Theology/Denomination Tags



  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭


    Also I made a spread sheet to show what I'm about to suggest... But I would love to be able to list different theological perspecitves of individual authors as well... Are they dispensational  & Reformed? Are they presbyterians that dunk, or Baptists that sprinkle? Do they hold the pre-wrath rapture view? What about their ecclesiology?


    Some of this should be easier to achieve using the new filter facility.  It allows you to search for Dispensational and Reformed for example by creating a collection rule that can be pasted into a Logos collection.  There is no category for mode of baptism at present, such as dunking or sprinkling, only Infant or Believers Baptism, which is quite different.  Some dunk babies and some sprinkle adults.  Some denominations dunk some adults and sprinkle others.  Finding evidence for individuals could be tough, but I'd be happy to add a suitably large category that had good supporting evidence.  This goes for many of the other types of categories you suggest as well.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    Can one be charismatic and yet not pentecostal?

    I think of charismatic as being a movement within a denomination while I think of Pentecostal as being a group of denominations. Perhaps this is because of the charismatic priests I know (Catholic & Episcopal)...

    I think you're right, MJ.  All Pentecostals are usually Charismatic by definition, but not all Charismatics are Pentecostal.  They are spread across a wide variety of Denominations and most Streams.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    That's probably my protestant leanings coming out.

    Probably. But somewhere in the last 2-3 years, I learned that Methodists use a quadrilateral: scripture, tradition, reason and experience - having added the experience to the Anglican 3 legged stool. And in the last 4-5 years, a Lutheran group put out a small book on confessional interpretation. I wish there were an easy way to track down some other major groups' practices.

    Each aspect of the quadrilateral is debated, and many Anglicans talk about the quadrilateral as well now.  The original three legs are often attributed to Hooker, and seen as being equal, though "his relationship to the Reformation and particularly one of its cardinal themes of sola scriptura continues to be a hotly contested topic." (Chapman, M. D. (2012). Anglican Theology (p. 103-5). London; New Delhi; New York; Sydney: Bloomsbury.)

    E.g. Should Scripture be primary, with tradition and reason simply assisting interpretation, or should they be equal?  Where does experience fit in?  I don't think it would be easy to argue that there is only one Anglican view.  Hooker's views are often claimed to be Evangelical by some and Anglo-Catholic by others.  Chapman tries to present a more balanced view:

    "it is the figure of Hooker who is credited with the creation of the distinctive emphasis of Anglican moderation, of formulating the carefully balanced three-legged stool of Scripture, Tradition and Reason as the sources of Anglican theology."

    Chapman, M. D. (2012). Anglican Theology (p. 103-4). London; New Delhi; New York; Sydney: Bloomsbury.

    "While Hooker did not fundamentally depart from the basic principles of the supremacy of Scripture, he nevertheless was clear that it was not self-authenticating"

    Chapman, M. D. (2012). Anglican Theology (p. 116). London; New Delhi; New York; Sydney: Bloomsbury.

    On interpreting Scripture more generally, I think this paragraph tries to do justice to how a number of different traditions use Scripture, before adding the authors' own view:

    "Understanding Jesus’ kingdom theology enables interpreters to make good sense of his ethical demands. Interpreters have regularly puzzled over their stringency. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the Sermon on the Mount. Did Jesus seriously expect his followers to view hatred as murder, to view lust as adultery, never to retaliate when abused, and actually to love their enemies (Mt 5:21–48)? We have already noted the traditional Catholic response: only select disciples are expected to follow these more austere rules. Lutherans often viewed Jesus’ ethics as “law” (rather than “gospel”) meant to point out the hopelessness of our sinful condition and drive us to our knees in repentance and faith in Christ. Against both these views note that Jesus addressed his words to all his disciples, as well as to the crowds of would-be followers who flocked to hear him (Mt 5:1). Anabaptists frequently took these commands as seriously applying to public life and to all people on earth, so they renounced all violence and became pacifists. Tolstoy adopted a similar response on a personal level, as do many Mennonites and others today. But Jesus nowhere teaches that his kingdom principles should form the basis for civil law. Nineteenth-century liberals often preached a “social gospel” of human progress and moral evolution apart from the personal transformation of conversion to Christ, but twentieth-century worldwide warfare squelched much of their optimism. Existentialists see in Jesus’ teaching precedent for decisive calls to ethical action without viewing any of his teaching as absolute. Dispensationalists have traditionally reserved Jesus’ kingdom ethic for the millennial age and have not found it directly relevant for Christians now. But this requires a greater disjunction between Israel and the Church than Scripture allows. Jesus’ choice of twelve disciples, for example, almost certainly was deliberate—to match the twelve tribes of Israel and portray the community of his followers as the new locus of God’s saving activity.

