A gift from Logos to the SDA Church: Lifeworks of Hans K. LaRondelle

Martin Weber
Martin Weber Member, Logos Employee Posts: 545
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

Thousands of Adventist pastors were saddened two years ago when their beloved seminary professor, Hans K. LaRondelle, passed away. Dr. LaRondelle was one of the finest SDA theologians and teachers in the history of our church, and now his voice has been silenced. But wait . . . Hans left behind two laptops full of unpublished papers--class notes, Sabbath school outlines, and personal letters. And the family has entrusted them all for distribution to the SDA Church through Logos Bible Software.

My dear friend Jac Colon, a retired evangelist in the Pacific Union. has been busy day and night organizing this trove of documents for the Hans K. LaRondelle Lifeworks Collection. Vol.1 has just been released (today!) into Pre Pub, containing four of his major books. Later volumes (scheduled for release yet this year) will contain his other books, journal articles, and the papers/classnotes/letters that I mentioned here.

Among these never before released documents is a personal letter Hans wote, candid and poignant, to the great Catholic theologian Hans Kung. LaRondelle pleaded with Kung to consider the merits of Protestant views of grace and truth, and he defended the SDA understanding of end-time prophecies.

All these documents are now in production for future volumes in the HKL Lifeworks Collection. And the first volume with the initial four books is now posted on the Logos website.
