International Critical Commentaries - Anglican Diamond

Rayner Member Posts: 591
edited November 2024 in Resources Forum

I finally took the plunge and upgraded to Anglican Diamond and a bunch of commentaries on a two year plan. I'm slightly annoyed to notice that my International Critical Commentary is not a complete set, but I should have looked a bit harder and counted the volumes. Anyhow, can anyone advise on the editions of the ICC? There is a note on Logos ICC  to say that many books have been upgraded. How do I know whether I have the most recent edition of each book in Logos format??


  • Ted Hans
    Ted Hans MVP Posts: 3,173

    I am not really following you but this is what you have, the 32 Vols New testament -

    Note: Many of the titles in this series have gone through a number of revisions. See the bibliography for a list of editions included in the Logos ICC product.

    Dell, studio XPS 7100, Ram 8GB, 64 - bit Operating System, AMD Phenom(mt) IIX6 1055T Processor 2.80 GHZ

  • Simon’s Brother
    Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,820 ✭✭✭

    Rayner the best I can find to help with knowing which volume is the latest revision is the list at the following link.  It sorts the ICC volumes alphabetically. So for instance you can see there are two volumes published on Colossians  & Philemon.  You could use this list to check if the volume provided by Logos is the 32 Volume NT / Anglican Diamond is the most recent revision. If you do find an instance where there is a newer revision that is not in the package you own it may be available on the pre-pub page where you  can order it or it may very recent or not yet published and so not available through prepub at this point in time.

  • Ted Hans
    Ted Hans MVP Posts: 3,173

    So for instance you can see there are two volumes published on Colossians  & Philemon.  You could use this list to check if the volume provided by Logos is the 32 Volume NT / Anglican Diamond is the most recent revision. If you do find an instance where there is a newer revision that is not in the package you own it may be available on the pre-pub page where you  can order it or it may very recent or not yet published and so not available through prepub at this point in time.

    Okay now i get what he meant - Replacement volumes not revisions. Thanks DOC for making me make sense of his meaning.

    Dell, studio XPS 7100, Ram 8GB, 64 - bit Operating System, AMD Phenom(mt) IIX6 1055T Processor 2.80 GHZ

  • Mark Smith
    Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,803

    Rayner, the 32 volume NT set contains both the older and newer editions of all the volumes produced so far in the ICC New Testament series, with one exception: the new volume on James that was released just last week from pre-pub. (It is currently paired on with a volume on Isaiah as it was in pre-pub).

    Besides the other suggestions made here, looking at the publication dates will tell you if you have a newer or older volume. Volumes published in or after 1975 are replacements for the earlier volumes (all published before 1930). With the ICC there was a long gap between the close of the initial publication and the restart with new editions, so it is easy to tell what you have. Be sure your Library view includes the column for Publication Date, type ICC into the Library search bar, then sort by Publication Date to see which are the older and newer versions.

    Again, you are only missing one at this point.

    Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

    Bridgeport, CT USA

  • Rayner
    Rayner Member Posts: 591

    Rayner, the 32 volume NT set contains both the older and newer editions of all the volumes produced so far in the ICC New Testament series, with one exception: the new volume on James that was released just last week from pre-pub. (It is currently paired on with a volume on Isaiah as it was in pre-pub).

    Besides the other suggestions made here, looking at the publication dates will tell you if you have a newer or older volume. Volumes published in or after 1975 are replacements for the earlier volumes (all published before 1930). With the ICC there was a long gap between the close of the initial publication and the restart with new editions, so it is easy to tell what you have. Be sure your Library view includes the column for Publication Date, type ICC into the Library search bar, then sort by Publication Date to see which are the older and newer versions.

    Again, you are only missing one at this point.

    Thanks so much for this and other answers.  I didn't realise that both older and newer volumes were included (I've not been at my main computer and was just using the Logos app, which I don't think includes everything).  I'm not worried about the most recent James commentary and will pick that up at a later stage.

    I will set up my library view to see all of the publication dates.  Thanks for the tip.

    I will also now need to pick up the OT volumes once I've cleared this "mortgage"... [A]

  • Mark Smith
    Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,803

    Rayner said:

    I will also now need to pick up the OT volumes once I've cleared this "mortgage"... Angel

    Check the dates on those as well. I think you'll find the updating and revising of the OT to be going rather slowly. There are very few updated volumes. For my $ purchasing the entire OT at this point is a waste of money (unless you need them for academic reasons). In fact I selectively purchased all the volumes I have on the NT. While I may have paid more per volume than you did, I have spent less than the price of the entire NT set which contains much dated material. I used what I saved for better products. You undoubtedly got the set at a good price through the Anglican package you purchased.

    Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

    Bridgeport, CT USA

  • Rayner
    Rayner Member Posts: 591

    Rayner said:

    I will also now need to pick up the OT volumes once I've cleared this "mortgage"... Angel

    Check the dates on those as well. I think you'll find the updating and revising of the OT to be going rather slowly. There are very few updated volumes. For my $ purchasing the entire OT at this point is a waste of money (unless you need them for academic reasons). In fact I selectively purchased all the volumes I have on the NT. While I may have paid more per volume than you did, I have spent less than the price of the entire NT set which contains much dated material. I used what I saved for better products. You undoubtedly got the set at a good price through the Anglican package you purchased.

    Thanks for the tip.  I'm investing now in preparation for, perhaps, not having the money in the years to come.  I am very happy with the price I obtained for Anglican Diamond (despite absence of OT ICC) as I purchased a whole bunch of other products including Barth's Dogmatics, Tyndale Commentaries and Sacra Pagina, which means I can free up some book shelf space.

  • Janna Djon
    Janna Djon Member Posts: 4

    And where else can you find a book?
    It will still print?