Ellen White in Spanish for Logos

Reimar Vetne
Reimar Vetne Member Posts: 165 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Resources Forum

I just noticed, much to my surprise, that a Spanish version of Ellen White's writings and the SDA Bible Commentary is already available for Logos:


When did that happen? I pay careful attention to all pre-publication offers, and don't remember seeing this.

I am not a native Spanish speaker, but I teach New Testament at Montemorelos University, Mexico. Dr. Felix Cortez and myself teach our students a decent amount of Logos as a tool for exegesis and sermon preparation. It is great news that this resource is now available to them in Spanish. However, I hope they can offer a good introductory price, then I will certainly promote it when our students return in a month's time.

Questions for Martin Weber:

- Could you talk to Logos and Asociación Casa Editora Sudamericana and see if an introductory offer can be made available?

- What kind of tagging is done? Are all Bible references properly tagged (like in all other Logos resources), or not (like in the English version of Ellen White's writings)?


Reimar Vetne, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of New Testament
University of Montemorelos, Mexico
