One desktop not syncing

I have a laptop and desktop, side by side today, the desktop syncs fine, the laptop has had the yellow triangle all day. I have stopped and restarted Logos several times; it has successfully logged me in, downloaded new resource, yet no sync. I have attached its log files, does anyone have an idea? Thanks!
We're investigating this issue. It should only be affecting the sync of Library Catalog information (e.g., tags, ratings, custom titles, etc.). All other information should be syncing correctly.
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I think you are correct Bradley! I did see earlier today that some tagging of stars I added did not go across to the other computer. Thanks for looking into this.
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As an update, as of this morning, I still am not getting any Sync on my laptop - yellow triangle persists. I got some resource updates overnight as well, so it seems to confirm what Bradley suggested that it's only some things (like ratings, etc.)
Let me know if I need to post any additional logs or provide any other information, thanks.
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Bradley Grainger (Logos) said:
We're investigating this issue. It should only be affecting the sync of Library Catalog information (e.g., tags, ratings, custom titles, etc.). All other information should be syncing correctly.
Hi Bradley,
Do you have an update on this issue? I have about 42 tags I added in that did not sync before noticing this problem, which I intended to use. I am wondering if the update may be out "soon", or do I need to go to an alternate plan? (a) Type them in redundantly (prefer not to of course!) (b) Is there a way to overcome that it only happens on one installation (c) Is there a way to export/import the updates to the other computer?
Thanks - trying not to be impatient but as usual Murphy's Law strikes at an inappropriate time...
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Don Awalt said:
Do you have an update on this issue?
No, sorry, I don't. The most likely answer is that it will be fixed in 5.1, although it's possible that we could ship 5.0b SR-4 to address the problem.
The "nuclear" option would be to delete Logos5\Documents\(random)\LibraryCatalog\LibraryCatalogSync.db on the computer that is not syncing. This will permanently lose all unsynced data on that computer. However, sync for library catalog information (ratings, tags, titles, etc.) should start working again when the file is recreated.
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Thanks Bradley, that gave me the courage to go the nuclear option. Luckily I sat my laptop by my desktop and I could look at all my changes carefully. Wow! I have a fast laptop and it took three hours to rebuild the Library Catalog! But all appears to be syncing correctly now, YAY!
One question - is there a risk the problem could resurface again, is there something to avoid doing? I don't know if the effort on your part was (a) stop the problem from occurring, (b) fixing the data to allow the syncing to work again, or both - and maybe a is easy to fix and b is not?
Thanks for your help!
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Don Awalt said:
One question - is there a risk the problem could resurface again, is there something to avoid doing? I don't know if the effort on your part was (a) stop the problem from occurring, (b) fixing the data to allow the syncing to work again, or both - and maybe a is easy to fix and b is not?
I don't yet know what causes the problem, but it's likely that there's a bug somewhere that could cause this to happen again (until it's fixed). We will be working to identify the cause and fix the bug.
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Thanks - mine has been fine again since last Saturday...
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I had to use the 'nuclear' option today and it finally fixed my syncing. Not sure how much data I lost, but at least it is working again.
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Bradley Grainger (Logos) said:
I don't yet know what causes the problem, but it's likely that there's a bug somewhere that could cause this to happen again (until it's fixed). We will be working to identify the cause and fix the bug.
I have an update on this case. Thanks for your patience while we tracked this down.
This sync error is most commonly triggered by rating/tagging Personal Books (and most Galaxie resources, e.g., journals). We have deployed an update to the sync server that may resolve the sync error for some users. However, the final fix will require a new 4.6b/5.0b Service Release with some updated code. We are currently developing and testing this, and will announce on the forums when it is available.
The only workaround is to avoid rating/tagging personal books until the SR is released.
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Bradley Grainger (Logos) said:Bradley Grainger (Logos) said:
I don't yet know what causes the problem, but it's likely that there's a bug somewhere that could cause this to happen again (until it's fixed). We will be working to identify the cause and fix the bug.
