the path you're blazing. My only critique is that the roll-out of Logos4 was (and is) billed as an "upgrade" which carries quite a bit of baggage in terms of expectations. Happily there are many out there who enjoy exploring new software and who like engaging in beta testing. However, some of us don't; we simply want to install and go ... regardless of how unreasonable that may seem. I understand there are development and implementation challenges I can't hope to understand but the fact remains that Logos4 feels rough and unfinished -- and I'm not running a 6-year old computer
. To some degree I feel like an unwilling participant in a beta test! The fact that Logos is willing to offer a full refund to unsatisfied customers is an honorable policy but it's also simplistic to suggest folks simply return the product and walk away. It's sort of like waiting in line for an extended time; once you've invested this much time you may as well see it through! Now I also have to admit I didn't take on the responsibility of fully researching the Logos4 "upgrade" before purchasing ... I simply trusted that meeting the minimum performance specifications ensured smooth sailing ... more time on the forums might well have resulted in a more informed decision to wait a few months to upgrade. I'll stick around because I do appreciate the vision and I'm deeply thankful there's a company out there with such a great customer focus.
I hope I haven't sounded too negative; I know the folks at Logos have a genuine heart for making God's word more accessible and I'm sure Logos4 will continue to meet that need.
You sound as though L4 is your first exposure to Logos. Is that the case? If so, I might suggest that you download L3 and also download the resources you have licensed from Attempt to syncronize your licenses which may give you access through L3 to the L3 resources. If that doesn't work, perhaps Logos would be willing to give you a license to them in L3 as well as L4. I have both L3 and L4 and was a beta tester in the all too brief beta program. I also tend to feel that the beta was much to brief and the program is still not ready for prime time though it has many great features. I'm sure that improvements will continue to be made so that in the not too distant future I will be able to use it in my regular studies. At the moment there are basically two factors which prevent this for me:
(1) Deficiencies in notes
(2) A nearly unusable morphology search (I wish they would bring back the old check-box method which seemed to be more reliable and less difficult)Hang in there. I have confidence in the people at Logos so I'm sure they will get it right. In the meantime, look into the possibility of using L3. The two programs can be used simultaneously (I ususally do this) until L4 is up to speed.
gfsomselיְמֵי־שְׁנוֹתֵינוּ בָהֶם שִׁבְעִים שָׁנָה וְאִם בִּגְבוּרֹת שְׁמוֹנִים שָׁנָה וְרָהְבָּם עָמָל וָאָוֶן
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Mike S,
I read your post and have no idea what it has to do with keylinking and how we get the equivilent advanced feature in Logos 4?
It is not obvious that you read what I wrote because you argue that people did not want a new UI and I argued that the UI is what changes the most, it sounds like we agree; though, you say we disagree.
It is kind of like writing a new operating system and replacing the OS scheduler for Simultaneous Multithreaded Processors with the Windows 95 time slicing scheduler - it is a huge step backwards.
Sorry, I do not understand what you are disagreeing about?
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Bob Pritchett said:Ken Avery said:
I do believe Logos 4 is salvageable and should be considered "beta" at best, the product still needs a lot of work to meet the goals specified above.
I'm glad you think it's salvageable. :-) But I don't share your goals.
Thank you for the response, I agree with most of what you say; though, my concern has not been addressed - keylinking.
This is my issue and why I say it is salvageable, I believe you can fix this; I believe it can be replaced with something equivalent or better, we don't like the priority solution.
I hope this is direct enough.
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George Somsel said:
You sound as though L4 is your first exposure to Logos. Is that the case? If so, I might suggest that you download L3 and also download the resources you have licensed from Attempt to syncronize your licenses which may give you access through L3 to the L3 resources. If that doesn't work, perhaps Logos would be willing to give you a license to them in L3 as well as L4. I have both L3 and L4 and was a beta tester in the all too brief beta program. I also tend to feel that the beta was much to brief and the program is still not ready for prime time though it has many great features. I'm sure that improvements will continue to be made so that in the not too distant future I will be able to use it in my regular studies. At the moment there are basically two factors which prevent this for me:
(1) Deficiencies in notes
(2) A nearly unusable morphology search (I wish they would bring back the old check-box method which seemed to be more reliable and less difficult)Hang in there. I have confidence in the people at Logos so I'm sure they will get it right. In the meantime, look into the possibility of using L3. The two programs can be used simultaneously (I ususally do this) until L4 is up to speed.
