Theology/Denomination Tags
Please find the latest copy of the spreadsheet below. I think I've included all the suggestions so far. Feel free to keep them coming, and let me know if I've missed any, or if you notice any mistakes.
It still doesn't include all the Popes yet, but it does include the authors in the Ante Nicene Fathers (ANF) and Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers (NPNF) and the Journals.
As before, I've updated the collections available through the Faithlife post at, and I've added a new denomination or two. This is the easiest way to get the updates. It should be automatic for those who have already accessed the collections this way.
Here's a zipped copy of the spreadsheet:
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Thanks Andrew for the hard work! Question - one of the Collections on the Faithlife group does not have starting its name, "Denomination", or "Denom, Stream", or "Theology" - it is Church of Ireland. Should that have a different name to be grouped with others?
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Don Awalt said:
Thanks Andrew for the hard work! Question - one of the Collections on the Faithlife group does not have starting its name, "Denomination", or "Denom, Stream", or "Theology" - it is Church of Ireland. Should that have a different name to be grouped with others?
Thanks, Don. You're quite right. I've renamed it.
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OK, thanks Andrew!
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Tullian Tchividjian does not seem to be picked up by either the Presbyterian, or reformed collections. He's a fellow floridians, an author in vyrso, pastor of Coral Ridge in south florida and grandson of billy graham. (check the box to the right near the top)L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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Thanks, abondservant. I've updated the collections, and the next time I publish the spreadsheet, he'll be in there too, along with a few other additions. Feel free to keep suggestions coming. I know there's still lots to do.
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Kant, Immanuel - Pietist, German Protestant,
L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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Kant, a Pietist? I don't think so.
Have joy in the Lord!
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The fourth of nine children of Johann Georg and Anna Regina Kant, Immanuel Kant was born in the town of Königsberg on April 22, 1724. Johann Kant was a harness maker, and the large family lived in modest circumstances. The family belonged to a Protestant sect of Pietists, and a concern for religion touched every aspect of their lives. Although Kant became critical of formal religion, he continued to admire the "praiseworthy conduct" of Pietists. Kant's elementary education was taken at Saint George's Hospital School and then at the Collegium Fredericianum, a Pietist school, where he remained from 1732 until 1740.
L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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I read this as "Despite being raised in a Pietist household and still maintaining a belief in God, he was skeptical of religion in later life and was an agnostic." I'm no expert, but I think his writings reflect agnosticism and skepticism, more than pietism. I accept MJ's suggestion that Logos tags should reflect the author's main writing period, so I've left Kant uncategorised in the spreadsheet, and therefore in none of the collections. I'm open to suggestions though.
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Andrew Baguley said:
I read this as "Despite being raised in a Pietist household and still maintaining a belief in God, he was skeptical of religion in later life and was an agnostic." I'm no expert, but I think his writings reflect agnosticism and skepticism, more than pietism.
Same here.
I'm currently reading "The Journey of Modern Theology" (hope this would be made into a Logos book soon!) and here's all it says about Kant and Pietism: "He was raised in a pietist home and church, but as an adult he rarely attended church".
Some more citations: "According to Kant, religion arises from ethics, from humanity's experience of the 'moral law within' (...) Kant believed there is a moral law within everyone and it is perfectly rational. It does not depend on revelation. He called it the "categorical imperative" (...) every rational person intuitively realizes it is correct." and "Christianity is limited to its ethical function, according to Kant; it is not at all about mysterious doctrines about God-in-himself such as Trinity or incarnation". Thus: "Jesus' importance lies in his example and teachings. not in his incarnation or atoning death as in traditional, orthodox theology. Kant's Christology did not go much beyond that of the deists." Hardly a Pietist position.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Makes sense... Maybe a philosophy tag?
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abondservant said:
Makes sense... Maybe a philosophy tag?
I second this, especially since Noet is introducing more philosophical works into Logos. Probably a single tag would work for now, but at some point it might worth splitting philosophers into eras or schools.
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Since this set of collections primarily focuses on Theology, is Philosophy a valid category? Perhaps Atheist and Agnostic, but I'm not sure about Philosophy. Note that I'm certainly not arguing against a Philosophy collection. Just wondering if it, in itself, is a proper category of theologies/denominations?