I have an update on this case. Thanks for your patience while we tracked this down.
This sync error is most commonly triggered by rating/tagging Personal Books (and some Galaxie journals). We have deployed an update to the sync server that may resolve the sync error for some users. However, the final fix will require a new 4.6b/5.0b Service Release with some updated code. We are currently developing and testing this, and will announce on the forums when it is available.
The only workaround is to avoid rating/tagging personal books until the SR is released.
Thanks for the update and working to fix this. Can you please clarify if you think that tagging regular Logos and Vyrso books is okay i.e. not tagging personal books and Galaxie journals?
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Bradley Grainger (Logos) said:
I have an update on this case. Thanks for your patience while we tracked this down.
This sync error is most commonly triggered by rating/tagging Personal Books (and some Galaxie journals). We have deployed an update to the sync server that may resolve the sync error for some users. However, the final fix will require a new 4.6b/5.0b Service Release with some updated code. We are currently developing and testing this, and will announce on the forums when it is available.
The only workaround is to avoid rating/tagging personal books until the SR is released.
Thanks Bradley. As an FYI, I am almost 100% certain I did not tag or rate a Personal Book or Galaxie Journal when I experienced the problem. I was tagging and rating recent PrePubs that came out that week.
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Bruce Dunning said:
Can you please clarify if you think that tagging regular Logos and Vyrso books is okay i.e. not tagging personal books and Galaxie journals?
To the best of my knowledge, it should not trigger the sync error when you rate/tag Logos/Vyrso books.
And an update to my first post: the problem actually affects most--if not all--Galaxie-produced resources, not just the journals.
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I'm having the problem and I do have personal books tagged and rated. Should I untag them or just wait for the fix?
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Pam Larson said:
Should I untag them or just wait for the fix?
Once you've tagged a resource, it's marked as "modified" (which is causing this problem). Untagging the resource removes your tag, but still keeps the "modified" flag (and so you still have the problem). Untagging the resource won't fix the problem, so the best thing to do is to just wait for the fix.
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I have deployed a server-side fix for this issue. If you haven't been encountering sync errors, syncing tags and ratings for personal books or any other resource should behave normally now.
However, if you have received the yellow triangle, a client update will be required to repair the state of the client's database.
Advanced users: If you don't mind losing unsynced tags and ratings, you can delete your LibraryCatalogSync database in the Documents folder and the app will recover the database contents from the server. If you want to see what tags and ratings have synced for resources available on Biblia, visit -
Bradley Grainger (Logos) said:
However, the final fix will require a new 4.6b/5.0b Service Release with some updated code.
The Service Release is now available for Logos 4.6b and 5.0b
Logos 5.0b SR-4:
Logos 4.6b SR-4:
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I have downloaded the latest update and I still have the yellow triangle saying there's a sync error.
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Thanks Bradley! Sounds like an interesting problem to chase down...
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Could you post your logs?Gary Pajkos said:I have downloaded the latest update and I still have the yellow triangle saying there's a sync error. -
Still getting the yellow triangle after downloading the update and restarting my computer.
HP Pavilion dv7 Notebook PC 64-bit Intel® Core i7-2670QM 2.20 GHz Windows 7 Home Premium
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This problem has changed, and now appears to be a server-side error; I've alerted the sync server team.
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Yellow triangle is gone this morning. Thanks guys!
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My yellow triangle is gone as well. I had no tags on any galaxie resources, but I did have them in a couple of different collections.
I suspect though that my problem was with the server side issues.
Thanks for the updates, and for fixing it.L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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I kept clicking the yellow triangle and it went away. I don't understand but I'm happy.
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My sync problem is that I can't get ANY of my "Layouts"
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Glen Kaiser said:
My sync problem is that I can't get ANY of my "Layouts"
I'm sorry, but I don't understand. Can you explain more? Also, is there a reason you haven't updated to the free L5 engine?
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