    None of these approaches, furthermore, does justice to the interpretive framework of Jesus’ inaugurated eschatology. Most of Jesus’ teachings apply to all believers in all situations, unless Scripture itself clearly imposes certain limitations. When Jesus concludes the section of the Sermon on the Mount alluded to above, he declares: “Be perfect [whole, mature; Greek teleios], therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect [whole, mature]” (Mt 5:48). This remains the standard or ideal of discipleship for all Christians. We will not attain wholeness in this life, but we can arrive at a measure of maturity. Jesus’ standards should be our constant goal (“already but not yet”). He intended his ethic for all believers, not just a select few. But inasmuch as his ethic is primarily for believers, we dare not impose it on those outside the faith. We cannot expect unbelievers to follow or appreciate God’s will, though (through common grace) we are sometimes pleasantly surprised when they do. We must not try to coerce an unregenerate world to conform to his standards, though surely believers ought to use all legal measures available to foster an ethical society."

    Klein, W. W., Blomberg, C., & Hubbard, R. L. (2004). Introduction to Biblical Interpretation (pp. 409–410). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    I think I've updated the spreadsheet to include all of the suggestions so far.  As always please feel free to suggest corrections, additions, etc.  However, this will likely be my last posting before June, as I have a busy month ahead.  I've updated all of the Faithlife collections at: 

    Here's the latest copy of the spreadsheet:

    4812.Denominations and Theology 30 April

    Note: The new filter has been moved to cell BM1 to make room for new columns for Birth and Death Decades and Centuries, which should make filtering by birth and death easier.  The button for the filter has gone.  It now updates automatically as filters are added.  Hopefully that's easier.

  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    Peace, Andrew!                   You do indeed labour very hard and very diligently!          *smile*               For Him!          For His Church!              For all of us!                        Thank you!                          I truly appreciate your efforts and your sharings; and I recognise that it's probably very difficult for you to keep up with all that has been "thrust upon you"!!!               *smile*

                                                                                                                          Again!          Thank You!

    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • Don Awalt
    Don Awalt Member Posts: 3,528 ✭✭✭

    Thank you Andrew! You have 760 members or followers of the faithlife group, so your work is greatly appreciated by many!!!!

  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    Hey, Logos!                  Attention, Bob Pritchett!           *smile*

                          Have you also noticed that particular FaithLife Group?             I guess you must have since you are a member of that particular group!

    Incredible, isn't it?!                               683 members in the Group!         77 followers!          Must be one of the larger groups, eh?!

                 ........   and!           All of the work that Andrew and a few others are doing for this Logos Community!                  Praise God!

    Incredible!                                             And it's so helpful in the formation and usage of Logos Collections     ..........                 and so helpful in helping us understand better the history and relationships of various denominational groupings ....                   *smile*              Lots of surprises there also!

                                                       Perhaps one of these days he/they will receive a pat on the back and maybe even a "token" free book to show appreciation of their labours for us!          I'd be glad to "donate" a few shekels                but/however, the administration of such a great idea wouldn't work well over such a "diverse and widespread" demographic as Logos Bible Software users are ...          *smile*   oh, well!

    great idea, but !


    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    Kenneth Keathley ought to be listed in the Southern Baptist denomination (note, click "K" to sort by last names that start with K and scroll down).

    He has a book in Logos & Vyrso I believe. Also He is a Molinist (the topic of his book).

    Thanks, abondservant.  I thought Kenneth Keathley already was marked as Southern Baptist.  Please let me know if not.

    There currently is no category for Molinism,  If anyone provides me a sufficiently large list, preferably with evidence, then I could create one.

    He was not; at least not in my copy of the collection.

    I'll see what I can do about a molinist list, but there are maybe only 5-6 authors that I'm aware of in Logos. Maybe a few more. we'll see.