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I will add my short part, yes, philosophy has a root/tie into the theology/denomination tags. Or, as also suggested, having it listed as a sub-part.
Roger {BlueBird}
Rog {BlueBird}
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Randy W. Sims said:
Since this set of collections primarily focuses on Theology, is Philosophy a valid category? Perhaps Atheist and Agnostic, but I'm not sure about Philosophy. Note that I'm certainly not arguing against a Philosophy collection. Just wondering if it, in itself, is a proper category of theologies/denominations?
I don't think we need to get too heavily into the taxonomy of disciplines and movements here. IMO, it's enough to say that having a collection of authors known primarily as philosophers would be useful for filtering and searching in Logos. Atheist and agnostic less so, because so many philosophers over the years are ambiguous on those points, or they are Christians but don't write about Christianity (e.g. Kant).
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A.W. Pink is calvinist/reformed.
Surprised he isn't already in there, I figured more people would have him in their libraries.
Never mind - Just realized it was my miss-spelling of his name on the PB in question that caused him not to be picked up by the rules.L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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I was looking for suggestions on how to organize my library and found this thread. Thanks for the excellent work.
Now please excuse my ignorance, I downloaded the excel file how is that I parse the data from excel to Logos so the collections get created?
Also, What about Reformed Baptist, 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith (that's me [:)]). I saw that logos have at least one author, Albert N. Martin (very good preacher imo), with two resources (one in pre-pub):
And from Wikipedia more information about Reformed Baptist groups or variants:
With names or organizations such as:
John Bunyan; John Gill; William Carey; Charles Spurgeon; London Reformed Baptist Seminary; Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America; Continental Baptist Churches; Sovereign Grace Baptist Association of Churches; Sovereign Grace Baptists.
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Edil Cajigas said:
I was looking for suggestions on how to organize my library and found this thread. Thanks for the excellent work.
Now please excuse my ignorance, I downloaded the excel file how is that I parse the data from excel to Logos so the collections get created?
Also, What about Reformed Baptist, 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith (that's me
Really sorry for the late reply, Edil. I had hoped others might post answers here.
I think I answered your question about parsing data on the Faithlife page ( Let me know if you're still struggling.
There used to be a Theology/Denomination Reformed Baptist on the spreadsheet. I soon realised that it was complicated, and that the category was really just two different types of theology combined. It's not really a denomination, but many baptists are reformed, so relevant people are in the category Denomination Stream: Baptist AND Theology: Reformed. However, the way the spreadsheet is set up, it does not allow categories to be combined in this way very easily. If anyone has any bright ideas on this, feel free to post them. I guess we could add a computed field, based on Baptist AND Reformed. In the meantime, there is an alternative solution. It's not pretty, but it should work, and it only needs to be created once. After that, all of the data should change automatically. This is the solution:
Create a new collection called 'Full Library', using the rule Rating:>=0
Create a collection called Theology: Not Baptist
Drag Full Library to the 'plus these resources' section of Theology: Not Baptist
Drag Denom. Stream: Baptist to the 'minus these resources' section of Theology: Not Baptist
Create a collection called Theology: Not Reformed
Drag Full Library to the 'plus these resources' section of Theology: Not Reformed
Drag Theology: Reformed (Calvinist) to the 'minus these resources' section of Theology: Not Reformed
Create a collection called Theology: Reformed Baptist
Drag Full Library to the 'plus these resources' section of Theology: Reformed Baptist
Drag Theology: Not Reformed and Theology: Not Baptist to the 'minus these resources' section of Theology: Reformed Baptist
This should give all the resources currently marked as Baptist and Reformed.
Hope that's clear. It's quicker to do than to explain.
[Edit: I've just shared copies of the collections Full Library, Theology: Not Reformed, Theology: Not Baptist and Theology: Reformed Baptist. This should be easier and quicker than creating them from scratch. Feel free to let me know whether they work. I've only shared rule based collections up to now, but I can't see why these shouldn't work. You may need to get copies in the order listed here, as Logos may get confused if it does not see the collections it needs to build the dependent collections.]
