Catholic Systematic Theology



  • Mark Nolette
    Mark Nolette Member Posts: 508 ✭✭

    God bless:

    Hello Mark N.: what is your opinion of the following resource?

    Do you know of any theologian that considers Moral Theology a part of Systematic Theology, and who in your opinion treats best the Moral theology, and in what resource?

    Thanks for any guidance.

    I haven't read The Priority of Christ yet, so I can't say much about it from experience. I can say that the book has been well-received generally, and has a nice forward from Cardinal George.  

    Although, technically speaking, moral theology can be considered a subset of systematic theology, in practice. the two have evolved into separate specialties, it seems. That is understandable as moral theology itself covers a multitude of topics. One can argue that Thomas Aquinas treats moral theology as a part of systematic theology, though in the thirteenth century those terms would not have been used as we use them now. Both the Catechism and the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church do this, even if they don't say it outright. As for moral theologians, if you want to start with a solidly orthodox approach, The Way of The Lord Jesus by Germain Grisez is a good place to begin. When I was studying theology, people like Charles Curran and Richard McCormick were all the rage. In some ways, they could be very good. But in other areas, they argued for positions that weren't quite in harmony with the Magisterium, let's say!  I hope others chime in with other recommendations. There are a number of good moral theologians out there.  

    Edit: One more thought. Let me add that though it is essential to be grounded in the teaching of the Church, I believe it is also helpful to read people who may challenge this or that teaching, whether in small ways or more substantial ways. That serves at least two worthy purposes: you get to understand how some other theologians think, and you get to understand the teachings of the Church more profoundly as you deal with the challenges. For this reason, I pre-ordered Richard McBrien's Catholicism for my Verbum, and I would also order at least two of Elizabeth Johnson's works if they were available. Both are systematic theologians, but are worth reading for these reasons. The same can be said about Richard McCormack or other moral theologians who may seem to be "on the edge" in this or that area.  

  • Deacon Steve
    Deacon Steve Member Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭


    I think I didn't provide enough precision in my response with the link.  Just to make sure, I understand your initial question to be: Is Moral Theology a part of Systematic Theology?  If that is the question, then the answer would generally be considered no.  That is not a slight to Moral Theology.

    The link to the Wikipedia article contains a section outlining what the categories of Systematic theology are.  You can do a search on "types" or "categories" or "areas" of Systematic Theology and find any number of lists from any number of faith perspectives (including Catholic) from any number of universities and/or colleges (including Catholic) with the same list, perhaps with some slight phrasing differences.

    As you know all disciplines of theology are connected.  There is no conflict.  Moral Theology is different than Systematic Theology, but a related discipline.  Again, no slight to Moral Theology.  Philosophy is not Systematic Theology, Spirituality is not Systematic Theology, Theology of Liturgy is not Systematic Theology, Theology of History is not Systematic Theology, etc.  But all related.  All good and helpful.

    With that question answered, is there a different question you are asking?  Something different than the category of theological study?

  • Phil Gons (Logos)
    Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,799
    Author Birth Death Nationality Title Logos URL Status
    Abelly, Louis 1604 1691 French Medulla theologica: ex sacris scripturis conciliorum pontificumque decretis et sanctorum patrum ac doctorum placitis expressa - to get
    Abelly, Louis 1604 1691 French Les veritez principales, & plus importantes de la foi, & de la justice chrétienne - to get
    Balthasar, Hans Urs von 1905 1988 Swiss Explorations in Theology Live
    Balthasar, Hans-Urs von 1905 1988 Swiss La théologique - to get
    Berington, Joseph, and John Kirk 1743 1827 English The Faith of Catholics Live
    Canisius, Petrus 1521 1597 Dutch Summa Doctrinae Christianae Live
    Coppens, Charles 1835 1920 American A Systematic Study of the Catholic Religion CP
    Fiorenza, Francis, and John Galvin ? -;- American Systematic Theology Live
    Guarino, Thomas ? - American Foundations of Systematic Theology Live
    Hauser, Daniel C. ? ? ? Church, Worship and History: Catholic Systematic Theology - to get
    Hunter, Sylvester Joseph 1829 1896 American Outlines of Dogmatic Theology Live
    Lombard, Peter ca 1100 1160 ? Four Books of Sentences - to get
    Lombard, Pierre ca 1100 1160 French Les quatre livres des Sentences - to get
    Maritain, Jacques 1882 1973 French Approaches to God - to get
    Maritain, Jacques 1882 1973 French The Degrees of Knowledge - to get
    Müller, Gerhard Ludwig 1947 - German Katholische Dogmatik: Für Studium und Praxis der Theologie - to get
    Ott, Ludwig 1906 1985 German Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma - Live
    Ott, Ludwig 1906 1985 German Grundriß der Katholischen Dogmatik - to get
    Pohle, Joseph 1852 1922 American Dogmatic Theology Live
    Rahner, Karl 1904 1984 German The Foundations of Christian Faith - to get
    Rahner, Karl 1904 1984 German Traité fondamental de la foi - to get
    Ratzinger, Joseph 1927 - German Introduction to Christianity Live
    Wilhelm, Joseph, and Thomas B. Scannell ; 1854 ; 1917 ? A Manual of Catholic Theology Live
  • David Ames
    David Ames Member Posts: 2,977 ✭✭✭


    So when do the rest get released in Logos format?   [;)]

  • Average Joe
    Average Joe Member Posts: 275 ✭✭

    Also I would like to know what resources are considered best for the study of Moral Theology (Catholic view).

    Germain Grisez's The Way of the Lord Jesus would definitely be up there.  I see it get mentioned a lot. 

  • Hamilton Ramos
    Hamilton Ramos Member Posts: 1,033 ✭✭

    God bless you all:

    Thank you for the answers and input. I am ordering the Way of our Lord Jesus. I will also see the other recommended resources to see if they help me get a better understanding of Moral Theology.

    After researching a bit in L6, I found out that Moral Theology was considered to be the heart of Catholicism at one time. The reason was that for our salvation, we had to in real life achieve a "radical moral transformation", so that we would be more Christ like.

    That concept really touched me, and I wanted to know how the Catholics go about that: it seems that in the past, the sacraments were considered key.

    I was shocked to learn that the protestants considered Moral Theology a branch of Philosophy, and having nothing to do with Systematic theology.

    I consider that that stance should be re-evaluated. To grow into Christ likeness, there is a part that we can deliberately do:

    Feed on the Word of God.

    Partake of the Supper of the Lord.

    Ask for Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to take control of all areas in our life, by indwelling our heart fully.

    I do believe that we are saved through God's Grace, and is a free gift, but as someone pointed out, "we are saved for good works, not by them".

    So I admire the work Methodists are doing to deliberately manage good works, and I am very happy to know that after Vatican II, social teaching has been developed further.

    Just as brother Mark Nolette says, we need to look at different perspectives from different brothers, analyze, and retain what is good.


    Hope I clarified a bit where I am coming from. 
