Reference could not be located issue

Ever since the version 4.6.3 update, I haven't been able to use the Exegetical and Passage Guides.
All I get is error message:
"Reference could not be located issue".
It renders my most used function in Logos useless.
What should I do to solve this issuse?
It is working for me, but I am on beta. Can you confirm that you have an internet connection when trying to perform the guide? Also, what language do you have set? I am just wondering if there is a mismatch there.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Just checked all my guides. They work. FYI. On latest app.
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I use it every day without any problems, and haven't changed any thing, except letting Logos update it self.
My Logos is English and it has constant internet connection, both wifi and cellular.
App info
version: 4.6.3071
Display driver: 2015-03-06T00:00:00Z
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Can you give us a screen shot of what guide (with syntax) you are trying to run?
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
The above screen shot is the only screen I get when I try to run the guides. It won't even allow me as far as to type any syntax.
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Please use the "Report a Problem" item in the Help panel so we can take a look at your device logs.
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That's already done, Kevin.
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I'm unable to reproduce this issue, but your logs did seem in indicate you had cancelled resource downloads. How many resources do you have downloaded locally and did you happen to cancel that process?
When you installed 4.6.3 was it a fresh install or an upgrade?
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I have 3558 resources downloaded. I haven't cancelled any downloads, but there are a few resources that won't download; but that has never affected the use of the app.
The installation was an update through the AppStore.
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I tried to delete and reinstall the app, and download the whole library again.
It didn't change anything - I still get same error.
I I did a new report on the error in the app.
Can any one help me?
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What language is your device set to use - English?
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I saw your Customer Service report - we need to know what language your device is set to use. Is your device set to English or something else?
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My iPhone 6 plus is set to Danish, and my Logos is set to English.
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Jan Aki Andreasen said:
My iPhone 6 plus is set to Danish, and my Logos is set to English.
As you surmised, it appears that something in the apps changed in how Guide references are resolved and/or how they are added to the History stack, we're not yet exactly sure. The only workaround I can find at the moment is to change your iPhone to English.
I will write up a case for the dev team, sorry about the issue.
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Hi Kevin :-)
Would you have any further information on how it's going at the dev team?
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Hi Jan,
The issue hasn't yet been fixed but I'll mention it again to them.
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Hi Kevin
I am Jonghyun from Korea.
I have same problem. Though, when I change to english language, It works well.
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Hi Jonghyun,
Thank you for reporting this. There are two issues here - one small, and one quite large.
1) Before version 4.6.3, Jan didn't see any problems using the Exegetical or Passage Guides when his iOS device was set to a Danish locale (Jan, please correct me if needed). After installing 4.6.3, Jan reported the problem. This is the first (small) issue, because Danish was formerly supported in this particular case and we should be able to fix it without much effort.
2) The second issue is supporting the Exegetical and Passage Guides in Korean (or Chinese, Japanese, etc.) - to my knowledge this has not yet been supported. We are working on adding additional language support.0 -
No need for correction - you got it right, Kevin :-)
Sounds good: "fix it without much effort" - soooo, a solution is coming soon? ;-)0 -
Jan Aki Andreasen said:
No need for correction - you got it right, Kevin :-)
Sounds good: "fix it without much effort" - soooo, a solution is coming soon? ;-)Oh dear...! I discussed this one today with James and we know it used to be an issue but then was fixed - but it came back. Software seems so easy but it's really not. I might have misspoke but please know that we are very aware of this issue as more languages are being added to our apps.
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Dear friends at Faithlife/Logos :-)
Any news on this issue?
I'm currently running version 4.6.46101, but have not seen any fix to the problem, so fare.
It's kind of painstaking, because I can't use the Passage or Exegetical Guide - and I really, really need them!
Please let me know how fare you have come in solving the issue.
Thanks for all your great work for the Lord! :-)
Yours in Christ
Jan :-)
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Hi Jan,
I just asked the dev team about this issue - a case already exists but it is not yet resolved. This issue happened once before so we hope to get a fix in with the next release.
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Thanks Kevin :-)
I'm sorry to keep on bothering your guys with this issue - please forgive me.
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Hi Kevin
I am Stanislav from Czech republic.
I have same problem. Does not work Passage Guide or Exegetical Guide, both exclusively from Genesis to the book of Leviticus but not in other books.
