Fire Bible

This is another request for the Fire Bible.
It is available in many other softwares BUT Logos.
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Yes! Yes! Yes! I'd use Logos so much more if only they'd add this one critical, essential resource to their library.
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+1 [Y]
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What other software is The Fire Bible available in? I can't find a digital copy of it any where.
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Bob said:
What other software is The Fire Bible available in? I can't find a digital copy of it any where.
Both Accordance and PC Study Bible offer this resource, and have for some time now. Logos is really, really behind on my #1 most important resource product.
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Olive Tree Bible Software has just made the Fire Bible available again. It was taken off their store due to licensing issues but it's back now.
I just got it. It looks good. I've always like Olive Tree's popup window when clicking on a Bible verse link. They have done a good job with the Fire Bible.
Hopefully Logos makes it available soon.
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I'm going to keep pushing for this resource until Logos gets it. It's so necessary to having a well-rounded Pentecostal library. Please get it done soon, Logos!
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Gary Osborne said:
I'm going to keep pushing for this resource until Logos gets it. It's so necessary to having a well-rounded Pentecostal library. Please get it done soon, Logos!
Blessings in Christ.
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I would like to see this resource added to my Library.
Blessings in Christ.
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[Y][Y][Y][Y][Y] x1000
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And again I say, "Amen" to this resource being added.
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I'd love to see this too [Y]
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Fire Bible listed in uservoice
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In HIS Eternal Service,
Tom Castle
**If we will do God's work, in God's way, at God's time, with God's power, we shall have God's blessings!!**0 -
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What will it take for Logos to get going on the Fire Bible? Disappointing and frustrating that it is still not available.
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Dale said:
What will it take for Logos to get going on the Fire Bible? Disappointing and frustrating that it is still not available.
You and me both. I've been begging Logos, literally for years and years, to make this resource available. Other Bible Software companies have had it for many years now, why can't Logos secure this? It makes absolutely no sense to me. The only thing I can conclude is that they don't really care much about their Pentecostal/Charismatic customer base. It's not like this is some ultra rare title. It's as mainstream as it gets in the Charismatic community. It's literally THE study bible for the largest Pentecostal denomination on the planet (A/G).
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So true. I just came by this post to see if anything had changed. I use another program with the Fire Bible now 95% of the time....I guess some things never change.
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Does the New Spirit Filled Lfe Bible fit the bill? I am not familiar with it but may buy it.
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Rob Lambert said:
Does the New Spirit Filled Lfe Bible fit the bill? I am not familiar with it but may buy it.
Hi Rob;
Here is an excerpt from 1 Cor. 1. If you would like to see something specific, I'll see what I can do.
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Rob Lambert said:
Does the New Spirit Filled Lfe Bible fit the bill? I am not familiar with it but may buy it.
No, it really doesn't fit the bill. I own both resources in hardback, and the differences are actually quite pronounced. The "New Spirit-Filled Life Bible" is more Charismatic in its theology. Prosperity gospel, Word-of-Faith, etc are all part and parcel with it. The "Fire Bible" (formally "Full Life" & "Life in the Spirit") is solidly conservative Pentecostal in its theology. They are actually world's apart.
I once more urge Logos/Faith Life to make the "Fire Bible" a top priority, so that its Pentecostal customers have this valuable resource at their fingertips. It's indispensable.
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It's time to revisit the Fire Bible. Let's not give up hope. The FIRE Bible by Donald Stamps is so much more useful than Swaggart's "Expositors Study Bible" which Logos offers (that Bible has the notes placed in RED in an interlinear manner)[:(] The Fire Bible does so much more so much better. It has copious notes, charts, and illustrations. One chart I'm aware of has "prophecies about Christ" in the Old Testament. The commentary on Acts 2, 1 Corinthians 13, and Acts 10 are from a classical pentecostal perspective. This should be a flagship resource for the Pentecostal/Charismatic base package.
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[Y]Dan Langston said:This should be a flagship resource for the Pentecostal/Charismatic base package.
Considering that it's been requested since 2011 in many different threads (to mention a few), and is available in other bible programs, Logos should do what it takes to produce a Logos edition of this study bible.
Here's the Fire Bible user voice book suggestion, if you want to vote for it.
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!
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Dan Langston said:
It's time to revisit the Fire Bible. Let's not give up hope. The FIRE Bible by Donald Stamps is so much more useful than Swaggart's "Expositors Study Bible" which Logos offers (that Bible has the notes placed in RED in an interlinear manner)
The Fire Bible does so much more so much better. It has copious notes, charts, and illustrations. One chart I'm aware of has "prophecies about Christ" in the Old Testament. The commentary on Acts 2, 1 Corinthians 13, and Acts 10 are from a classical pentecostal perspective. This should be a flagship resource for the Pentecostal/Charismatic base package.
I'm all for the Fire Bible, and I don't quite understand why it is so hard to get in Logos either.
