CIV - tip

steve clark
steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

i have decided to move my post into the L6 forum for those who may not view the General forum.
CIV is my abbreviation for my program Clipboard Image Viewer. You can get it here. It is a window's based program. Below is a tip on how you might want to add it to your Favorites in Logos or Verbum.


Using CIV inside Logos

you can add CIV for each computer you use into Favorites and then access CIV after you have added a map to your clipboard. This will open your map in CIV from inside of Logos.

Creating a Favorite for CIV

  1. Create a folder in Favorites to hold your CIV links
  2. Drag the CIV desktop shortcut and drop it into your new folder
  3. Rename the new favorite to reflect the computer where you just dragged the shortcut from

(click the image below to view full-size in your browser)

You may want to repeat these steps on other computers which you have Logos or Verbum. Of course you will need to install CIV on each computer first. Just make new entries for your specific computer similar to what i have shown in the Favorites folder.



Steps to view a map in Logos using CIV

  1. Locate the map you want to view in CIV
  2. Right-Click on the map in your resource
  3. In the popup menu click on Image on the right side of the menu
  4. Then click on Copy on the left side of the menu
    (now the image is in your clipboard)

  5. Now click on the Favorite in your CIV folder to open the image in CIV

    Logos will open CIV and your clipboard map image will show in CIV

Now you can zoom & pan the map in CIV. You can resize the CIV window to suit your needs. You can even have CIV show your map in the Full Screen mode (similar to Reading View in Biblical Places).

QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1


  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Seems lately, Logos has increased the resolution of many of their maps. This means that we can really zoom-in on them in CIV (Clipboard Image Viewer) [CIV website]    (click images to view full size)

    First here is my Logos setup per previous posted tutorial:

    Below is a map from Apologetic Study Bible as viewed with CIV

    Below is a map from Tyndale Bible Dictionary as viewed with CIV

    Below is a map from the ESV Study Bible as viewed with CIV

    Below is a map from Holman Bible Atlas as viewed with CIV

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Felix Brito
    Felix Brito Member Posts: 167 ✭✭

    Steve, that is excellent. I like it. It is very useful. Much appreciated. Thank you.

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭


    You are most welcome! Glad that you are finding it useful!

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • RGP
    RGP Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    This little program is brilliant!!

    Thank you Steve for all your work.


  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    You are most welcome Rob, hope you find it useful!

    P.S. for those who may not have figured the program out, Right-Click in the window brings up a pop-up menu & help is one of the items.

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Updated the CIV program to version  (see the Version Info tab , the download link)

    Added a popup thumbnail when hovering over History items:


    Also added two menu items:

    Save History Images - this allows you to save the images that are in the History to your hard-disk.

    Load History Images - this allows you to load images into the History area.

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    It may not be obvious the usefulness of the new Save/Load of History clipboard images, but this can really be useful for storing several maps or images which are closely related. i.e. the example below i have stored 4 maps of Jerusalem during various times. Now with the Save/Load feature, they are saved on my computer's hard-drive and i can open them in a CIV window with a couple of clicks of the mouse. You can save as many different associated maps or images and reload them at anytime. When you save your history (images viewed previously during a session), you are saving all those images with a basename; so they are all associated with that base filename. So when saving associated images, just use a basename to save them as.

    For instance, you can have a base named file set for:
            Maps of the divided Kingdom
            Maps of where Jesus traveled.

    Example:  Jerusalem images for different time periods

    First i open a new CIV window from the desktop. And in that window i right-click to bring up CIV's popup menu. Next i click on the menu item Load History Images.

    Then CIV will bring up a open file dialog window where i will navigate to where i stored the saved history images (image not shown here to keep post a reasonable size). Then CIV loads all the images for this saved history file (i named it CIV_Jerusalem) and the first one is also displayed in CIV viewing area (see below).

    If i want to view 1 of the other images of Jerusalem, i just right-click in the CIV window and select History and hover over the items in the history fly-out menu and observe the popup thumbnail as i move the mouse over the history items. Then when i see one that i want to view, i click on that history item and CIV opens it in the viewing area.

    Note that in the above pictures of CIV's window, i kept the window small for posting here. And i did not zoom in on the Jerusalem images so that you would recognize what you are seeing in this post.

    I can make as many sets of history images for different maps as i want. Having these saved on my hard-drive helps me with studies and i don't need to located each one of these maps manually in Logos in the future.

    P.S.  the image files are individual images, you can also insert any image into your Word document for your notes or whatever use you have for that Word doc.

    P.S.2  Below are a couple of links to the website where you can download CIV

              Details on this new version
              Download (see the Download button to the right of the tabs and use it to navigate to where you download the installer).

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • James Taylor
    James Taylor Member Posts: 1,408 ✭✭✭

    Thanks Steve, 

    I have found your Image Viewer to be quite useful on a number of occasions!

