BUG: Screencasts of weird highlighting/text selection others have posted about
Bradley. At first it did stop the "unstable" behaviour but I did get it to do some. It did seem to improve the situation though.
With that said, my earlier test was over a much longer time period than this brief test I just did. I assume you are trying to isolate the problem factors. I do not want to give up the links ability just to solve this as I have got very used to it over the last several versions of Logos. But in the spirit of problem solving, no problem.
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If you haven't recorded a screencast yet, it would probably be very helpful for us to see you reproduce the problem.
Jing is a free tool for Windows that can create and upload screencasts: http://www.techsmith.com/jing.html
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Bradley, I have noticed some issues in other programs with this unstable mouse behaviour changing the selection I have made. So for now I am trying to find out as it happens and while doing some work, how much of this is a mouse issue and how much is Logos. So stand by, I will be back.
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Bradley, I turned this off and made sure I had smart select turned off when I first started posting about the bug, and it still does it. I concur with Alan that it has diminished somewhat since the last update and I too thought it was solved at first. But it is still happening to a less frequent extent. But I see there's a new post today of someone that is having the same problem. I don't know how to merge the threads, if it's even possible. Here is the link:
Thanks for the help trying to track it down!
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Rev Alan Heathcote said:
Worst part is when you go to highlight a word and press the hot button for a colour code and as you press the button the selection changes to the rest of the paragraph and the one after, and it unhighlights the word you selected and goes to the next one and all succeeding for quite a while. Then you have to go back delete all highlighting in the next 2 paragraphs, because Control Z (undo) does nothing
Same problem! Same frustration!
http://hombrereformado.blogspot.com/ Solo a Dios la Gloria Apoyo
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Tom Rach said:
Same problem! Same frustration!
The fix for this is included in 6.1 beta 4 as per https://community.logos.com/forums/p/100360/693654.aspx#693654
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Graham Criddle said:Tom Rach said:
Same problem! Same frustration!
The fix for this is included in 6.1 beta 4 as per https://community.logos.com/forums/p/100360/693654.aspx#693654
Thanks Graham, I saw something about it in one of the beta posts, my desire is that it fixes "my" problem.
But some would say I am hopless
http://hombrereformado.blogspot.com/ Solo a Dios la Gloria Apoyo
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I continue to have the same problem and it is making my Bible study an unhappy experience.
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As per my post of last week. I got a new mouse and voila (a little French lingo there) my double clicking problems were gone (but the fix last week solved that anyway) and the bleed over into other programs was gone. Now I open Logos and unfortunately the problem continued. I just can't predict when it is going to happen. It happens 15 times in the Bible to 1 time in any other book. Some paragraphs in the Bible seem totally faulty and then the next one is fine. I now need to master that video program so I can send video of it happening, unless one of you other guys with the same problem can do this for us.
I also note the 6.1 note (and that someone else is posting as I post). We all wait with baited breath for 6.1. Again, thanks for all those who are working on this. We all know it is just a coding error somewhere but as my sons will tell me, finding it, can take ages sometimes. Thanks, Alan
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I am having the exact same problem and am very, very frustrated as I do a LOT of highlighting. I will highlight a word or group of words and just as I click the "highlight" I will find that several verses have been highlighted. This requires me to Remove Annotations and keep trying. This is tedious and makes my Bible Study less than enjoyable. I have checked "No" under "Smart Text Selection" in Program Settings. This didn't help at all. I do have open Links since I used the Links frequently. Please help.
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Maxine, I sure understand your frustration, and I do a ton of highlighting too, which worked fine until mid Jan when this problem came in for the first time - see my post way up top there somewhere.
Until this is fixed, here are a few ways I have helped myself make the best of the problem.
When you highlight say three words (I will keep referring to this as an example, but it happens with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 etc words as well), wait one second before clicking your colour button or pressing your hotbutton for the highlight colour. If it holds on the three words for 1-2 secs, you are safe to press. Its when you don't wait, it gets you and you just highlighted the next several paragraphs below and overwrote your previous highlights - you know the story.
Second, when you go to highlight those three words and you haven't quite reached the last one and it decides, "no that is not what you want, you want none of those words, you want the rest of the paragraph which follows on afterwards" obviously unclick and start again. Do two words, remembering to wait one second, and highlight them. Then if it doesn't think for you you have part of it right. Then go to the end of the section and highlight going backwards overlapping with just one or two letters of the part you hightlighted, wait one second, and then Bob is your uncle, unless you are a Zimbabwean, then he is your President, and you are lucky he hasn't confiscated your computer yet!
I know none of this solves the problem, but it can reduce the frustration until it is solved. Yes it does add some time to your process, but a whole lot less than having to un-highlight sections that decided to highlight themselves when you didn't wait one second.
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Chris Culy (Faithlife) said:
I see that you linked to this thread from another thread describing an issue that looks to be the same problem. As I stated there, I have implemented a fix that will ship in an upcoming release. Once that ships, please let me know if this issue is still occurring and I will be happy to investigate it further. Thanks!
This should be fixed in 6.0b SR-3.