Thanks for the kind suggestions. In fact, I'm not a new Logos user and still have Logos 3 installed although I've been trying to use Logos 4 exclusively in order to overcome the learning curve! My frustration is that as a seminary student I simply don't have time to fuss with the software. I invested in Logos preciesly because time was at a premium in my life and I was looking for a way to streamline reasearch; Logos 3 has been a lifesaver! Logos 4 has grown on me and I can see its promise but it isn't there yet as a research tool. I'm genuinely thankful others are able to run the software without sluggishness or hang-ups but that certianly hasn't been my experience on either my Duo-core laptop (4 GB memory) or my quad-core desktop! I know there are many who can accept Logos 4's delays but when I'm trying to juggle two or three papers, a lesson outline, a honey-do list and the reality Christmas is right around the corner I tend to be a bit impatient with sluggish performance!
That said, I do have confidence in the folks at Logos and hope springs eternal ... besides a couple of hours unpacking Christmas decorations should help temper any instant-gratification-related frustrations!
Thanks again for the suggestions!
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You mean I'm NOT going to get that automatic sermon writing module? Nuts.Sean Boisen said:and we certainly can't provide every feature that every user desires
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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As a programmer, I can understand Ken's point of view. Software, really shouldn't be released until the features are pretty much in place. A list of fixes and completions over the next year doesn't really meet that standard. And while Microsoft certainly has changed the look and feel of it's products, features and functionality were not lost. As someone pointed out already, calling this Logos 4 implies that it is the successor to Logos 3. Now, some of you are calling it Libronix 3 to try to make a distinction. But Libronix is Logos and Logos 4 still uses the Libronix engine, so that is really just a play on words that means nothing. When I made the puchase, the button said Upgrade Now. An upgrade implies something better.
I'm trying to be fair because as a long time Logos user, I want them to succeed. I still think there has never been a better piece of Bible Study Software written that can compare to L3. It's great. Maybe someday, L4 will be great too. But that day is not today. It's still half baked. It wasn't ready to come out of the oven and it should have been left in there until it was done. Then they could have put the icing on it.
Personally, I think it would have been easier to accomplish their goals by updating the L3 user interface. L4 isn't that much different other than cosmetically. In other words Sadie's got a new dress on. But the functionality and features were already present in L3. It wouldn't have been that difficult to change the look and add the features without starting over. Those who argue that they don't want 20 year old technology need to understand that you are still using the same engine (Libronix). Yet you would sacrifice functionality for something new. Not logical to me.
But again, I want Logos to succeed and I believe in them. This is the first major mistake I've seen them make and I won't jump ship over that. Also, the people on this forum are a help overall and I'm thankful for that. Let cooler heads prevail and let's reason together about this.
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BW6 Came with a full printed manual. BW7 & 8 came with the same quality of completely feature complete manual in Electronic form.Damian McGrath said:Ray, BW7 didn't come with a manual - does BW8?
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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If our goals are not the same could you at least provide smooth transitions; if you are going to change the internal operation and remove advanced features that people invest time learning and become dependent on could you make it less painful and at least give us equivalent or better replacement functionality?Bob Pritchett said:
I'm glad you think it's salvageable. :-) But I don't share your goals.Ken Avery said:
Having worked on SW for years developing SW for very large customers, here are a couple things I have learned:
1. The ideal replacement SW does everything the original SW does.
2. The settings for the original product are migrated to the new product.
3. If the presentation changes the new product must have equivalency.
Even before starting the re-write these goals should be first on the radar.
My goal isn't to maintain a particular set of features, data formats, and user interface for decades. My goal is to more people do more and better Bible study.
Basically, as a customer, I feel as though I am chasing a moving target hoping it will provide the same or better advanced functionality; I can get all the basic functionality from e-sword or the Word. (Disclosure - I use these products also for the content that is not provided by Logos)
I probably approach SW development different than you do; I developed my own SW methodology in the 80's and that is why I can crank out new products at the rate that I do. My background is working on embedded systems, writing Operating Systems, making new boards and bringing up the new BIOS, I wrote the virtual device code for Compaq's Insight Remote Management processor, custom web browsers, device drives ... etc. I have worked on various Operating Systems, Windows NT, ATT Unix, Linux ... etc.
So you are right when you say we start with different goals; I stand by the goals I stated and believe that a re-write should keep these goals in front of them; I understand how decisions are made and trade offs are inevitable.0 -
Thomas Black said:
You mean I'm NOT going to get that automatic sermon writing module? Nuts.
