Chinese Bible seach Bug

Kent Member Posts: 40 ✭✭

I think the search algorithm for Chinese is somehow not correct. In Mark.4:12-13, there are TWO strings "不明白" (see below), but logos6 can only find ONE. Nether inline search nor general search can give correct result. 

Also, I try to separate "不明白" to "不" and "明白". However, the result is still the same and not correct. I hope this only affects Chinese search. Otherwise search in logos is not reliable.

Mark.4:12-13 12 叫他們 看是看見,卻不曉得; 聽是聽見,卻不明白; 恐怕他們回轉過來,就得赦免。」 13 又對他們說:「你們不明白這比喻嗎?這樣怎能明白一切的比喻呢?


  • GaoLu
    GaoLu Member Posts: 3,503 ✭✭✭

    What version are you using?  

    I tried The Holy Bible: Chinese Union Version with New Punctuation (Shen Edition). Simplified Script

    Inline search finds it both Mk 4:12 and 13.

    Regular Basic search finds it as well...returns Mk 4:12 but includes 11-14.  There is no separate entry for vv13.  Odd.I get the same result in my PB (personal book) versions.

    Regular Bible Search finds it in 12 and 13 just fine.

  • Kent
    Kent Member Posts: 40 ✭✭

    Thanks for your reply.

    You are right. I tried what you did. Search result for simplified CUV Bible is correct. But with traditional CUV, it is still wrong. My logos is version 6 and updates regularly. It should be the latest one.

  • Philip Peng
    Philip Peng Member, Logos Employee Posts: 307

    Kent said:

    Thanks for your reply.

    You are right. I tried what you did. Search result for simplified CUV Bible is correct. But with traditional CUV, it is still wrong. My logos is version 6 and updates regularly. It should be the latest one.

    Hi, Kent,

    Thank you for reporting this issue.  Our developers will look into this issue and fix this bug as soon as we can.  I am sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Kent
    Kent Member Posts: 40 ✭✭

    Just curious to know if this issue is solved and implemented in the latest version?

  • Philip Peng
    Philip Peng Member, Logos Employee Posts: 307

    Kent said:

    Just curious to know if this issue is solved and implemented in the latest version?

    Hi, Kent,

    Sorry for the late reply.  I am checking with our developers and will post the updates as soon as I have the answers.  Thank you.

  • Philip Peng
    Philip Peng Member, Logos Employee Posts: 307

    Kent said:

    I think the search algorithm for Chinese is somehow not correct. In Mark.4:12-13, there are TWO strings "不明白" (see below), but logos6 can only find ONE. Nether inline search nor general search can give correct result. 

    Also, I try to separate "不明白" to "不" and "明白". However, the result is still the same and not correct. I hope this only affects Chinese search. Otherwise search in logos is not reliable.

    Mark.4:12-13 12 叫他們 看是看見,卻不曉得; 聽是聽見,卻不明白; 恐怕他們回轉過來,就得赦免。」 13 又對他們說:「你們不明白這比喻嗎?這樣怎能明白一切的比喻呢?

    Hi, Kent,

    Good news!  Our developers have fixed this Chinese search issue and it will be in our Beta update next week.  Few weeks later it will be available for everyone to update it.  Sorry for the delay and inconvenience.

    Best regards,
