Is there a Reading Plan Sync issue?



  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,522

    it appears that it is at least in my case, something specifically broken on the Logos app

    Do you know how to grab the logs from the mobile app? It might be good to send those to Logos with a link to this thread.

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  • Kent Pletcher
    Kent Pletcher Member Posts: 16 ✭✭


    When I go to my desktop Logos 5 it shows me behind. If I open up the document "My Bible Reading Plan" and check one day in about 30 seconds it will update my reading plan to match my iPad schedule.

    I haven't checked to see if it will do this in the opposite direction.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,522

    When I go to my desktop Logos 5 it shows me behind. If I open up the document "My Bible Reading Plan" and check one day in about 30 seconds it will update my reading plan to match my iPad schedule.

    I'm a little confused… mainly because so many have jumped into the discussion. Is the "My Bible Reading Plan" a new one you have created for testing purposes? If so, and if it is working properly, I would suggest that you create a new reading plan to match the one you are trying to follow. Use the start date the same as the original. Then you can select the most current reading you have read and use the "catch up to here" function. There is a possibility that the reading plan document has become corrupted somehow… I know that others have had this "fix" work for them. 

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  • Kent Pletcher
    Kent Pletcher Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    alabama24 said:

    When I go to my desktop Logos 5 it shows me behind. If I open up the document "My Bible Reading Plan" and check one day in about 30 seconds it will update my reading plan to match my iPad schedule.

    I'm a little confused… mainly because so many have jumped into the discussion. Is the "My Bible Reading Plan" a new one you have created for testing purposes? If so, and if it is working properly, I would suggest that you create a new reading plan to match the one you are trying to follow. Use the start date the same as the original. Then you can select the most current reading you have read and use the "catch up to here" function. There is a possibility that the reading plan document has become corrupted somehow… I know that others have had this "fix" work for them. 

    Sorry for the confusion.

    No, this is my normal M'Cheyne reading plan. I just found out that, although the iPad and desktop do not sync normally, I can get my desktop version to finally sync if I open the document and interact with it one time. If I check one day all of the sudden within a few seconds or so it syncs. If I do not interact with the document it does not sync.

    Now, I've read today on my desktop version and I'm trying to see if the iPad will show far, it does not.


    However, seems to sync with my iPad and my desktop.

  • Kent Pletcher
    Kent Pletcher Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    Okay, I think I figured out the issue. 

    It seems syncs with whatever device you're reading from. However, the iPad APP and the Desktop program are not syncing with each other until you engage the document on the device not syncing.

    Over the weekend I read from my iPad only and my iPad and were perfectly synced. My Desktop program would not sync until I checked a day and then it immediately caught up.

    This week I've read only from my Desktop program and it and are perfectly synced. However, my iPad would not sync until I checked a day and then it immediately caught up.

    FWIW, it seems the code for these documents to automatically sync is getting hung and it is taking interaction to prompt the sync.

  • GregW
    GregW Member Posts: 848 ✭✭

    Okay, I think I figured out the issue. 

    It seems syncs with whatever device you're reading from. However, the iPad APP and the Desktop program are not syncing with each other until you engage the document on the device not syncing.

    Over the weekend I read from my iPad only and my iPad and were perfectly synced. My Desktop program would not sync until I checked a day and then it immediately caught up.

    This week I've read only from my Desktop program and it and are perfectly synced. However, my iPad would not sync until I checked a day and then it immediately caught up.

    FWIW, it seems the code for these documents to automatically sync is getting hung and it is taking interaction to prompt the sync.

    Thanks Kent - you are absolutely right.  I just checked off one reading on each of my plans on the iPhone, and it immediately brought each one right up to date.  Worth knowing, although I would still regard this as a bug, and am pretty sure this is a change in behaviour that we weren't seeing previously.  It at least provides a helpful workround.  

    Running Logos 6 Platinum and Logos Now on Surface Pro 4, 8 GB RAM, 256GB SSD, i5

  • Donovan R. Palmer
    Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,699

    My plans were syncing fine with Faithlife and, so I deleted the Logos iOS app and reinstalled it. This fixed the problem, but means I need to download my library again when I am on a fast internet connection.  This combined with the issues with the tagging/catalogue sync issue, I'm not too impressed right now. I've stopped tagging resources until I hear that the problem has been addressed.

  • Brian Schlottmann
    Brian Schlottmann Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Does anyone know if there has been an update to this issue? Will it be fixed?

  • Paul-C
    Paul-C Member Posts: 1,896 ✭✭✭

    I need a fix for this issue - there's definitely a bug somewhere. I'm getting more or less identical symptoms to those described above. My issues are outlined here: 

  • Paul-C
    Paul-C Member Posts: 1,896 ✭✭✭

    Another data point (corroborating problems highlighted above):

    When I opened up Logos 5 Mac today, and opened up my reading plan document (which is up to date on my iPad, iPhone and, it was behind as suspected:

    As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, by ticking only the first reading session as completed and then following the hyperlink into the text for the first reading session, when I returned to my reading plan document - voila - it was fully up to date:

    When I completed today's reading, it synced to the iPad, iPhone and again, but not Logos 5 Mac...

    It looks like this workaround is only good for bringing the reading plan up to date, but not causing it to keep up to date automatically going forward.

  • Mike Pettit
    Mike Pettit Member Posts: 1,041 ✭✭

    Highlighting is syncing perfectly (and in real time) between my PC and my ipad, creating and deleting reading lists is again cyncing perfectly in real time but when I mark my reading list as read on my ipad it will not sync to the PC no matter what I do.


    This is irritating as I stopped using reading lists a long time ago as they just did not work, now after investing thousands of $ later in what I am told is a "premium" product it still does not work. This is basic functionality that makes the Logos ecosystem worthwhile, please make it work.     