I'm curious though as why the comparison with Expositors Study Bible (as far as the push for Fire Bible)?
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Simply because before his issues, Rev. Swaggart was an ordained Assemblies of God minister. It seems his approach to his study Bible (given a similar theological worldview) was worthy of a comparison. That is the only reason.
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Dan Langston said:
Simply because before his issues, Rev. Swaggart was an ordained Assemblies of God minister. It seems his approach to his study Bible (given a similar theological worldview) was worthy of a comparison. That is the only reason.
OK, thanks.
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Logos still not carrying the Fire Bible is, imho, the biggest head-scratcher and most important resource they don't offer that other bible programs do offer. It honestly makes absolutely no sense and I have to believe they simply haven't pursued it.
In the past I've been critical of the proportionality of certain theological streams. If you lean Reformed then Logos is a gold mine. If you lean Pentecostal, it's really wanting in its offerings. The fact that many years of clamoring for the Fire Bible has produced zero results tells me they just don't have an interest in catering to this part of their base. I don't think there's any other conclusion a reasonable person can come to.
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Gary Osborne said:
Logos still not carrying the Fire Bible is, imho, the biggest head-scratcher and most important resource they don't offer that other bible programs do offer. It honestly makes absolutely no sense and I have to believe they simply haven't pursued it.
In the past I've been critical of the proportionality of certain theological streams. If you lean Reformed then Logos is a gold mine. If you lean Pentecostal, it's really wanting in its offerings. The fact that many years of clamoring for the Fire Bible has produced zero results tells me they just don't have an interest in catering to this part of their base. I don't think there's any other conclusion a reasonable person can come to.
Most other denominations offer Portfolio base packages (about 3,000 books), while Pentecostal stops at Gold (1,224 books).
At one time, I believe Pentecostal had a Product Manager that exclusively handled that denomination, but I think someone else has been responsible for 3 denominations now, including Pentecostal.
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!
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Why Is There 'ONLY 54 Votes' For The Fire Bible When It's Been A HUGE Request For So Long?
Please-Please-Please Add Your Votes So Logos Will Take Our Request Seriously.
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Currently There Are 'ONLY 54 Votes' For The Long Standing Request For Logos To Add The Fire Bible .... Please-Please-Please Add Your Votes So Logos Will Take Our Request Seriously.
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Despite the many denials I have heard, I still maintain that Faithlife, whether they admit it or not, has a distinct Reformed bias in the resources they offer.
When they attempt to expand out of that, it is almost always in the direction of liberal or neo-orthodox theology.
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I have read portions of this- its no big deal- just use the nasb update or nasb 77.
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Kendall Sholtess said:
Despite the many denials I have heard, I still maintain that Faithlife, whether they admit it or not, has a distinct Reformed bias in the resources they offer.
When they attempt to expand out of that, it is almost always in the direction of liberal or neo-orthodox theology.
I'm not Reformed at all and I used to share your opinion. Still latent within me. However, I really do think it has more to do with sales and availability than some nefarious plot against non-Reformed denominations and theologians. We have no clue as to their motivation, but my guess is: if it'd sell like hot cakes AND there were no publisher/contract issues, then they'd produce it. The fact that uservoice (see above) "only had 54 votes" may be an indication of things---although a lot of that may be due to the fact that most normal users have no clue what uservoice is nor how to find those things within it that they'd like to lend their voice to . . .
And heck, my tradition doesn't even have their own product line yet . . . so be happy. [:D]
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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Kendall Sholtess said:
Despite the many denials I have heard, I still maintain that Faithlife, whether they admit it or not, has a distinct Reformed bias in the resources they offer.
When they attempt to expand out of that, it is almost always in the direction of liberal or neo-orthodox theology.
I'm somewhere between Kendall's view and Friedrich on Logos/Faithlife when it comes to their offerings. I do believe they cater far more to the Reformed/Baptist portion of their audience, but I suspect it's a chicken/egg phenomenon with supply and demand. For whatever reason, Logos has either supplied more Reformed material over the years and hence built up their base in that area, or the base from those camps have favored Logos and the demand has lead to the supply.
Regardless of which came first, the supply or the demand, there is zero doubt that Reformed/Baptist material is supplied far and above Pentecostal material. And the problem with what passes for the Pentecostal material that we do see in Logos is that the largest denomination, the Assemblies of God, has a plethora of material that is NOT offered by Logos. The "Fire Bible" is but one pertinent example. It should have been in the Logos resource offerings years ago. Other bible software companies have been offering it for many years now, and yet it remains in hiding for Faithlife. Makes no sense other than some strange bias. There are plenty of Pentecostals, including A/G and other conservative branches, that use Logos and this resource is considered a prized possession - a must for conservative Pentecostals. That it continues to be excluded is a downright shame.