Though, when I change to english language, It works well.
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Correcting:Passage Guide does not work or Exegetical Guide only from Genesis to the book of Leviticus, but not in other books.
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Exactly the same problem. iOS 9,1 set to Czech UI, Logos 5.0.1 English. Yes, this issue was there about 1 or 2 years ago.
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We are aware of this issue and apologize that it is not yet fixed.
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Today update to 5.0.2. and the problem remains. [:'(]
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Dear friends at Faithlife/Logos
July 10 2015 I made Faithlife aware of this problem, and since then several others from non-English countries has reported the same problem.
The problem arose with the 4.6.3071 version of Logos, and now I’m using the 5.1.30022 version, and the problem still remain.
8 months is a VERY long time to wait, taking in consideration that I/we actually pay for this function to work in the app.
I’m not trying to be offending, but my patience is tested here, dear friends.
Could you PLEASE make this a priority?
Sincerely Yours
Pastor Jan
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Hi Jan,
This issue sort of dropped off the map so I'm glad you posted again. We had a couple of cases already but they hadn't been prioritized.
We believe this issue can be fixed on the server side without having to install a new version of the apps. The tentative plan is to deploy the fix sometime tomorrow, if possible.
I will report back on this thread once the deployment is complete. Thank you for being so patient and we apologize for taking so long.
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We have deployed a fix that we think should solve the issue for you, Pavel and Stanislav but possibly not for Jonghyun (yet).
If possible, please try again and let us know how the Exegetical Guide, Passage, Guide, etc. are working for you.
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The problem still remains. I suspect it is related to the transfer of names of biblical books into the national languages. If I'm not mistaken, previously, were the names of biblical books in English. But I'm not sure now.
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My experience matches that of Stanislav.
- The problem still remains: the Passage Guide and the Exegetical Guide keep saying: “Sorry, that reference could not be located – OK”
- I see that LOGOS now display the Biblical Books in my native tongue (Danish); but I don’t think that’s the problem, because the problem was around before that change.
A few comments on the use of guides in the Logos app.
- When using the Topic Guide, and you use the drop-down-menu in the upper right corner, you get the option to choose Books and Verses from the Bible.
But, that doesn’t make sense, since a Bible verse cannot be a Topic, only words can. - When using the Bible Word Study Guide, you rightly don’t get that drop-down-menu, as mentioned in the Topic Guide issue.
On the "Bible! vNext" app, 5.1.393 version, (TestFlight) the problem is there too.
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We thought we had this fixed but it isn't. I personally tested it but the test platform I used seemed to be at fault and I didn't test it completely... I apologize. I later tested it more thoroughly and realized the fix wasn't there.
I won't forget about this one again until it is fixed.
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As for me, the issue persists. Both, iOS and Logos are of newest version, no beta installed, UI set to Czech.
BUT, After swithching iPd UI to English for teting purposes, the issue is GONE. But, understand me, I want to use iPad in my language. This workaround is not acceptable for me.
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Hi Pavel
Pavel Kostecka said:As for me, the issue persists. Both, iOS and Logos are of newest version, no beta installed, UI set to Czech.
BUT, After swithching iPd UI to English for teting purposes, the issue is GONE. But, understand me, I want to use iPad in my language. This workaround is not acceptable for me.
In Kevin's post above he acknowledged that the problem is still present - so it is recognised.
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Kevin, sometimes I find myself serching for a "Like"-button [Y] on the forum - guess Facebook is shaping my world more than I like [;)]
Thanks for taking care of this issue - God bless you, dear brother in the Lord [:D]
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Pavel Kostecka said:
As for me, the issue persists. Both, iOS and Logos are of newest version, no beta installed, UI set to Czech.
BUT, After swithching iPd UI to English for teting purposes, the issue is GONE. But, understand me, I want to use iPad in my language. This workaround is not acceptable for me.
Yes, we understand this is not a practical workaround and there is already a case to resolve this issue. We're still working on it.
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Thank you, Kevin. My last post was considered as a feedback that the issue persists, not a complaint. [:)]
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Finally! After a long wait, and after the last update of the Logos guides works again! Thanks for solving the problem! [Y]
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Thank you! After upgrading to 5.3 everything works fine. I hope this issue never happens again.
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Hallelujah! [Y]
With the 5.2.00014 version update, the bugs are gone! Thanks [:)]