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Please find the latest copy of the spreadsheet below. I think I've included all the suggestions so far, including a category Philosopher, for philosophers who do not naturally fit another category. Feel free to keep suggestions coming, and let me know if I've missed any, or if you notice any mistakes.
The data is still far from complete, but it is getting better. I just don't have the time to spend on this at the moment, so apologies the updating is so slow.
As before, I've updated the collections available through the Faithlife post at, and I've added a new denomination or two. This is the easiest way to get the updates. It should be automatic for those who have already accessed the collections this way.
Here's a zipped copy of the spreadsheet:
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Andrew Baguley said:
It should be automatic for those who have already accessed the collections this way.
This is a great feature of doing it this way.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Peace, Andrew! A big, big, big Thank You Indeed! How wonderful it would be if God would give you a special Blessing for all of your efforts for all of us! If He were to do that, I would be most pleased! *smile*
How often does one get to use the subjective in the English Language, eh? *smile*
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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Milford Charles Murray said:
How often does one get to use the subjective in the English Language, eh?
Kudos to you for even knowing what the subjunctive is. It's a dying piece of knowledge. And many who try to use it (without knowing what it's called) do it wrong: "I would of..." or "If only I would have known..."
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MJ. Smith said:
I'd add Restoration Movement:
Author:("Lucado, Max") OR Publisher:("Standard")
Author:("Lucado, Max","Cottrell, Jack") OR Publisher:("Standard","College Press")
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David A. Peterson said:MJ. Smith said:
I'd add Restoration Movement:
Author:("Lucado, Max") OR Publisher:("Standard")
Author:("Lucado, Max","Cottrell, Jack") OR Publisher:("Standard","College Press")
Thanks, David. The latest list includes these. Please let me know if the collection on the Faithlife group or the spreadsheet does not match:
Author:("Baker, William R", "Bland, Dave L.", "Boring, M. Eugene", "Briley, Terry", "Cottrell, Jack", "Fredenburg, Brandon L.", "Gorman, Frank H.", "Hahlen, Mark A.", "Ham, Clay Alan", "Janzen, J. Gerald", "Kissling, Paul J.", "Lucado, Max", "McGarvey, John William", "Osiek, Carolyn", "Perdue, Leo G.", "Shank, Harold", "Willis, Timothy M.") OR Publisher:("College Press", "Standard")
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I've been wanting to do this to my library for awhile now. Is there a step by step or some help listed somewhere already about how to put these into my library?
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Indeed, earlier in the thread is linked a faithlife group, click to the group, and join... Then click over to the documents section and click the ones you like, this will import them into Logos collections automatically.
L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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abondservant said:
Indeed, earlier in the thread is linked a faithlife group, click to the group, and join... Then click over to the documents section and click the ones you like, this will import them into Logos collections automatically.
I'm working on a post for Logos Talk about this thread. It will give me a chance to talk about that very process.
EDIT: The post is up: 40,000 Books in 18 Months: A Crowdsourced Tagging Project.
Logos Marketing |
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By the way, I noticed that Doddridge was added to the list of congregationalists, but his name in the rule brings up nothing in my library. I think I have his commentary set... (double checking that now).
Ahh its still in pre-pub. Makes sense now. Should check these things before reporting to the thread haha.L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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[Y] very helpful! I benefited alot!
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About 1/3 of those missing in my collection:
Cavins, Jeff
Gray, Tim
Abbe, Paul
Abba Theodosius of Alexandria
Eustathius of Trake
Beet, Joseph Agar
Dutch Reformed
Louis Berkhof
Eastern Orthodox (Byzantine)
Bernardakis, D. N.
Bounds, Edward M.
Engleman, Dennis Eugene
Farley, Lawrence R.
Guettee, Wladimir
The Holy Holy Governing Synod of Russia (Russian Orthodox)
Brooks, Thomas
Clarkson, David
Howe, John
Bullinger, Heinrich = Bullinger, Henry
Calvin, John
American independent evangelical
Chan, Francis
The Gospel Coalition
Coverdale, Myles
Dearmer, Percy
Ellicott, Charles J.
Farrar, Frederic William
Her Majesty's Printing Office
The Church of England
The Church Service Society
Henry, Philip
___________The Protestant Episcopal Church
The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of AmericaOrthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Thanks for the suggestions, MJ. I’ve updated the shared collections at
Here’s a copy of the updated spreadsheet: 4478.Denominations and Theology 02 April
Please feel free to come back to me on any of this.
Note: There are no ready-made collections for denominations with only a small number of authors, but they are listed in the spreadsheet, so the rule for the collection can be found on the Logos Rules worksheet.
Cavins, Jeff – added
Gray, Tim – now Tim Gray. He was recorded as Timothy Gray. Logos uses both Timothy Gray and Tim Gray.
Abbe, Paul – added
Abba Theodosius of Alexandria – added as Theodosius of Alexandria
Eustathius of Trake – info? Is this Eustathius the same as the Bishop of Antioch? Is there any information on him anywhere?
Beet, Joseph Agar – already Wesleyan (Theology)
Dutch Reformed
Louis Berkhof – labelled Christian Reformed Church in North America, which has roots in the Dutch Reformed Church
Eastern Orthodox (Byzantine)
Bernardakis, D. N. – added (Greek Orthodox)
Bounds, Edward M. – Methodist?
Engleman, Dennis Eugene – added
Farley, Lawrence R. – added (Orthodox Church in America)
Guettee, Wladimir – added (Greek Orthodox)The Holy Holy Governing Synod of Russia (Russian Orthodox) – Typo? Added Most Holy Governing Synod of Russia
Puritan – NB. This is a Theology
Brooks, Thomas – already Puritan
Clarkson, David – added
Howe, John – already Puritan
Reformed – NB. This is a Theology
Bullinger, Heinrich = Bullinger, Henry – already Reformed (and always Henry in Logos?)
Calvin, John – already Reformed
American independent evangelical
Chan, Francis – simply labelled Evangelical (theology)The Gospel Coalition – added Evangelical (theology) label, and removed ‘The’
Coverdale, Myles – was incorrectly named Miles, now corrected
Dearmer, Percy – added
Ellicott, Charles J. – added
Farrar, Frederic William – already Anglican
Her Majesty's Printing Office – not really Anglican?The Church of England – added as Church of England
The Church Service Society – added as Church Service Society
Henry, Philip – already Nonconformist (the only Puritan simply labelled nonconformist, not Presbyterian, etc)Episcopal
The Protestant Episcopal Church – added Protestant Episcopal Church
The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America – added Protestant Episcopal Church0 -
Andrew Baguley said:
The Gospel Coalition – added Evangelical (theology) label, and removed ‘The’
these guys take pride in being reformed/calvinist, please don't list them as Evangelical.
Have joy in the Lord!
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NB.Mick said:Andrew Baguley said:
The Gospel Coalition – added Evangelical (theology) label, and removed ‘The’
these guys take pride in being reformed/calvinist, please don't list them as Evangelical.
Thanks for the feedback, Mick.
The Gospel Coalition produce Themelios, which is advertised by Logos as follows: "Themelios is an international evangelical theological journal". Therefore, it seemed reasonable to label them as Evangelical, as well as Reformed (Calvinist). Have I misunderstood something?
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NB.Mick said:Andrew Baguley said:
The Gospel Coalition – added Evangelical (theology) label, and removed ‘The’
these guys take pride in being reformed/calvinist, please don't list them as Evangelical.
TGC explictly identifies themselves as evangelical AND reformed.
"We are a fellowship of evangelical churches deeply committed to renewing our faith in the gospel of Christ and to reforming our ministry practices to conform fully to the Scriptures."
--Foundation Documents (The Gospel Coalition, 2008)."Evangelical" is a label a lot of Reformed churches use to show their commitment to the intentional spread of the Gospel and to separate themselves from any notions of hyper-Calvinism. (Though, one could argue about exactly what the Evangelical label does communicate.)
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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Andrew Baguley said:NB.Mick said:Andrew Baguley said:
The Gospel Coalition – added Evangelical (theology) label, and removed ‘The’
these guys take pride in being reformed/calvinist, please don't list them as Evangelical.