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    I was starting to see what new purchases had done to my unclassified list. Somehow my collections are not updating automatically - an issue I'll look into later. But I noticed that Catholics still look odd to me> I'm missing something in how you are looking at things. What I expected:

    Denom. Stream: Catholic

    Denominations: Latin, Syro-Malabar, Melkite, Maronite etc.

    Subgroup: OFM, OP, SJ ...

    This would match what I thought was the Anglican structure:

    Denom. Stream: Anglican

    Denominations: Church of England, Church of Ireland . . .

    Subgroup: OFM (the most common Anglican order)

    or the similar Lutheran structure:

    Denom. Stream: Lutheran

    Denominations: ELCA, WELS, LCMS ...

    Subgroup: Franciscans, Holy Trinity, Order of Mary (sample Lutheran orders)

    What am I missing?

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    Trying to build a mind map of the relationships embedded in the collections and found a problem requiring duplication of data. My intent in suggesting the 2 categories:

    • Pre-schism
    • Post-schism. pre-reformation

    was to allow the pre-schism group to be included in both the Catholic and Orthodox streams (and certain Protestant groups that claim them as well) and for post-schism, pre-reformation to be included in Catholic and certain Protestant groups e.g. Anglicans but not to be included in Orthodox.

    That doesn't appear to be the intent of the current structure. It could be supported by duplicate entries - often 3 to include the religious order in the current structure. If that is the intent, I need to work my way through which require multiple entries if I am to correctly edit the table.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    The structure of the Congregational entries confuses me.

    In the case of the Evangelical Free Church of America, if I recall correctly the EFCA merged with the Congregational Church. In the case of the United Church of Christ, the Congregational Church merged into the UCC. The two entries have opposite relationships. However, there is a larger question - what relationship is being shown by the denominational stream - history of theology or church ecumenical history?

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    Another interesting puzzle. (Yes, I'm going through in great details seeing if I'd be willing to help with the updates.)

    Under "Anglican" is the Church of South India. From Wikipedia:

    "The Church of South India (CSI) is the successor of the Church of England in India after Indian Independence. It came into being by a union of Anglican and Protestant churches in South India. It combined the South India United Church (union of the Congregationalists and the Presbyterians); the then 14 Anglican Dioceses of South India and one in Sri Lanka; and the South Indian District of the Methodist church With a membership of over four million, it is India's second largest Christian church after the Catholic Church in India. CSI is one of four united churches in the Anglican Communion."

    Do United Churches need their own category as they represent a theological mix rather than belonging to any single thread?

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    What is the thinking for making Arminianism a denomination rather than a theological stance? And if a person gives a parachurch as their denomination, is it really a parachurch anymore?

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Liam
    Liam Member Posts: 1,439 ✭✭✭

    Maybe a dumb question, but how do I utilize these tags and get them into my Logos library? I also would like to create collections of several of these and can't figure out how to get them to show in Logos (mainly a puritan collection). I went to and only have the option to duplicate these tags, which simply makes another of the same file at How do I get these to show up in my Logos library?

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    Xenia and its later iteration Xenia-Pittsburgh theological seminary are both United Presbyterians.
    Andover Theological Seminary is at a minimum reformed.

    These seminaries both produced Bibliotheca Sacra prior to Dallas (as did Oberlin seminary, Which started as a non-denominational institution but merged with Vanderbilt which considers it self Episcopal Methodists.)

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    Also - Charles Ryrie of nebulous denominational affiliation (but certainly a dispensationalist as he was the former president of Dallas Theological Seminary) has a book published through B&H and so one of his titles is flagged as southern baptist.

    IS Ryrie Southern Baptist? If so lets add him as an author, if not, we need to make an exception Publisher:(Broadman and Holman ANDNOT Author:Ryrie) or however that would look.

    The book in question is his "Ryrie's Practical Guide to Communicating Bible Doctrine".

    Also I noticed Kenneth O. Gangel is listed by name under Parachurch, and by publisher under Southern Baptist (and Baptist).

    For Theology: Amillenial

    The following people have books that are from an Amillenial perspective, that also have books (or journal entries) published in Logos.

    geerhardus voss
    G.K. Beale
    Hendriksen, William
    Hill, Charles E
    Anthony Hoekema
    Johnson, Dennis E
    Mathison, Keith
    Poythress, Vern
    Riddlebarger, Kim
    Venema, Cornelis
    Sam Storms
    Samuel Waldron

    Here is where the list originated from.