Sorry, you'll have to keep buying them from until this feature is implimented.... [:D]
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Bob Pritchett said:
I'm a bit nervous being so direct -- please don't read this as our not caring about our existing users! We do, and we want your feedback, and to build a product you're happy to keep using and upgrading. But I hope you can appreciate and share our goal of engaging even more users.
As one of those longer term users I've never felt that you didn't care about me. I have a bit of a head start on many others because I was on the Beta team, but I would like to communicate for everyone "listening" that my experience then matches my experience now - consistently being heard, sometimes agreed with, other times not so much. I know you're listening.
I'm frustrated when my pet desires aren't met, but I appreciate you're (and other Logos employees) interjections in the forums which explain the current model and why my model won't work. But that still doesn't keep me from mentioning pet peeves like everything about handouts. [;)]
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Ken Avery said:
Thank you for the response, I agree with most of what you say; though, my concern has not been addressed - keylinking.
This is my issue and why I say it is salvageable, I believe you can fix this; I believe it can be replaced with something equivalent or better, we don't like the priority solution.
I hope this is direct enough.
As it happens, I agree with you that prioritising is not adequate. However, for many of us keylinking was no better - it was too time consuming to set up, and too painful to re-set up when you got new resources. For that reason I developed a technique that by-passed keylinking with judicious use of workspaces, parallel resource associations and reference targets.
I'm therefore not at all keen to see a retun to keylinking. Many other users share the same view. I believe that what we need is something different, but better, that combines the strengths of keylinking, parallel resource associations and prioritising. I think that one answer would be to allow different priority lists for different types of data, with a master list to fall back on and for those who don't want/need to create multiple lists.
But if you really want to affect change, the best way (as Sean tried to point out earlier) is to be constructive. Logos are not writing software for you (there were seven personal pronouns in those three sentences of yours above). They're writing software for all of us. So please consider making suggestions that consider how others use the software, and even how others would like to use the software but currently feel unable to do so. How could something equivalent to keylinking integrate with an easy-to-use system for non-power users?
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Mark Barnes said:Ken Avery said:
Thank you for the response, I agree with most of what you say; though, my concern has not been addressed - keylinking.
This is my issue and why I say it is salvageable, I believe you can fix this; I believe it can be replaced with something equivalent or better, we don't like the priority solution.
I hope this is direct enough.
I'm therefore not at all keen to see a retun to keylinking. Many other users share the same view. I believe that what we need is something different, but better, that combines the strengths of keylinking, parallel resource associations and prioritising. I think that one answer would be to allow different priority lists for different types of data, with a master list to fall back on and for those who don't want/need to create multiple lists.
But if you really want to affect change, the best way (as Sean tried to point out earlier) is to be constructive. Logos are not writing software for you (there were seven personal pronouns in those three sentences of yours above). They're writing software for all of us. So please consider making suggestions that consider how others use the software, and even how others would like to use the software but currently feel unable to do so. How could something equivalent to keylinking integrate with an easy-to-use system for non-power users?
Well said, this is why I keep asking for equivelent or better (hoping for better); as far as using to many personal pronouns, I did not want to speak for everyone, these are my opinions and I am not sure everyone agrees.
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Mark Barnes said:
I think that one answer would be to allow different priority lists for different types of data, with a master list to fall back on and for those who don't want/need to create multiple lists.
That is a good suggestion, but it would not replace all the options that were present with PRAs. With those users could arrange commentaries in groups according to style (Critical, Exegetical, Expositional, Devotional, or whatever). This could be done with other resource types as well.
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Thomas Black said:
You mean I'm NOT going to get that automatic sermon writing module? Nuts.Sean Boisen said:and we certainly can't provide every feature that every user desires
Pecans, cashews, almonds, walnus or just peanuts?
gfsomselיְמֵי־שְׁנוֹתֵינוּ בָהֶם שִׁבְעִים שָׁנָה וְאִם בִּגְבוּרֹת שְׁמוֹנִים שָׁנָה וְרָהְבָּם עָמָל וָאָוֶן
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DouglasEStephens said:
Personally, I think it would have been easier to accomplish their goals by updating the L3 user interface. L4 isn't that much different other than cosmetically. In other words Sadie's got a new dress on. But the functionality and features were already present in L3. It wouldn't have been that difficult to change the look and add the features without starting over. Those who argue that they don't want 20 year old technology need to understand that you are still using the same engine (Libronix). Yet you would sacrifice functionality for something new. Not logical to me.
