SDA Jon Paulien pre-pubbed on Logos Mobile Ed

Rejoice with me as you click here--the first SDA professor, Jon Paulien, has an awesome two-course eschatology bundle up for preorder, reasonably priced.
Good stuff. Looking forward to listening to him. A total of twenty five hours of instruction.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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This is really exciting! I hope to see more SDA resources on mobile ed! I wish the entire seminary MDiv program could be taken through Logos mobile ed. Wouldn't that be nice?
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Martin, is there any plan for Logos Mobile ed courses to be accredited? It would be wonderful to be able to take classes like this one through mobile ed, and then transfer them in to a college or university for credit to finish.
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A growing number of seminaries are using Logos Mobile Ed courses for credit, in lieu of hiring adjunct professors. None right now (to my knowledge) are SDA.
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Somebody needs to be on staff at the academic institution to handle discussions with students, and give and grade assignments, but there is no reason why Mobile Ed videos can't be used as the core lecture element.
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Reimar Vetne said:
Somebody needs to be on staff at the academic institution to handle discussions with students, and give and grade assignments, but there is no reason why Mobile Ed videos can't be used as the core lecture element.
This may be the route for me to go. Not that I have any of the videos as yet. [:D] Or the money to enroll in the school. Reimar. How about your school offering a Phd, via distance education. The videos can be the instruction and we use our Logos libraries.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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The Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary might offer a PhD program at some point, but it won't be as a pure distance education program. It will have intensive on-campus courses (in Puerto Rico and other places in Inter-America) during Summers. Logos will likely be a requirement, and it will be far more affordable than an Andrews degree.
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Reimar Vetne said:
The Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary might offer a PhD program at some point, but it won't be as a pure distance education program. It will have intensive on-campus courses (in Puerto Rico and other places in Inter-America) during Summers. Logos will likely be a requirement, and it will be far more affordable than an Andrews degree.
Thanks. One step closer to a PhD.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Martin H Weber said:
A growing number of seminaries are using Logos Mobile Ed courses for credit, in lieu of hiring adjunct professors. None right now (to my knowledge) are SDA.
Ok so this is the visionary in me coming out, but can you imagine how much better training our pastors would get if the entire SDA Seminary curriculum was in Logos Mobile Ed? We could record all the teachers teaching each class and then instead of having them repeat the same thing every semester to different students, the professors could teach it once to the camera, and then they could all go back into ministry and then the students could still get a hands on mentorship by being paired with a professor in ministry for a few months and actually learn in a real ministry environment instead of a hypothetical learning experience of a classroom environment. Does anyone else think this would be a good idea?
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I love that idea Tim! Would love to see it happen for our last year at seminary.... but the chances of it happening that quickly are zilch. I like the vision though! :-)
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@ Timothy--I share your vision in terms of having lots of SDA Mobile Ed courses available around the world including at Andrews Seminary--not just for pastors but for preaching lay elders. @ John, your caution is certainly appropriate, given the sheer logistics and expenses of mobilizing everything at the Seminary for teachers who still want to teach in a classroom. Plus the fact that there's a bottleneck of courses to produce among all the denominations (including Verbum). The only reason we got Dr. Paulien's two-part bundle done now is because they fast tracked it for me with the big pastoral convention coming up in Texas June 28.
Here's our business plan: 1) Produce as many SDA Mobile Ed courses as can be arranged, produced and funded. Meanwhile, 2) work with the Andrews Seminary faculty in assisting their teaching ministry by developing an SDA academic master bundle that includes all their textbooks (that we can license) plus all their syllibi and perhaps class notes as well. This would use the Faithlife platform as a mutual communication tool (professor to students & students among themselves).
All of that is in discussion stage. But even option #2 is also a huge undertaking with logistical, financial and collaborative challenges to overcome. But I'm pressing toward the mark on your behalf!
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Appreciate the update Martin.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Sounds like a great game plan!
