Personal Books on Android

Is there a way to make my personal books show up in my library on the Android App or are personal books just available on the desktop program?
currently just the computer they are compiled on
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Is there an update to being able to access Personal books through the android app
Nathan Madison
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Pastor Nathan Madison said:
Is there an update to being able to access Personal books through the android app
not substantively. Logos are working on it but we don't know when it will be available
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I'm encouraged to hear that Logos is working of this feature. I long to read at least one personal book at a time on my tablet.
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I am encouraged to hear that Logos is working on this feature. I long to be able to read at least one of my personal books at a time on my tablet.
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Todd Davis said:
I am encouraged to hear that Logos is working on this feature.
Hi Todd:
Don't get too encouraged:
Point 1: Since Graham made that observation in 2013, we have been told, in so many words, 'it isn't going to happen'.
On the other hand:
Point 2: I had totally given up on another oft-requested feature, Read Aloud on the Mobile App, when, a while back I was alerted to an entry in the feedback board that indicated Faithlife was actively working on that perennial feature request.
macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)
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Robert M. Warren said:
Point 1: Since Graham made that observation in 2013, we have been told, in so many words, 'it isn't going to happen'.
Please review: