Luther's Works in German?

Would it be of interest to publish...
- (some of) Luther's works in German? ...or maybe the whole Weimarer Ausgabe...? (By the way: the english version is a full translation - also of the latin works/commentaries?)
- Melanchton's Loci in German?
- Martin Chemnitz' ...?
We're starting to look into this sort of thing more seriously, especially now that we have a resident Deutsche expert.
Product Department Manager
Faithlife0 -
Peace! *smile*
This is on slightly different level; however, right now Logos has ....
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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They have these released: I agree that more volumes would be desirable.
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Jim McGarigle said:
But I agree that more volumes would be desirable.
Here are more:
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The complete WA and adding WA-coding to Luther's Works would be superb.
Faithlife Connect + several Base Packages + Luther's Works, etc.
Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 260, Win 10 Pro, Intel Core i7-6500U, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Intel HD Graphics 520.
iPhone 11.0 -
Gold package, and original language material and ancient text material, SIL and UBS books, discourse Hebrew OT and Greek NT. PC with Windows 11