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  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    Anything by: Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention should be included in the southern baptist collection.

    The sunday school board (unlike B & H) was primarily concerned with producing things for within the denomination.

    Most of the items they've produced that are in Logos are as part of a classic commentary collection, but never the less.

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • Josh
    Josh Member Posts: 1,529 ✭✭✭

    Skip Heitzig, Greg Laurie, and Ray Comfort need to be added to the Dispensational tag.

    The Premillennialism Wikipedia page has Ray Comfort listed as Dispensational. Also, Dispensational beliefs can be found on both Greg Laurie's and Skip Heitzig's church websites.

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    David Abernathy.

    Should be listed as reformed - he's a graduate of RTS.

    He has 5 titles in the exegetical summary series that aren't being picked up.

    Ezra Abbot

    Should be listed as Unitarian
    [quote]Many of the prominent early textual critics were Unitarians, including Johann Wettstein (1693-1754), Alexander Geddes (1737-1802), Edward Harwood (1729-94), George Vance Smith (1816-1902), Ezra Abbot (1819-84), Joseph Henry Thayer (1828-1901), and Caspar Rene Gregory (1846-1917). Others such as Johann Griesbach, though not Unitarian, were modernists who denied the deity of Christ.

    Daniel C. Arichea - is a Bishop with the UMC.

    Rev George Barlow - Presbyterian

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  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    Julius August Bewer was ordained congregational, and worked at a seminary that currently claims it is ecumenical.

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  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    John Dominic Crossan - wiki lists him as Roman Catholic (though he's no longer a priest). He's also tied to the Jesus Seminar and their quest for the historical jesus. Which may be a good collection to make as well.

    Frederic Farrar - Anglican - kind of surprised he wasn't listed. You have to click the links for the churches he pastored to see he was/is Anglican.

    Also - can you add OR MyTag:(short name for the group/theology in question IE MyTag:Anglican to the Anglican Collection) to the collections?

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Denomination: Seventh-day Adventist

    Author:("Anderson, Bruce", "Lewis, Karen Ann", "Bacchiocchi, Samuel", "Land, Gary", "Knott, Ronald Allan", "Paulien, Jon", "Sahlin, Monte", "General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists",  "Holbrook, Frank B.", "Colon, Jac", "Advent Source", "Day, Dan", "Weber, Martin", "Tucker, Mike", "Walter, Elden", "Colon, Jac", "Batchelor, Doug", "Chea, Alvin", "Chalice, Leander",  "Papaioannou, Kim", "swenson, Terry", "Turner, Lawrence A.",   "Mitchell, Larry A.", "Himes, Joshua V.", "Frazee, W.D.",  "Tucker, Gayle", "Andrews University", "Brand, Leonard", "Davidson, Richard M.", "Dederen, Raoul", "Doukhan, Jacques B.", "Fayard, Carlos", "Gane, Roy", "Gugliotto, Lee J.", "Gulley, Norman R.", "Harding IV, George T.", "Hasel, Gerhard", "Hernandez, Barbara Couden", "Horn, Siegfried H.", "Knight, George R.", "LaRondelle, Hans K.", "Miller, Nicholas M.", "Neufeld, Don F.", "Nichol, Francis D.", "Rasell, Marc", "Rice, Richard", "Richards, W. Larry", "Smith, Uriah", "Stefanovic, Ranko", "Swanson, H. Peter", "White, Ellen G.") OR Publisher:("Adventsource", "Simple Church Global Network", "Andrews University Press", "Ellen G. White Estate", "Review and Herald", "Seventh-day Adventist") OR Subject:(“ellen white writings”) OR MyTag:(“sdaencyc”, “sdaatlas”)

    Updated May 29, 2014

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • David Ames
    David Ames Member Posts: 2,977 ✭✭✭

    Denomination: Seventh-day Adventist

    Removed the MyTag section and got 540 hits - how many am I missing?

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    I have 540 also. I used the mytag to include the Encyclopedia and Atlas. They were not properly tagged.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Randy W. Sims
    Randy W. Sims Member Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for posting your rule to this thread, Lynden. It looks like the additions you made for SDA are as listed out below. (It's probably a bit easier for Andrew if we just list the additions as a list rather than posting the entire rule, if possible.)

    Advent Source
    Bacchiocchi, Samuel
    Batchelor, Doug
    Chalice, Leander
    Chea, Alvin
    Colon, Jac
    Day, Dan
    Frazee, W.D.
    General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
    Himes, Joshua V.
    Holbrook, Frank B.
    Knott, Ronald Allan
    Land, Gary
    Lewis, Karen Ann
    Mitchell, Larry A.
    Papaioannou, Kim
    Paulien, Jon
    Sahlin, Monte
    Swenson, Terry
    Tucker, Gayle
    Tucker, Mike
    Turner, Lawrence A.
    Walter, Elden
    Weber, Martin

    Simple Church Global Network

    ellen white writings


    Currently, the generated rules don't contain Subject or MyTag filters. Is this something that would be useful to a lot of collections or just limited use?

  • Edwin Sully PAYET
    Edwin Sully PAYET Member Posts: 251 ✭✭

    Author:("Adams, W. Milton", “Anderson, Bruce”, “Andrews University”, “Bacchiocchi, Samuele”, “Batchelor, Doug”, “Brand, Leonard”, “Brown, Robert H.”, “Case, Steve”, “Chalice, Leander”, “Chea, Alvin”, “Coffin, Harold”, “Colon, Jac”, “Davidson, Richard M.”, “Day, Dan”, “Dederen, Raoul”, “Dickerson, Brenda”, “Doukhan, Jacques B.”, “du Preez, Ron”, “Dudley, Roger L.”, “Edson, Hiram”, "Evans, Mary J.", “Fayard, Carlos”, "Flowers, Ron", “Ford, Mark”, “Frazee, W.D.”, “Gane, Roy E.”, “General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists”, “Gugliotto, Lee J.”, “Gulley, Norman R.”, “Harding IV, George T.”, “Hasel, Gerhard”, “Hernandez, Barbara Couden”, “Himes, Joshua V.”, “Horn, Siegfried H.”, “Holbrook, Frank B.”, “Knight, George R.”, “Knott, Ronald Allan”, “Land, Gary”, “LaRondelle, Hans K.”, “Lewis, Karen Ann”, “Miller, Nicholas M.”, “Mitchel, Larry A.”, “Neufeld, Don F.”, “Nichol, Francis D.”, “Papaioannou, Kim”, "Paulien, Jon", "Penner, Todd C.", “Rasell, Marc”, “Rice, Richard”, “Richards, W. Larry”, “Roth, Ariel A.”, “Sahlin, Monte”, “Shea, William H.”, “Smith, Uriah”, “Stefanovic, Ranko”, “Swanson, H. Peter”, “Swenson, Terry”, “Tucker, Gayle”, “Tucker, Mike”, “Turner, Lawrence A.”, “Walter, Elden”, “Weber, Martin”, “White, Ellen G.”, “Geoscience Research Institute”) OR Publisher:(“Andrews University Press”, “AdventSource”, “Adventist Today”, “Biblical Perspectives”, “Center for Creative Ministry”, “Ellen G. White Estate”, “First Impressions”,  “Jon Paulien”, “Pacific Press”, “Review and Herald”, “Simple Church Global Network”, “Seventh-day Adventist”) OR Subject:(“ellen white writings”) OR MyTag:(“sdaencyc”, “sdaatlas”, “sda”) OR adventist OR Seventh-day

  • Edwin Sully PAYET
    Edwin Sully PAYET Member Posts: 251 ✭✭
  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    I have spent a good deal of time tagging most of my library - The inclusion of tags in rules would be helpful to me.

    ALSO Kevin DeYoung is changing denominations to PCA

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • Peter_G
    Peter_G Member Posts: 102 ✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    Excluding what I have hidden, this is my library profile. I'm sure it can be improved in terms of narrowing the "beat's me/I don't know/unclassified" portion:

    How did you generate this pie chart?

  • Veli Voipio
    Veli Voipio MVP Posts: 2,062

    I could not take time to read the whole thread, but I have been thinking to tag mine adding these to myTags, according to the general  thelogical base


    Gold package, and original language material and ancient text material, SIL and UBS books, discourse Hebrew OT and Greek NT. PC with Windows 11

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    Hoping Andrew is ok - haven't seen him around the forums for a while...

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • Don Awalt
    Don Awalt Member Posts: 3,528 ✭✭✭

    Hoping Andrew is ok - haven't seen him around the forums for a while...

    I don't think there is cause for concern yet, he said he was facing a very busy stretch and probably wouldn't be around much until mid-June.

