Audio file for Courses

Some of the courses has audio file listed as resource, but I don't see any way to download them, do someone know where to download it.
Thanks and God blesStephen
there is no separate audio file, you just have the video with audio.
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@Stephen, as of right now we do not have audio only resources for any of our Mobile Ed courses. Which course(s) are you seeing this appear in? Is this a feature you would use frequently with your Mobile Ed courseware if it were available to you?
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It is misleading when Logos website says "Courseware, including transcripts, audio, and video resources" and I expect to receive audio resources if this is what Logos are selling me.
Anyway I can't download video resources to my mobile phone because they take too much space. But audio resources are more manageable on phones.
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Is there any update to when this will occur?
"Can I listen to my Mobile Ed course as an audiobook?
All Mobile Ed courses will soon have audio-only versions available for download. Currently you can download video content only."
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Development of this feature is underway. It's a current Mobile Ed priority to get this up and running. Thanks for your interest and patience as we finish recording the section titles necessary to a quality audio book experience.