Android Suite 4.4.6 Stable Release

Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309
edited November 2024 in English Forum

The Android team is pleased to announce the 4.4.6 stable release of the Bible, Biblia, FSB, Verbum, Vyrso and Noet apps.  

The apps should be available soon in the Google Play and Amazon Stores.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This release requires Android 4.0 or above.

If you discover any issues please create a new post and include the following info:

  • Description – How were you using the app when the problem occurred.
  • App Info – Which app you are using. (Bible, Biblia, Faithlife Study Bible, Noet, Verbum or Vyrso)
  • Device Info – (Nexus 7, Motorola Triumph, Droid Bionic, Kindle Fire (1st gen))
  • Android Version – (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.0) 

Versions in this release:

Biblia 4.4.6 (Build 347)
Bible 4.4.6 (Build 347)
Faithlife Study Bible 4.4.6 (Build 347)
Noet 4.4.6 (Build 347)
Verbum 4.4.6 (Build 347)
Vyrso 4.4.6 (Build 347) 

Google Play direct download links:

Logos - 
Faithlife Study Bible - 
Biblia - 
Vyrso - 
Verbum - 
Noet - 

Amazon Store direct download links:

Logos - 
Faithlife Study Bible - 
Biblia - 
Verbum - 
Noet - 


  • Fixed font scaling on higher resolution devices
  • Fixed account registration bug


  • Willie
    Willie Member Posts: 181 ✭✭

    The Android team is pleased to announce the 4.4.6 stable release of the Bible, Biblia, FSB, Verbum, Vyrso and Noet apps.  



    • Fixed font scaling on higher resolution devices
    • Fixed account registration bug

    Thank you Logos Android Team for this unexpected early Christmas gift!  The font sizing is now working great on my Samsung Galaxy S-4.  I also tried it on a Samsung Tab S which I'm now considering purchasing primarily to use the Logos App and the sizing worked fine on it as well.

    Now that the font size issue has been addressed, is Logos planning to add several choices of font styles in the near future?  If so, is Verdana being considered?  Should I submit this as a suggestion to the UserVoice site?     

  • Drew Hannay
    Drew Hannay Member Posts: 143 ✭✭

    Willie D. said:

    Now that the font size issue has been addressed, is Logos planning to add several choices of font styles in the near future?  If so, is Verdana being considered?  Should I submit this as a suggestion to the UserVoice site?     

    I'd guess UserVoice is the best route. It looks like there's already one suggestion for this (doesn't matter that this one mentions iOS...just leave a comment saying you'd like it on Android too). 

  • Willie
    Willie Member Posts: 181 ✭✭

    Willie D. said:

    Now that the font size issue has been addressed, is Logos planning to add several choices of font styles in the near future?  If so, is Verdana being considered?  Should I submit this as a suggestion to the UserVoice site?     

    I'd guess UserVoice is the best route. It looks like there's already one suggestion for this (doesn't matter that this one mentions iOS...just leave a comment saying you'd like it on Android too). 

    Thanks Drew.  The related UserVoice suggestion you identified is very helpful.  Since I only have two remaining votes, I was hoping someone from Logos might tell me here that they're already working on adding font style options, but apparently that's not the case so I'll go ahead and use UserVoice.

    Merry Christmas        

  • Bill Anderson
    Bill Anderson Member Posts: 603 ✭✭

    Thanks for fixing the font issue on my Note 4.

    Something related to consider for another build: adjusting the font sizes at the various levels. The absolute smallest and next step higher are uselessly small. The second tick from the left is also too small for me. I could use the third tick, but it is slightly too small. The 4th tick is where I am at. All of the ticks to the right of the 4th tick are way too big, and I am in my mid-50s. The ability expand the font at all levels is fantastic and again, thanks for that. However, most of the options north and south of the 4th tick are useless to me.

  • Willie
    Willie Member Posts: 181 ✭✭

    Thanks for fixing the font issue on my Note 4.

    Something related to consider for another build: adjusting the font sizes at the various levels. The absolute smallest and next step higher are uselessly small. The second tick from the left is also too small for me. I could use the third tick, but it is slightly too small. The 4th tick is where I am at. All of the ticks to the right of the 4th tick are way too big, and I am in my mid-50s. The ability expand the font at all levels is fantastic and again, thanks for that. However, most of the options north and south of the 4th tick are useless to me.

    Hello Bill - I agree with you regarding the ticks on the far left being too small, but for me personally, I have a genuine need for all the ticks on the far right.  In fact prior to this update, I literally could not use the app because the only options I had on my Samsung S-4 were the first seven ticks (going left to right) which were all too small for my eyes.  I'm also in my 50s but I need to use the third tick from the right with my Samsung S-4 and the second tick from the right with a Samsung Tab S that I'm strongly considering purchasing now that I can use the app.  (That's with prescription eye glasses that were recently checked.)  I would therefore request no changes be made for anything to the right of the seventh tick.   I do think it's awesome that you have such good vision.  That's a blessing that not all of us in our 50s have. :)


  • Bill Anderson
    Bill Anderson Member Posts: 603 ✭✭

    Willie, thanks for that. I can see o.k., but I have profound hearing loss that makes up for it.

  • Willie
    Willie Member Posts: 181 ✭✭

    I'm sorry to know that Bill.  I hope current research in hearing loss will benefit you soon.

    God Bless and Merry Christmas

  • Rick Ausdahl
    Rick Ausdahl Member Posts: 1,719 ✭✭✭

    I'm having two problems with the Bible app on a Kindle Fire HD 8.9 running the current version of the Kindle OS (8.5.1) which runs on Android 4.0.3.

    1) Two finger scrolling is too jerky/jumpy to be usable.  Have to use one finger scrolling which requires page turns to be done with a "tap" instead of a "swipe".  Tapping for page turns is a real headache when active links are scattered throughout the text because touching one of the links when tapping the screen activates the link instead of doing the page turn.

    2) Synching of resource reading locations is no longer working between the Kindle and Logos on any of my Windows machines.  I'm currently running Logos 6.  I did not have this problem when running Logos 5, but when I upgraded to 6, I set the Kindle aside for several weeks and just worked with Logos 6 on Windows, so I don't know if the problem was caused by the initial upgrade to 6, or if it's the result of a later update to Logos 6 or the Bible app.

    Combined, these two problems pretty much discourage any real use of the Bible app.  In an effort to resolve the issues, I have:

    • Tried synching with and without downloading the resources to the Kindle.
    • Uninstalled and reinstalled the Bible app.
    • Run the Update Resources command in Logos.

     Any help would be appreciated.

  • Sean
    Sean Member Posts: 1,800 ✭✭✭

    Ok. So when are you going to do something about the library not updating bug? At this point I feel like you've got me on your forum ignore list.