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Really want to see this go into production.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Timothy Taylor said:
the professors could teach it once to the camera, and then they could all go back into ministry and then the students could still get a hands on mentorship by being paired with a professor in ministry for a few months and actually learn in a real ministry environment instead of a hypothetical learning experience of a classroom environment.
A very interesting idea as long as one remembers that some teachers/professors have never been in ministry although they are superb teachers and also would be the first to to tell you that they are not gifted with some essential skills needed to minister in a church situation.
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....Martin Weber said:lots of SDA Mobile Ed courses available around the world including at Andrews Seminary--not just for pastors but for preaching lay elders.
Brilliant vision.Martin Weber said:1) Produce as many SDA Mobile Ed courses as can be arranged, produced and funded. Meanwhile, 2) work with the Andrews Seminary faculty in assisting their teaching ministry by developing an SDA academic master bundle that includes all their textbooks (that we can license) plus all their syllibi and perhaps class notes as well.
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Martin Weber said:
Here's our business plan: 1) Produce as many SDA Mobile Ed courses as can be arranged, produced and funded. Meanwhile, 2) work with the Andrews Seminary faculty in assisting their teaching ministry by developing an SDA academic master bundle that includes all their textbooks (that we can license) plus all their syllibi and perhaps class notes as well. This would use the Faithlife platform as a mutual communication tool (professor to students & students among themselves).
This is the way to go. It is cost prohibitive to leave home for 2 1/2 years to pursue a Phd. You would need to have salary covered, tuition and then how will you relate to family?
Mobile Ed courses, a large library, interactive forums, email and video, all combined together brings us as close as possible to being in the classroom on the campus. One of the reasons I keep building my library.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Martin Weber said:
Here's our business plan: 1) Produce as many SDA Mobile Ed courses as can be arranged, produced and funded. Meanwhile, 2) work with the Andrews Seminary faculty in assisting their teaching ministry by developing an SDA academic master bundle that includes all their textbooks (that we can license) plus all their syllibi and perhaps class notes as well. This would use the Faithlife platform as a mutual communication tool (professor to students & students among themselves).
Sorry for the delayed response, Martin, the business plan is extremely exciting!
As I always say, keep up the good work!
On another note to everyone else, this Logos Mobile Ed bundle is shipping in about 2 weeks! Last chance to grab it at a significant discount before it ships!
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I received the same email. Now to find a way to pay for it. Decisions!!!!!
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Martin Weber said:
Plus the fact that there's a bottleneck of courses to produce among all the denominations (including Verbum).
Woohoo! ... I mean, except for the bottleneck part.
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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I'm going to try to get Jon Paulien before cameras at the GC Session to talk about what working with Faithlife means to him. This may be the first time a SDA had the opportunity to communicate comprehensively through a non-SDA publisher our convictions about eschatology and the Book of Revelation generally.
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Martin H Weber said:
I'm going to try to get Jon Paulien before cameras at the GC Session to talk about what working with Faithlife means to him. This may be the first time a SDA had the opportunity to communicate comprehensively through a non-SDA publisher our convictions about eschatology and the Book of Revelation generally.
[Y]Yes, I have thought about this too. This is an exciting opportunity! I will be praying for it to all come through. [:)]
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Thanks, Tim.
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This ships today. Last chance to get it.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Here is the link.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Just downloaded it! So excited about this! What an amazing resource! I feel like this is a small taste of the future. I hope to see many more Mobile Ed classes like this in the future. I am really praying that our Church leadership will see the value in this and will help plug pastors in to these resources, and church members so that we can have more customers to fund the future development of these much needed videos! I know I've said it before but I'll say it again! Thanks so much for all you have done on this, Martin. I am very thankful to you and to the Lord for the rich blessings that we are now receiving through Logos SDA!
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You are welcome, Tim. Yesterday there were some potential developments that I can't speak of beyond company walls, but I'm excited.