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the update - also I noticed there is a new collection for Assemblies of God made just five days ago.

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • Don Awalt
    Don Awalt Member Posts: 3,528 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the update - also I noticed there is a new collection for Assemblies of God made just five days ago.

    Interesting. I clicked on it to update/add, and it said my copy was current. I wonder if Andrew just re-saved it or something.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    I think I've updated the spreadsheet to include all of the suggestions so far.  As always please feel free to suggest corrections, additions, etc.  I've updated all of the Faithlife collections at: 

    Here's the latest copy of the spreadsheet:

    2112.Denominations and Theology - 10 June

    And a new Frequently Asked Questions guide, mainly based on previous postings on this thread:

    0488.Theology and Denomination Tag Reference.doc 

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Liam said:

    Maybe a dumb question, but how do I utilize these tags and get them into my Logos library? I also would like to create collections of several of these and can't figure out how to get them to show in Logos (mainly a puritan collection). I went to and only have the option to duplicate these tags, which simply makes another of the same file at How do I get these to show up in my Logos library?

    Hope you've found your answers by now, Liam.  Apologies for the long absence.  I've created a new Frequently Asked Questions guide to try to answer these sorts of questions.  See link on previous post.  Please let me know if you still have a question.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Also - Charles Ryrie of nebulous denominational affiliation (but certainly a dispensationalist as he was the former president of Dallas Theological Seminary) has a book published through B&H and so one of his titles is flagged as southern baptist.

    IS Ryrie Southern Baptist? If so lets add him as an author, if not, we need to make an exception Publisher:(Broadman and Holman ANDNOT Author:Ryrie) or however that would look.

    The book in question is his "Ryrie's Practical Guide to Communicating Bible Doctrine".

    Also I noticed Kenneth O. Gangel is listed by name under Parachurch, and by publisher under Southern Baptist (and Baptist).

    For Theology: Amillenial

    The following people have books that are from an Amillenial perspective, that also have books (or journal entries) published in Logos.

    geerhardus voss
    G.K. Beale
    Hendriksen, William
    Hill, Charles E
    Anthony Hoekema
    Johnson, Dennis E
    Mathison, Keith
    Poythress, Vern
    Riddlebarger, Kim
    Venema, Cornelis
    Sam Storms
    Samuel Waldron

    Here is where the list originated from.

    Thanks for all your helpful posts, abondservant.  Maybe I need to remove the Southern Baptist tag from B&H.  When the project started, it was more of a rough and ready guide.  As it's becoming more of an exhaustive list, it can afford to be more particular.  Do you know if many non-Southern Baptist authors are published by B&H?

    I've added Amillennial as a theology, though I'm not sure everyone on the above list falls under that category.  For example, Keith Mathison's "Postmillennialism: An Eschatology of Hope" suggests that he is post-millennial.  I've added the authors I verified.  I'm open to suggestions for who else should be on this list, preferably with evidence as always.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭
  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    John Dominic Crossan - wiki lists him as Roman Catholic (though he's no longer a priest). He's also tied to the Jesus Seminar and their quest for the historical jesus. Which may be a good collection to make as well.

    Frederic Farrar - Anglican - kind of surprised he wasn't listed. You have to click the links for the churches he pastored to see he was/is Anglican.

    Also - can you add OR MyTag:(short name for the group/theology in question IE MyTag:Anglican to the Anglican Collection) to the collections?

    If anyone has a link to a suitably long and reliable list of those connected with The Jesus Seminar, then I would happily add this.

    The MyTag suggestion seems sensible and may well satisfy Lynden as well.  What do others think?

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Denomination: Seventh-day Adventist