To say that L4 is the same engine as L3 is about like saying that the jet was no different from a prop plane. Both may get you from one location to another by passing through the air, but "what's under the hood" is totally different.
gfsomselיְמֵי־שְׁנוֹתֵינוּ בָהֶם שִׁבְעִים שָׁנָה וְאִם בִּגְבוּרֹת שְׁמוֹנִים שָׁנָה וְרָהְבָּם עָמָל וָאָוֶן
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Ken Avery said:
Time for SW school again
I'm not sure that taking the mantle of some sort of SW guru is helpful to the discussion. I've been working in SW development for 20+ years and I've seen lots of development methodologies. Some work and some don't or some work in certain situations with certain teams but not in others. Your approach, though not bad, is a more old school. I think Logos is taking more of an Agile development strategy. I believe they are doing it right. They have done a good job moving to a totally new platform and I look forward to seeing what features they add to a really good core product.
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Thomas Black said:Bob Pritchett said:
I'm a bit nervous being so direct -- please don't read this as our not caring about our existing users! We do, and we want your feedback, and to build a product you're happy to keep using and upgrading. But I hope you can appreciate and share our goal of engaging even more users.
As one of those longer term users I've never felt that you didn't care about me. I have a bit of a head start on many others because I was on the Beta team, but I would like to communicate for everyone "listening" that my experience then matches my experience now - consistently being heard, sometimes agreed with, other times not so much. I know you're listening.
I'm frustrated when my pet desires aren't met, but I appreciate you're (and other Logos employees) interjections in the forums which explain the current model and why my model won't work. But that still doesn't keep me from mentioning pet peeves like everything about handouts.
Well said, Logos has the best technical support and it is very obvious that you are listening and care about all of us [:D]
If I am being critical it is because I care about the product and I know Logos also cares about the product; If I did not feel so strongly about the product I would not be so critical.
That said, I agree that more customers is better; I am not asking that anyone at Logos drop what they are doing and address how we can get a better keylinking replacement, I am only asking for a commitment and time frame (assuming we get something better).
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Well stated Ken. I think this is a recurring theme behind much (but not all) of the criticism on these boards. As users we tend to be passionate about this software - that tends to produce a few sparks.Ken Avery said:If I am being critical it is because I care about the product and I know Logos also cares about the product; If I did not feel so strongly about the product I would not be so critical.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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James Macleod said:Ken Avery said:
Time for SW school again
I'm not sure that taking the mantle of some sort of SW guru is helpful to the discussion. I've been working in SW development for 20+ years and I've seen lots of development methodologies. Some work and some don't or some work in certain situations with certain teams but not in others. Your approach, though not bad, is a more old school. I think Logos is taking more of an Agile development strategy. I believe they are doing it right. They have done a good job moving to a totally new platform and I look forward to seeing what features they add to a really good core product.
Normally I would not answer a post like this because it is all about opinions and we all have opinions; though, I would like to make something clear, my methodology has been used to make Operating Systems, Databases and Database Applications, Device Drivers, network routers ... the list of successes is very long, the list of failures is exactly zero.
I have said more about development than I normally divulge; for those who disagree with me, you are disagreeing with 30+ years of 100% success. The reason I usually do not discuss SW development is because I prefer to keep what and how I do what I do to myself in order to maintain a competitive advantage.
So if I appear to be a little cock, it is because 30+ years of 100% success tends to give one confidence!
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Oh boy, here comes another round . . .
Is there a setting for ignoring a thread?
I'm too OCD to not click on the new blues in my list and feel trapped!
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The lack of PRA's SRA's and Keylinking is a serious weakness. It is simply wrong to say that these features in L3 were so difficult to set up as to render them obsolete. I began using LOGOS in January, within a few weeks I had set up many of my SRA, PRA and keylinking options (my background is in finance not computers). These features make having a large digital library very useful. I doubt that I will increase my library any further if these tools, or similar functions are not restored.
Bob I appreciate your desire to greatly expand the user base of LOGOS. I think that this would be good for everyone. Being a partner in a firm with 200+ employees, I get it. But if my IT group upgraded my business software with software that was missing key features, I don’t care what their vision was, I would have strong words with them to say the least. Additionally, in 25 years of business, every business software upgrade that I have made provided increased productivity, and more powerful features.
