More Greek & Hebrew Dictionaries in Word Study for iPad?



  • JDC
    JDC Member Posts: 49 ✭✭

    Thanks for the reply.

    First off, I don't have BDAG, so maybe that makes a difference. I have the Bronze package, plus I bought the Little Kittel, which is what I mainly wish would show up. Anyway, I looked up quite a few words just to test it out. But for instance, I did a search for the common word "charis" or grace from Eph. 2:8, which I knew would be in the TLNT. In that case, a word study brought up TLNT and DBL Greek. But in the same verse, the word "doron" or gift is not in the TLNT, so it only brings up DBL Greek and LEH LXX Lexicon.

    Obviously, "charis" is also in LEH LXX, too, but that word study only brings up the other two resources. I could understand if the problem were just that Little Kittel isn't supported for iOS word studies. But it's hard to know for sure when it doesn't bring up resources that are supported all of the time. I'm only getting two resources no matter what I look up.

    Oh, and I am searching from NASB, but I also tried KJV and The Lexham English Bible with the same results. I wish there were a way to either prioritize on the iPad or change the number of resources that it searches.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,069

    First off, I don't have BDAG, so maybe that makes a difference

    I didn't expect it to but it looks as though it does!

    I hid BDAG on my desktop which makes it unavailable on the iPad. I then do your "charis" search and just get two lexica - Louw-Nida and DBL Greek.

    Very strange. I'll try and see if I can find out what is going on here.