New Feature Request - Bilingual Text on slides - songs and Bible

We are a bilingual (English and Spanish) church.
It would be extremely helpful to be able to display multiple languages on Song, Bible, Content, and Announcement screens.
Bible screens could give the option of displaying a parallel text so we could pull up and English version and Spanish version side by side or top and bottom (split-screen horizontal or vertical). This is a common feature in most Bible software and apps now and I think it would be a great addition to proclaim (not just for bilingual).
For songs this might be a little more complicated but possibly two different text input windows and then the option of displaying the slides either split top/bottom or intermingled (but being able to set a different font or color for the different text/language). The other complication is that we flip back and forth between which language is being sang so I invert the text accordingly so that the one in black and first is the language being sang. I have used a work around of a content slide but it takes a lot of work to intermingle the text and then highlight every other line. See attached screen captures.
In some cases it would be nice to have an auto-translate feature but most auto-translates I have used require the ability to edit. For example, if I had an announcement screen and clicked to show split text and had the option of displaying the same text in a different language.
I believe there are many churches that would benefit from this capability as I came across many others searching for the same thing before I decided to go with proclaim anyways and created this workaround.
multi language, dual language, bilingual, multi lingual
Hi, Kim. Thanks for your suggestion. We will look into what kind of multilingual support we could provide. Although cumbersome, your workaround is currently probably the best way to accomplish what you are trying to do. I'm not sure that an auto-translate feature would be possible, however.
Do you think this would be most useful to you on song slides?
Our partners at Graceway Media provide a good amount of Spanish language media including backgrounds and slides with Spanish language text if that is of interest to you.
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Hi Peter,
At this point I think the most useful addition for us would be on Bible slides (parallel translation). For other churches I could see the benefit of it on all slides but we have made the workaround suffice for our songs.
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Thanks again for the input, Kim. For Bible service items there's a fairly simple workaround for displaying bilingual scripture. First, enter the reference using the first language. Add a line break with a single _ on it (or any symbol -- the purpose is to not create a slide break with a blank line) and paste the reference in the second language:
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Parallel translation would be most useful for us at this point. Has a solution been deployed for this?
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+1 for this feature
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We display scriptures on the fly and would not work for 90% or more of our services or preachers. Unfortunately, this is a deal-breaker for me.
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With so many church presentation solutions allowing multilingual slides it blows my mind that this Isn’t a feature on your product. Logos has such a robust parallel ability it seems crazy you don’t incorporate it into proclaim.
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Deal breaker for me too. I think companies better start getting on board the multilingual service. It is becoming a very common type of worship
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Christopher Cote said:
With so many church presentation solutions allowing multilingual slides it blows my mind that this Isn’t a feature on your product. Logos has such a robust parallel ability it seems crazy you don’t incorporate it into proclaim.
The fourth post in this thread explains how to to do multi-lingual Scripture slides in Proclaim.
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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As the Original Poster and still using the same method as I have since that original post 5 years ago, I can tell you that the "fourth post" method is not efficient and will not satisfy the other recent requests for "on the fly" parallel/bilingual text. I still use content slides vs Bible slides because the method mentioned in the fourth post (Bible slides) will also wipe out formatting (all your work of copy/pasting) if another text is pulled up. By using content slides and labelling the scripture I can use that scripture content slide again in the future so I only have to do the work once on that passage.
I spend anywhere from 30-60 minutes interweaving scripture (copy/pasting) prior to every week's service and I am pretty proficient at it (using hotkeys and quick keyboard skills). If a text is requested on the fly it can only be in one language since there is no time to copy/paste.
I love Proclaim but this is definitely a limitation that should be strongly considered for anyone doing multi-lingual services.
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I think this feature suggestion might get more traction with regard to Bible slides if it is conceived as allowing for multiple translations/editions on one slide, rather than multiple languages. Aside from being conceptually clearer from the programming/implementation perspective, I imagine there are people who would appreciate more easily being able to put up Scriptures in two different Bibles that are in the same language, e.g., the ESV and the Message, the LES and the LEB, etc.
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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seems to be the perfect choice for us----- EXCEPT this one very specific but extreme important feature for us
which is to, easily display Songs in English + German Translation
The majority in our church is german speaking, so we need to translate
the english songs, if we sing them in english, into german.
Many other presentation software can handle this well (including some openSource programs)
but they are lacking some other major feature Proclaim can provide....
Feature Request:
Please - implement this feature for song slides and Bibles into Proclaim!!!
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Of all the seasons in life to support diversity of person, culture, and language... now is the time! Let's get up to speed proclaim. We subscribe for the benefit of regular updates... not 6 year late ones!
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Replying to highlight again that this is important and relevant. Our church has enjoyed an influx of families from HK, and I've paid for the appropriate bible on Logos but can't display it easily side by side in Proclaim. Please, get working on this feature asap!
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This feature request should be added to
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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I'm really needing this functionality for Bible slides now.
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Justin put together a great video walk through of how he facilitates bilingual slides in Proclaim on this thread --
Here's the youtube link --