Ken's points are valid, (even though he is a bit blunt in his delivery). People who have legitimate complaints should not be brushed off and told to return their product.
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Russ Quinn said:
Oh boy, here comes another round . . .
Is there a setting for ignoring a thread?
I'm too OCD to not click on the new blues in my list and feel trapped!
This is the village and you're Patrick McGoohan. Welcome to the village number 6. Does anyone think that this thread is going anywhere?
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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Ken Avery said:
Basically, as a customer, I feel as though I am chasing a moving target hoping it will provide the same or better advanced functionality; I can get all the basic functionality from e-sword or the Word. (Disclosure - I use these products also for the content that is not provided by Logos)
I probably approach SW development different than you do; I developed my own SW methodology in the 80's and that is why I can crank out new products at the rate that I do. My background is working on embedded systems, writing Operating Systems, making new boards and bringing up the new BIOS, I wrote the virtual device code for Compaq's Insight Remote Management processor, custom web browsers, device drives ... etc. I have worked on various Operating Systems, Windows NT, ATT Unix, Linux ... etc.Bob,
Put him on the payroll. I'd love to see a genuine upgrade from L3 in the same (read here non-WPF) format.
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Ken Avery said:James Macleod said:Ken Avery said:
Time for SW school again
I'm not sure that taking the mantle of some sort of SW guru is helpful to the discussion. I've been working in SW development for 20+ years and I've seen lots of development methodologies. Some work and some don't or some work in certain situations with certain teams but not in others. Your approach, though not bad, is a more old school. I think Logos is taking more of an Agile development strategy. I believe they are doing it right. They have done a good job moving to a totally new platform and I look forward to seeing what features they add to a really good core product.
Normally I would not answer a post like this because it is all about opinions and we all have opinions; though, I would like to make something clear, my methodology has been used to make Operating Systems, Databases and Database Applications, Device Drivers, network routers ... the list of successes is very long, the list of failures is exactly zero.
I have said more about development than I normally divulge; for those who disagree with me, you are disagreeing with 30+ years of 100% success. The reason I usually do not discuss SW development is because I prefer to keep what and how I do what I do to myself in order to maintain a competitive advantage.
So if I appear to be a little ***, it is because 30+ years of 100% success tends to give one confidence!
So I guess we agree since that was my point. [:D] There are lots of different approaches and opinions.
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I have said more about development than I normally divulge; for those who disagree with me, you are disagreeing with 30+ years of 100% success. The reason I usually do not discuss SW development is because I prefer to keep what and how I do what I do to myself in order to maintain a competitive advantage.
So if I appear to be a little ***, it is because 30+ years of 100% success tends to give one confidence!
Ha ha ha. . .so how would we go about validating your grandiose claims so we can give you the recognition you so obviously need?
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Adam Crafton said:
Ha ha ha. . .so how would we go about validating your grandiose claims so we can give you the recognition you so obviously need?
Ken, please don't take the bait.
Various iterations of this meta-discussion have surfaced way too many times in this thread already.
Help links: WIKI; Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)
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Richard DeRuiter said:Adam Crafton said:
Ha ha ha. . .so how would we go about validating your grandiose claims so we can give you the recognition you so obviously need?
Ken, please don't take the bait.
Various iterations of this meta-discussion have surfaced way too many times in this thread already.
True, I am just as guilty and probably owe one or two persons an apology.
As far as recognition goes; my boss already took care of it [;)]
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Bob Pritchett said:
[The fun stuff always blows up on the forums when I'm on the road. :-)
etc . . .
If you've tripped over a couple of my posts elsewhere, you'll know I've been a bit grumpy about Logos 4. And yes, as a guy who's also spent decades (sigh, sad but true) in I/T, I do see merit in some of the things that Ken has pointed out here.
But having said that, I continue to be amazed and delighted that you take the time to read this stuff, and respond. The fact that you pay attention to your customers (especially the vocal minority who take the time to read and post on forums), and genuinely seem to care not only about Logos Corp's success, but also about getting the Word out, and making It accessible, really makes me grateful you're the one steering.
God bless,
Jim D.
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ha ha... I am with you here. I never had the $$$ to o to the special training for MP. And while I can program in a couple languages, I always found KL confusing at best and never wasted my time with it. I hope the future of Logos is far superior to L3 Keylinking.Robert Pavich said:Does anyone remember their first reaction to the "time-consuming-amazing-that-it-had-to-be-done" ordeal that was known as keylinking?