    Logos 10  | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Updated the CIV program to version  (see the Version Info tab , the download link)

    • Added the ability to load a single image file to the Load History Images file dialog.
      When a single image is loaded, it is added to the History.
      [this can be handy when you save maps in Logos by using Save As and want to view those maps from the saved files]
    • Added the ability to delete a single History entry
    • Added CIV's version number to the title-bar

    P.S. (you may need to uninstall your current version of CIV before installing the new version)

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Rick Ausdahl
    Rick Ausdahl Member Posts: 1,718 ✭✭✭

    Updated the CIV program to version  (see the Version Info tab , the download link)

    • Added the ability to load a single image file to the Load History Images file dialog.
      When a single image is loaded, it is added to the History.
      [this can be handy when you save maps in Logos by using Save As and want to view those maps from the saved files]
    • Added the ability to delete a single History entry
    • Added CIV's version number to the title-bar

    P.S. (you may need to uninstall your current version of CIV before installing the new version)


    I just installed CIV on a desktop computer late this morning, and "wow!"... how nice!  I did struggle for a bit though, figuring out how to work with the history options.  But this evening I went in to my wife's office to help her with a few things, and when I finished helping her, I jumped on the internet to check out the Logos forums.  I saw your post, so downloaded and installed the updated version of CIV on a little Lenovo 2-in-1 and now working with the History options is a piece of cake!  Thanks so much for this wonderful little add-on!!!

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Hi Rick,

     Glad that you like CIV and find it useful!

    Sorry that you initially didn't find the History feature intuitive.

    Thanks for letting me and others know that you found CIV useful!


    Hi James,

    Sorry for the late thank you.
    Thank you for letting me and others know that you found CIV useful!
    Glad that you are finding CIV useful!

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Info about the History feature in CIV

    1. When the first image is added to CIV the history will be disabled (since there is only 1 image being shown; history isn't shown since there are no other images to navigate to)
    2. Once you use the 'new Image from Clipboard' (1st menu item in the right-click menu) to add another image to CIV, then CIV will enable the History menu items.
    3. For each clipboard image added to CIV, that image item appears at the top of the history list. So the history item at the bottom of the list is the oldest one added.
    4. CIV can hold up to 6 history items.
    5. Once you add more than 6 items to CIV, the oldest item is discarded to make room for the newly added item.
    6. CIV history items are show as Date/Times the image item was added to CIV. CIV only knows that a clipboard image was added, so that is why i used Date/Time for an identifier.
    7. When you hover your mouse (or cursor) over a history item in the history fly-out menu, CIV will show a medium sized thumbnail image above the fly-out area. This can help you know what that specific history item contains.
    8. At the bottom of the history menu fly-out you will notice the 'Clear History' menu item. 
      When you click this CIV will clear all history items in the history list (but leaves the currently viewed image showing). Once cleared the history menu fly-out will be disabled until CIV has more than 1 image stored (the currently viewed image is still stored even tho the history fly-out is disabled).
    9. You can delete a specific history item by holding down the Shift key and clicking on the history item that you want removed.
    10. Clearing and removing history items is useful when you are collecting images that you may want to save when using the 'Save History Images' menu item.
      [e.g. collect up to 6 maps of Paul's missionary trips to save for viewing later]
      [to load saved CIV image sets, use the 'Load History Images' menu item and select any of the images associated with that set.]
    11. Remember that you can open more than one CIV window. So the limit of 6 history items is not a show stopper.
      [i often have 2 or 3 CIV windows open for viewing maps on different Bible locations]
    12. To get a copy of an image back into the clipboard for pasting elsewhere (i.e. into a Word doc), you could use history to navigate to the image that you want to copy. Then use the 'Copy Current image to Clipboard' menu item to copy the image to window's clipboard. After doing this you can go to the program (i.e. MS Word) and paste it there.
    13. P.S. - you can use CIV to view more than just map images. After getting the NIV Study Bible, i found a timeline which was difficult to view in Logos. So i opened it in CIV. It was very easy to view this timeline in CIV. (see my post here)
      [So CIV will display any image (picture) that you have in your clipboard.
        CIV works with other windows applications (e.g. internet browsers).
        i find this useful for collecting other Bible related images that i find on the net and saving them as a CIV history set.]

    Hope this helps you understand how History works in CIV.

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Rick Ausdahl
    Rick Ausdahl Member Posts: 1,718 ✭✭✭
  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Updated the CIV program to version  (see the Version Info tab , the download link)

    • Added the ability to copy a portion of the visible image to the clipboard for pasting into Word or another app.

    You access this feature by holding down the Alt key and clicking & dragging a rectangle using the left mouse button.
    Once you release the mouse button, CIV copies that rectangular area to the clipboard.

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1