Unknown error occured opening resource [Retry] - H:CCELBOALL

I recently purchased:
Homosexuality: Contemporary Claims Examined in Light of the Bible and Other Ancient Literature and Law by James B. De Young
When I try downloading it on my tablet (latest apk) it downloads successfully. But when I try to open it, I get the "Unknown error" - error. It happens when I'm connected to wifi or not. Deleting the resource and redownloading it does not solve the issue. A full reboot also does not solve the issue.
Also, it only seems to be this resource affected. Everything else, including the resources I downloaded at the same time all open fine.
Help me Obiwan Kenobi....
This is a known issue, we're working on a fix.
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Nice. If I would've been more diligent in my forum reading I might not have reposted.
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NK said:
Nice. If I would've been more diligent in my forum reading I might not have reposted.
It's actually not in the forums; I've been trying to track down the issue today with this resource and a few others.
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May you succeed!
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If you are willing to try (one of the) 4.5.0 Beta versions of an app I expect this resource will work. I recommend leaving your *main* app as is and trying the beta of different app (say, FSB, Vyrso or Verbum).
Please see here for more information on signing up for the beta.
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I've asked to join the g+ community. I'll see if we can get to work on one of the other betas and announce my results.
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Your suspicions are correct. I downloaded the latest Verbum beta apk (build 413) and it reads fine.
Keep up the great work!