Thanks for the feedback, Mick.
The Gospel Coalition produce Themelios, which is advertised by Logos as follows: "Themelios is an international evangelical theological journal". Therefore, it seemed reasonable to label them as Evangelical, as well as Reformed (Calvinist). Have I misunderstood something?
no, it rather seems I misread your post. Somehow I understood that you wanted to change the main categorization which is Reformed (Calvinist) into Evangelical - to give them an "E" as evangelical in addition to the main categorization is fine with me. Sorry for the confusion.
Have joy in the Lord!
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I meant to comment above that I love the new ability to filter the Library by collection in Logos 5.2a, which means that using these collections, we can now filter the Library by denomination, theology, etc. As this also works for Search Result Sets, Logos is getting better and better. Thanks, Logos. [:D]
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Dear Andrew,
I have not contributed to this thread previously, but I just wanted to thank you for your hard work in producing this incredibly helpful resource. I am playing around with the categories for the first time tonight and believe that they will prove incredibly useful in my study.
Thank you very much indeed for sharing this.
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Thanks. Looking at the spreadsheet I see one mistake so let me give you a little church history. The early church comprised 3 groups liturgically, theologically and in communication.
- Western Church centered on Latin/Rome
- Byzantine Church centered on Greek/Constantinople now called Eastern Orthodox
- The Church of the East centered on Syriac/Antioch now called Oriental Orthodox
So your coding for Sebastian Brock is incorrect in placing Oriental Orthodox as part of Easter Orthodox. You could code bother Eastern and Oriental as part of Orthodox without qualification. Yes, the terminology is confusing.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
let me give you a little church history. The early church comprised 3 groups liturgically, theologically and in communication.
- Western Church centered on Latin
- Byzantine Church centered on Greek now called Eastern Orthodox
- The Church of the East centered on Syriac now called Oriental Orthodox
Where does that leave the Copts and the Ethiopians?[:P]
Btw, I just noticed that Wikipedia does not include the Church of the East among the Oriental Orthodox. Just to confuse things.
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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The Copts and the Ethiopians are Oriental Orthodox. However, Wikipedia in its great inconsistent insight under Church of the East says "The Church of the East (Syriac: ܥܕܬܐ ܕܡܕܢܚܐ ʿĒ(d)tāʾ d-Maḏn(ə)ḥāʾ), also known as the Nestorian Church,[note 1] is a Christian church, part of the Syriac tradition of Eastern Christianity." But you are right that Church of the East has multiple meanings - one to refer to the Antioch/Syriac group and one referring specifically to Nestorians. The history of how the Ethiopians were Christianized from the East rather than the North is quite interesting. The Copts are fascinating for a different reason - were you aware of the Catholic Copts? I would expect Byzantine Copts as well but I've not run into that group.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
The Copts and the Ethiopians are Oriental Orthodox.
Yes, but not very centered on Syriac, I believe.
I was looking at "Oriental Orthodoxy is the faith of those Eastern Christian churches which recognize only the first three ecumenical councils—the First Council of Nicaea, the First Council of Constantinople and the First Council of Ephesus. They rejected the dogmatic definitions of the Council of Chalcedon held in AD 451 in Chalcedon. Hence, these Oriental Orthodox churches are also called Old Oriental churches, Miaphysite churches, or the Non-Chalcedonian churches, known to Western Christianity and much of Eastern Orthodoxy as Monophysite churches (although the Oriental Orthodox themselves reject this description as inaccurate, having rejected the teachings of both Nestorius and Eutyches).", "The Oriental Orthodox communion comprises six churches: Coptic, Ethiopian, Eritrean, Syriac, Malankara Syrian (Indian Orthodox Church) and Armenian Apostolic churches." and "Unlike most other churches that trace their origins to antiquity, the modern Assyrian Church of the East is not in communion with any other churches, either Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, or Catholic."
