Minutes of The Sessions of the Westminster Assembly Of Divines

Dave L
Dave L Member Posts: 151 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

These MINUTES OF THE SESSIONS OF ΤHE WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY OF DIVINES are in no way exhaustive, and should not be confused with the 5 Volume set being sold by Westminster Books, although this collection might be a part of it.  What stands out is the dedication and care taken by the Divines to present an accurate statement for us today. Even to the point of breaking off their debates to call a Fast; “A fast shall be held some day this week by this Assembly to humble ourselves before God and to pray for direction and blessing upon the work that is committed to the Assembly”.

I retrieved this work as a PDF from Archive org. who provided the following copyright status; possible copyright status: Not_In_Copyright. So I assume posting is OK.

Thanks to all for your contributions,

Dave L

