MacArthur J- We will not bow

Doc B
Doc B Member Posts: 3,599 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Here is a PB-tagged sermon, recent (July 19, 2015) from Pastor John. For the first time, I've even linked a few Factbook entries. The sermon is from 2 Thess. 1 and is about the current state of affairs with regard to sexual libertine-ism in our culture.

8030.MacArthur J- We Will Not Bow.docx

Here are a couple cover ideas-

Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.



  • Dave L
    Dave L Member Posts: 151


  • BillS
    BillS Member Posts: 3,805 ✭✭✭


    Grace & Peace,

    MSI GF63 8RD, I-7 8850H, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD, 2TB HDD, NVIDIA GTX 1050Max
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    iPad 9th Gen iOS 15.6, 256GB

  • Robert
    Robert Member Posts: 141

    Thank you, and Praise the Lord! We may rejoice and stand fast in the knowledge that He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world (1 Jn. 4:4). And this world has never changed. Paul sat in prison for years (including about 2 "extra" years in Caesarea just because corrupt Governor Felix wanted to extract a bribe - Acts 24:24-27), yet wrote 4 sublime letters of eternal Truth while bound, and won many of his captors to Christ; Joseph sat in prison (2 "extra" years also - Gen. 40:23, 41:1, interestingly) and saved his (God's chosen) people; and the list goes on and on. Of course, the church since the apostolic days is a history of much persecution and suffering - but the same promise shines through all 2000+ years (i.e. Bunyan is imprisoned for preaching the gospel and writes "Pilgrim's Progress").

    Praise the Lord for His faithfulness, and way to go, brother John - keep preaching the Word, whether 'in or out of season' (2 Tim 4:2)!

    Grace and peace. <><        

  • David P. Moore
    David P. Moore Member Posts: 610 ✭✭

    I'm getting a "Build failed," with 2 errors. What am I doing wrong? Log below:

    [Info] Starting build for PBB:451d43355eef4f899a0e863ab78b2b78
    [Info] Converting
    [Info] Converting C:\Users\David Moore\Dropbox\Logos\8030.MacArthur J- We Will Not Bow.docx
    [Info] Compiling
    [Info] Discovering
    [Error] Error while building book: Error while discovering resource.
    [Error] Exception: LDLS4.Panels.PersonalBookBuilderPanel.PersonalBookBuilderException: Error while discovering resource.
    at LDLS4.Panels.PersonalBookBuilderPanel.PersonalBookConverter.DiscoverResource(String filename, ResourceManager resourceManager, LibraryCatalog libraryCatalog, KeyLinkManager keyLinkManager, IWorkState workState)
    at LDLS4.Panels.PersonalBookBuilderPanel.PersonalBookConverter.<CreatePersonalBookWork>d__c.MoveNext()
    at Libronix.Utility.Threading.AsyncWorkerTask`1.EnumMoveNext()
    at Libronix.Utility.Threading.AsyncWorkerTask`1.EnumMoveNextWithCatch()
    at Libronix.Utility.Threading.AsyncWorkItem.Verify()
    at LDLS4.Panels.PersonalBookBuilderPanel.PersonalBookViewModel.<CreatePersonalBookWork>d__a.MoveNext()

  • David P. Moore
    David P. Moore Member Posts: 610 ✭✭
  • Mike Childs
    Mike Childs Member Posts: 3,127 ✭✭✭

    I am not a Calvinist, though many of my favorite preachers are.  Obviously, there are some fine points where I disagree with John MacArthur on doctrine.

    But I must say, there is much that I admire about him.  I admire his passion for God's Word.  I admire his emphasis upon the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  I certainly appreciate this sermon.  (I assume this is made available for us with permission, right?)

    I hope his commentaries soon make their way back into the Logos resource catalog for purchase.

    "In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley

  • Doc B
    Doc B Member Posts: 3,599 ✭✭✭

    (I assume this is made available for us with permission, right?)

    Yes. Permission to redistribute is made on the GTY website.

    Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.