NEW: Systematic Theology Bundle (TH111, TH112, and TH113)

Ryan Pemberton
Ryan Pemberton Member Posts: 9 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

Our newest pre-pub is:

Systematic Theology Bundle: TH111 Systematic Theology I: Doctrine of God and Creation; TH112 Systematic Theology II: Doctrine of Christ and the Church; and TH113 Systematic Theology III: Doctrine of Salvation and Eschatology

In this three-course Systematic Theology Bundle, Dr. Michael Allen provides thorough and easy-to-follow teaching on several important Christian subjects: the doctrine of God, creation, Christ (Christology), the church (ecclesiology), salvation (soteriology), and last things (eschatology).

Dr. Allen covers all of these subjects with a careful eye toward the breadth of Scripture, the mystery of the gospel, the church’s historical tradition, and application for contemporary ministry. These courses will show you that systematic theology is not a restrictive box or intellectual exercise, but a lens through which you are better enabled to live faithfully before God and lovingly among others.