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Gary Osborne said:
the largest denomination, the Assemblies of God, has a plethora of material that is NOT offered by Logos. The "Fire Bible" is but one pertinent example. It should have been in the Logos resource offerings years ago. Other bible software companies have been offering it for many years now, and yet it remains in hiding for Faithlife. Makes no sense other than some strange bias
it could be because the person in charge of acquisitions does not know about it . . . although if they had a person in charge of the Pentecostal base package at one point, you would have thought they'd have know about its centrality. Which makes me wonder if it were some sort of contractual issue. Logos will produce if they will make money, I maintain.
I'm always hesitant to assign motivation to people, especially because I have had a problem with doing so (assigning motivation) only to have it be proven wrong, time-and-again. And I think of myself as smart and perceptive . . . (lol, maybe I am not!) . . . but I am still wrong. I also notice that when I am suspicious or feel disadvantaged somehow, I tend to assign a negative motive to the entity I am frustrated with. It is often wrong. But I see this tendency with a LOT of disgruntled Logos users. We need more peace and love, baby. [:D] [{][}] [;)]
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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I should have worded it "unintentional" bias. I don't think it is a plot. I do think that it is possible that the majority of their staff are from non-Pentecostal backgrounds. We can see that in a lot of areas. I have seen few Pentecostal scholars on Faithlife Today, for example. I don't remember if I have seen Craig Keener there or not.
The issue is that there are a lot of us who are conservative. Which means we stick closer to the classical Pentecostal view of doctrine, and we don't go for charismatic, especially independent charismatic teaching. The Fire Bible fits well into that classical model.
Classical Pentecostals make up a huge portion of Christians in the world today. They are not limited to the Assemblies of God but are also present in the Church of God and many other denominations which I cannot name off here.
Classical Pentecostalism is being obscured by a lot of sensationalism, hocus pocus and hullabaloo. The Fire Bible is a very solid resource, in my opinion, both as a tool for ministers and the faithful Christian to stem the tide a bit and offer some balance.
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Kendall Sholtess said:
Classical Pentecostals make up a huge portion of Christians in the world today.
no doubt! that'd also lend potential support for increased Pentecostal resources.
Kendall Sholtess said:I don't think it is a plot.
to be clear, I did not sense that from you. Was speaking autobiographicaly and what I perceive from several who post their vivid accusations. [:O][;)]
take care!
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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Kendall Sholtess said:
I should have worded it "unintentional" bias. I don't think it is a plot. I do think that it is possible that the majority of their staff are from non-Pentecostal backgrounds. We can see that in a lot of areas. I have seen few Pentecostal scholars on Faithlife Today, for example. I don't remember if I have seen Craig Keener there or not.
The issue is that there are a lot of us who are conservative. Which means we stick closer to the classical Pentecostal view of doctrine, and we don't go for charismatic, especially independent charismatic teaching. The Fire Bible fits well into that classical model.
Classical Pentecostals make up a huge portion of Christians in the world today. They are not limited to the Assemblies of God but are also present in the Church of God and many other denominations which I cannot name off here.
Classical Pentecostalism is being obscured by a lot of sensationalism, hocus pocus and hullabaloo. The Fire Bible is a very solid resource, in my opinion, both as a tool for ministers and the faithful Christian to stem the tide a bit and offer some balance.
Bingo on all points, Kendall. I also think it's unintentional (i.e. not a contrived plot). Bias doesn't have to be plotted to still be bias. Your explanation lines up perfectly with my thinking.
Take care.
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The Fire Bible request on uservoice has 94 votes now, let's keep rolling to get it higher up!
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I would like to see it. Just gave it my votes.
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YES! now at 101, thanks so much
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113 votes
"No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying." Leonard Ravenhill
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OliveTree offers the notes stand alone for $54.99 enhanced for use with their resource guide
Wordsearch offers this in a bundle with 150 other resources for $49.95 (Fire Bible Bundle).
I would much rather it in Logos.
Votes now 116
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This is terriffic! Thanks everyone for doing your part and for the updates. The charts in the Fire Bible are as exceptional of any I've seen, for example Old Testament prophecies "fulfilled" in the New Testament, with the hyperlinked Scriptures. Imagine the capabilities in Logos with the passage list feature and factbook, not to mention the massive export capabilities.
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The uservoice votes are now at 146. Thanks for helping us keep promoting it.
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It is now in the Top 10, strangely it is not showing up in the Hot Ideas. Given level of activity over last week one would think it would be on that list. Titles with a handful of votes in total, a lot less than the growth of interest in this title over the past week show up but apparently the FIre Bible is not a Hot Idea. Not to worry keep fanning the Flames of the Fire Bible on the forums here Dan.
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Currently #6 on Top Ideas. not sure what the holdup is. This has been a long-time requested. Glad to see the support rising. Added my 3.
MBPro'12 / i5 / 8GB // 3.0 Scholars (Purple) / L6 & L7 Platinum, M&E Platinum, Anglican Bronze, P&C Silver / L8 Platinum, Academic Pro