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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Another correction in the spreadsheet:
1. Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate is a religious order like Jesuit, Dominican, Franciscan so it doesn't belong - its simply Roman Catholic
2. Where the subgroup is Roman Catholic (Latin optional as it is implied by "Roman"), the group should simply be Catholic. That way, Eastern Rite Catholics like Maloney will appear as Catholic which is what should happen.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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2215 said:
Another correction in the spreadsheet:
1. Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate is a religious order like Jesuit, Dominican, Franciscan so it doesn't belong - its simply Roman Catholic
2. Where the subgroup is Roman Catholic (Latin optional as it is implied by "Roman"), the group should simply be Catholic. That way, Eastern Rite Catholics like Maloney will appear as Catholic which is what should happen.
Thanks again for the feedback, MJ.
I knew I needed to tidy up the Orthodox entries. I've now done so. I've also added a worksheet called Eastern, which explains my understanding of the Eastern Churches, including Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic churches. I'm happy to take suggestions and corrections regarding this.
This has entailed me renaming some shared collections. Oriental Orthodox is now a Denominational Stream. I haven't created a Denomination collection for Syriac Orthodox, as this would not currently differ from the Oriental Orthodox Stream. There is now a Denomination called Greek Orthodox, and I have decided to remove Daniel Clendenin from Eastern Orthodox, as my understanding is that he is openly Protestant Evangelical, and writes about Eastern Orthodoxy (e.g. from that perspective.
I take your point about Roman Catholic not needing Latin in brackets. I'll change this when I find time. However, I was hoping to include religious communities within the Roman Catholic Church, even though I know they are not Denominations in any sense. There are a few authors marked Jesuit already. I'd be happy to receive help labelling others with affiliations to particular religious communities. Also, if any of the Catholics should be Eastern Catholics of any form, then I'd be happy to change that as well, though I would be grateful if evidence could be provided.
Thanks again.
Here's the latest version of the spreadsheet, including the worksheet for Eastern Christianity: 1440.Denominations and Theology 03 April
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Andrew Baguley said:
However, I was hoping to include religious communities within the Roman Catholic Church
I'd be glad to help you include religious communities. However, you need to take into account that orders cross the rite lines. For example, I have a good friend who is a Melkite rite Dominican; I've had a class with a Coptic Jesuit
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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I can't find the DOCUMENTS tab [referred to in the recent Logos Blog] to add these tags to my Logos library.
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I do agree
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Bill Fiess said:
I can't find the DOCUMENTS tab [referred to in the recent Logos Blog] to add these tags to my Logos library.
You need to join the group before the Documents tab will appear.
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I added Author:"Mohler, R. Albert, Jr."
To "Reformed Baptist" which currently has no rules designed to pick up anyone. This should be obvious, he's president of one of the six SBC seminaries, and also pastor of an SBC church. President of the reformed sbc seminary no less.
Under Southern Baptist (which is the denomination, convention is simply where we set our direction)
We should have thabiti anyabwile - who is pastor of FBC Grand Cayman, a member of the Southern Baptist denomination. He is also a Reformed (southern) Baptist. I know this because he preaches at my seminary all the time, because his church is a member of an association that is part of the Southern Baptist Denomination. Clicking the link above takes you to their missions page where they briefly mention their association, and provide a broken link to the assoc page. Googling the assoc turned up the detail that its a part of the IMB, which is of course our missions organization.
The author Kevin DeYoung should be listed as Reformed Church in America, which is a denomination we don't have listed yet. In my library all he's written are a few journal articles... But he has more than a few books out there.
Edit: Tullian Tchividjian seems to not be associated with Presbyterianism in the tags. He's pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian in Coral Gables Fl, and is also reformed.
Last edit for tonight. I checked my un-collected which in essense is my entire library minus perseus, and anything edition:user, and minus all of the theology, denomination, and denom stream collections at the faith life group. This left over a thousand titles in my 5k title library that are not tagged, so we still have a little bit of work to do.
Including a few screen shots here - some of them are not going to be categorizeable I think, and others like Christianity Today may well end up just being evangelical (despite having been founded by Carl F. H. Henry - the Northern Baptist).
Once we get these guys done, I'll post more. But for tonight I am definitely done. 3:20am - yuck.L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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Thank you all so very much for this project! This will be very helpful to me :-)