  • Paul-C
    Paul-C Member Posts: 1,896 ✭✭✭

    Highlighting is syncing perfectly (and in real time) between my PC and my ipad, creating and deleting reading lists is again cyncing perfectly in real time but when I mark my reading list as read on my ipad it will not sync to the PC no matter what I do...


    ...This is basic functionality that makes the Logos ecosystem worthwhile, please make it work.     

    + 1 [Y][Y][Y]

  • Kevin Maples
    Kevin Maples Member Posts: 808 ✭✭

    Highlighting is syncing perfectly (and in real time) between my PC and my ipad, creating and deleting reading lists is again cyncing perfectly in real time but when I mark my reading list as read on my ipad it will not sync to the PC no matter what I do.

    I'm having the exact same issue between my iPad and my PC. 

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,522

    Kevin - Which device isn't "up to date"? Which device do you use most frequently for using your reading plan? We need to get Logos to take a look at this problem… It seems isolated to some users, but I haven't been able to determine the common thread.

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  • Kevin Maples
    Kevin Maples Member Posts: 808 ✭✭

    Alabama24, as far as I know both devices are up to date. I'll double check the iPad tomorrow. 

    PC is Logos Bible Software 5.0b SR-4 ( 

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,522

    Kevin - in this case, by "up to date" I meant the reading plan, rather than the software. Which one is "up to date?" Paul is having troubles with L5, rather than the mobile app. 

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  • Kevin Maples
    Kevin Maples Member Posts: 808 ✭✭

    alabama24 said:

    in this case, by "up to date" I meant the reading plan, rather than the software.

    Sorry, I misunderstood. I was having this problem and have not been using the reading plans lately. When I just opened the reading plan on both devices it now matches. So I don't know if the issue has been resolved or not. I believe the PC is the one that was not up to date before. 
  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,522

    I was having this problem and have not been using the reading plans lately. When I just opened the reading plan on both devices it now matches.

    If it happens again, please let us know which device's reading plan isn't being updated. 

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  • Paul-C
    Paul-C Member Posts: 1,896 ✭✭✭


    Would be grateful for any assistance from Logos, or an acknowledgment this issue is being looked into. Thanks.

  • Mike Pettit
    Mike Pettit Member Posts: 1,041 ✭✭

    For myself I am not sure that it is an IOS issue as when I mark a reading list as read on my ipad it updates Logos on Biblia but does not update my PC. If I read several days in advance then I mark the first of those days as read on the PC it updates all the outstanding read days in one go but once again will not keep pace thereafter.


  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    For myself I am not sure that it is an IOS issue as when I mark a reading list as read on my ipad it updates Logos on Biblia but does not update my PC. If I read several days in advance then I mark the first of those days as read on the PC it updates all the outstanding read days in one go but once again will not keep pace thereafter.

    This issue is indeed a Desktop sync issue, not an iOS sync issue.  However, the issue has already been resolved and cannot be reproduced in the Desktop beta builds because those builds migrated certain features to a newer version of sync.  In any case this issue should be fixed for you once the current Desktop beta cycle completes and a new stable version of Logos Desktop becomes available.

  • Mike Pettit
    Mike Pettit Member Posts: 1,041 ✭✭

    For myself I am not sure that it is an IOS issue as when I mark a reading list as read on my ipad it updates Logos on Biblia but does not update my PC. If I read several days in advance then I mark the first of those days as read on the PC it updates all the outstanding read days in one go but once again will not keep pace thereafter.

    This issue is indeed a Desktop sync issue, not an iOS sync issue.  However, the issue has already been resolved and cannot be reproduced in the Desktop beta builds because those builds migrated certain features to a newer version of sync.  In any case this issue should be fixed for you once the current Desktop beta cycle completes and a new stable version of Logos Desktop becomes available.

    Marvellous  !

  • Mike Pettit
    Mike Pettit Member Posts: 1,041 ✭✭

    It is with the greatest regret that this is not fixed in 5.1

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,522

    It is with the greatest regret that this is not fixed in 5.1

    To be honest Mike, I am a little lost about what "this" is. Do you mean "mark read" isn't syncing from your iPad to your PC (running 5.1)? Can you verify your mobile app version? [I'm not having that problem]. 

    It might be instructive for you to create a brand new reading plan, allow it to sync with your devices, and then experiment with "mark read." Also, if this really is a desktop issue, you should create a new thread in the L5 forum. 

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  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    It is with the greatest regret that this is not fixed in 5.1

    Peace and Every Blessing, Mike!          *smile*

                    I just happened to notice this thread ..........                              please forgive me if my remarks are not helpful   ...............  

                                      I think we do not yet have 5.1            ..........                         what is available is the RC version of the pending 5.1

    so, maybe Logos still has a bit of time and opportunity to meet your need, eh???

    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,066

    Hi Milford

                 I think we do not yet have 5.1            ..........                         what is available is the RC version of the pending 5.1

    5.1 was made available to the stable channel yesterday as per

    It is the same build as was shipped for 5.1 RC3.


  • Mike Pettit
    Mike Pettit Member Posts: 1,041 ✭✭

    For me when I update my reading plan on IOS it does not cut across to my 5.1 installation, it does however update the plan on Biblia which shows that it is not an issue with IOS.

    If you update one entry manually on 5.1 it suddenly fully updates but once gain does not sync with further updates in real time.  

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,522

    Mike - please create a new thread in the L5 forum to alert the desktop team. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Mike Pettit
    Mike Pettit Member Posts: 1,041 ✭✭

    alabama24 said:

    Mike - please create a new thread in the L5 forum to alert the desktop team. 

    Will do, I just wanted to check out how my beta installation was behaving first.