    Author:("Anderson, Bruce", "Lewis, Karen Ann", "Bacchiocchi, Samuel", "Land, Gary", "Knott, Ronald Allan", "Paulien, Jon", "Sahlin, Monte", "General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists",  "Holbrook, Frank B.", "Colon, Jac", "Advent Source", "Day, Dan", "Weber, Martin", "Tucker, Mike", "Walter, Elden", "Colon, Jac", "Batchelor, Doug", "Chea, Alvin", "Chalice, Leander",  "Papaioannou, Kim", "swenson, Terry", "Turner, Lawrence A.",   "Mitchell, Larry A.", "Himes, Joshua V.", "Frazee, W.D.",  "Tucker, Gayle", "Andrews University", "Brand, Leonard", "Davidson, Richard M.", "Dederen, Raoul", "Doukhan, Jacques B.", "Fayard, Carlos", "Gane, Roy", "Gugliotto, Lee J.", "Gulley, Norman R.", "Harding IV, George T.", "Hasel, Gerhard", "Hernandez, Barbara Couden", "Horn, Siegfried H.", "Knight, George R.", "LaRondelle, Hans K.", "Miller, Nicholas M.", "Neufeld, Don F.", "Nichol, Francis D.", "Rasell, Marc", "Rice, Richard", "Richards, W. Larry", "Smith, Uriah", "Stefanovic, Ranko", "Swanson, H. Peter", "White, Ellen G.") OR Publisher:("Adventsource", "Simple Church Global Network", "Andrews University Press", "Ellen G. White Estate", "Review and Herald", "Seventh-day Adventist") OR Subject:(“ellen white writings”) OR MyTag:(“sdaencyc”, “sdaatlas”)

    Updated May 29, 2014

    I've tried to include all of the SDA authors included on this and subsequent posts.  It meant adding a lot of new authors.  I'd prefer not to add Subject to these collections, though we could add "OR MyTag:("Seventh-Day Adventist") if others think this would be helpful (see previous post).  If you were able to post the relevant authors and/or publishers here that are included only by adding "OR Subject:(“ellen white writings”) OR MyTag:(“sdaencyc”, “sdaatlas”)", then that would be helpful.  I know Logos is not always consistent with the way it publishes this information.

    The alternative would be for you to create a Collection called "Lynden's SDA" with Subject:(“ellen white writings”) OR MyTag:(“sdaencyc”, “sdaatlas”), and add the collection "Denom. Stream: Seventh-day Adventist".  This would then automatically update and "Lynden's SDA" would include everything you wanted.  Please let me know what you're thinking.  Thanks for all the work you've put into this.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for posting your rule to this thread, Lynden. It looks like the additions you made for SDA are as listed out below. (It's probably a bit easier for Andrew if we just list the additions as a list rather than posting the entire rule, if possible.)


    Currently, the generated rules don't contain Subject or MyTag filters. Is this something that would be useful to a lot of collections or just limited use?

    Really helpful, Randy.  Thanks!  It may be worth adding MyTag filters (see my response to abondservant above).  I'm happy to wait until others comment on this first though.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Author:("Adams, W. Milton", “Anderson, Bruce”, “Andrews University”, “Bacchiocchi, Samuele”, “Batchelor, Doug”, “Brand, Leonard”, “Brown, Robert H.”, “Case, Steve”, “Chalice, Leander”, “Chea, Alvin”, “Coffin, Harold”, “Colon, Jac”, “Davidson, Richard M.”, “Day, Dan”, “Dederen, Raoul”, “Dickerson, Brenda”, “Doukhan, Jacques B.”, “du Preez, Ron”, “Dudley, Roger L.”, “Edson, Hiram”, "Evans, Mary J.", “Fayard, Carlos”, "Flowers, Ron", “Ford, Mark”, “Frazee, W.D.”, “Gane, Roy E.”, “General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists”, “Gugliotto, Lee J.”, “Gulley, Norman R.”, “Harding IV, George T.”, “Hasel, Gerhard”, “Hernandez, Barbara Couden”, “Himes, Joshua V.”, “Horn, Siegfried H.”, “Holbrook, Frank B.”, “Knight, George R.”, “Knott, Ronald Allan”, “Land, Gary”, “LaRondelle, Hans K.”, “Lewis, Karen Ann”, “Miller, Nicholas M.”, “Mitchel, Larry A.”, “Neufeld, Don F.”, “Nichol, Francis D.”, “Papaioannou, Kim”, "Paulien, Jon", "Penner, Todd C.", “Rasell, Marc”, “Rice, Richard”, “Richards, W. Larry”, “Roth, Ariel A.”, “Sahlin, Monte”, “Shea, William H.”, “Smith, Uriah”, “Stefanovic, Ranko”, “Swanson, H. Peter”, “Swenson, Terry”, “Tucker, Gayle”, “Tucker, Mike”, “Turner, Lawrence A.”, “Walter, Elden”, “Weber, Martin”, “White, Ellen G.”, “Geoscience Research Institute”) OR Publisher:(“Andrews University Press”, “AdventSource”, “Adventist Today”, “Biblical Perspectives”, “Center for Creative Ministry”, “Ellen G. White Estate”, “First Impressions”,  “Jon Paulien”, “Pacific Press”, “Review and Herald”, “Simple Church Global Network”, “Seventh-day Adventist”) OR Subject:(“ellen white writings”) OR MyTag:(“sdaencyc”, “sdaatlas”, “sda”) OR adventist OR Seventh-day

    This is really helpful, Edwin.  I think I've included all the authors and publishers you suggested.  See the previous posts for comments on the Subject and MyTag parts.  If you were able to list the relevant authors and publishers for the resources that are excluded by not adding these lines, then I would be most grateful.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    I have spent a good deal of time tagging most of my library - The inclusion of tags in rules would be helpful to me.

    ALSO Kevin DeYoung is changing denominations to PCA

    This seems a little premature, given the info provided on the linked page, but I've made the change.  Thanks for the info and link.  Let me know if I haven't included any of the other suggestions you've made here.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the update - also I noticed there is a new collection for Assemblies of God made just five days ago.

    Not sure what this was about.  I don't think it was anything to do with me...

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    I was starting to see what new purchases had done to my unclassified list. Somehow my collections are not updating automatically - an issue I'll look into later. But I noticed that Catholics still look odd to me> I'm missing something in how you are looking at things. What I expected:

    Denom. Stream: Catholic

    Denominations: Latin, Syro-Malabar, Melkite, Maronite etc.

    Subgroup: OFM, OP, SJ ...

    This would match what I thought was the Anglican structure:

    Denom. Stream: Anglican

    Denominations: Church of England, Church of Ireland . . .

    Subgroup: OFM (the most common Anglican order)

    or the similar Lutheran structure:

    Denom. Stream: Lutheran

    Denominations: ELCA, WELS, LCMS ...

    Subgroup: Franciscans, Holy Trinity, Order of Mary (sample Lutheran orders)

    What am I missing?

    Sorry it's taken so long to get back here, MJ.  Please let me know if there's an issue with updating.

    You're right about the most logical way to display these streams and subgroups.  The current list is trying to force everything into just two categories, for the sake of the spreadsheet.  I started breaking Latin Catholics into subgroups as it was such a large group and I hadn't bargained on the subgroups affecting so many pre-Reformation authors.  It could be quite a bit of work to change now, especially if the Logos Rules worksheet was to cater for subgroups, which would require more work for Randy.  What do others think?  Would it be worth it?

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    Trying to build a mind map of the relationships embedded in the collections and found a problem requiring duplication of data. My intent in suggesting the 2 categories:

    • Pre-schism
    • Post-schism. pre-reformation

    was to allow the pre-schism group to be included in both the Catholic and Orthodox streams (and certain Protestant groups that claim them as well) and for post-schism, pre-reformation to be included in Catholic and certain Protestant groups e.g. Anglicans but not to be included in Orthodox.

    That doesn't appear to be the intent of the current structure. It could be supported by duplicate entries - often 3 to include the religious order in the current structure. If that is the intent, I need to work my way through which require multiple entries if I am to correctly edit the table.

    See previous post, and let me know if this isn't covered by possibly adding a third column 'subgroup' to the spreadsheet.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    Another interesting puzzle. (Yes, I'm going through in great details seeing if I'd be willing to help with the updates.)

    Under "Anglican" is the Church of South India. From Wikipedia:

    "The Church of South India (CSI) is the successor of the Church of England in India after Indian Independence. It came into being by a union of Anglican and Protestant churches in South India. It combined the South India United Church (union of the Congregationalists and the Presbyterians); the then 14 Anglican Dioceses of South India and one in Sri Lanka; and the South Indian District of the Methodist church With a membership of over four million, it is India's second largest Christian church after the Catholic Church in India. CSI is one of four united churches in the Anglican Communion."

    Do United Churches need their own category as they represent a theological mix rather than belonging to any single thread?

    Thanks for the attention to detail, MJ.  I'm running out of time and will answer your other questions later.

    My understanding (having spoken to a leader within the CSI) is that it is now Anglican, so that's how it has been labelled.  The label Uniting has been in use on the Colleges and Universities worksheet for some time.  It applies to churches that have united but have not joined the Anglican Communion.