Issue Downloading NRSV from Store

Hi and apologies if this is the wrong place to post this,
I was trying to get the NRSV on my phone, so bought it in the Logos store, however after a successful purchase it says an unknown error has occurred and does not download it!
So far I have tried restarting my phone and uninstalling and reinstalling the Logos app. Any further suggestions so I can rectify the problem?
Thank you in advance!
Hi Niall - and welcome to the forums
Sorry to hear you are having problems.
Niall Blackburn said:So far I have tried restarting my phone and uninstalling and reinstalling the Logos app
Is this the first resource you have bought from the Logos store?
Which version of which app are you using (Faithlife has a number of mobile apps - BIble!, Vyrso, Verbum, etc)
Do you have the desktop version of the Logos software as well as the mobile app? If so, does the NRSV appear successfully there?
If you don't have the desktop version please go to and log in using the same credentials you used to purchase the NRSV. Please check if the NRSV appears in the Library there. (Trying to work out if the purchase has resulted in the resource being applied to your account)
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I can't remember if it's the first thing I have purchased, however the NRSV does seem to be appearing when I log into
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Niall Blackburn said:
however the NRSV does seem to be appearing when I log into
That's good to hear.
Some questions about your phone:
- What model is it?
- What version of iOS is it running?
- Is it rooted in any way?
And when you refer to downloading - are you actually trying to download the resource or simply to access it?
The app is designed so that resources can be opened and accessed even when they are not physically on the device - but content is read "on demand" from Logos servers over the Internet. Then resources can be specifically downloaded for use when offline.
Which are you trying to do - to access the resource or to download it?
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its an iPhone 6 running iOS 9.3.2. I don't know if it's rooted?
I'm trying to access it. When I go to purchase the resource it takes me through the prompts to purchase it, then says I have already purchased it and do I want to download it. I hit yes, and an unknown error pops up. The resource then appears in the store as if I'd never purchased it.
Hope that's clearer!
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This might be a daft question, but have you checked by searching your library in the app? Not sure if you're purely having trouble with the 'store' tab.
If it's showing up on biblia and not appearing when you search your library, I'd be inclined to delete and reinstall the app. It's a pretty blunt and ugly way of 'fixing' the issue, but it does the job the vast majority of the time.
I've never had this issue with Logos, but a friend bought some titles that refused to show up on iOS for a full fortnight regardless of how often she closed & reopened the app, but as soon she reinstalled it they were good to go.
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Niall Blackburn said:
When I go to purchase the resource it takes me through the prompts to purchase it, then says I have already purchased it and do I want to download it. I hit yes, and an unknown error pops up
Sounds like you are purchasing from the store within the app (as below)
I had assumed you were purchasing using a web browser from
If you open the Library window in the app on your iPad can you see the NRSV?
If you can see on it what happens if you click on it?
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I have already tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app (it was mentioned in my original post). The NRSV is not showing up in my library at all on my phone.
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Niall Blackburn said:
Any further suggestions so I can rectify the problem?
Is there a chance you have two accounts?
Niall Blackburn said:The NRSV is not showing up in my library at all on my phone.
Can you give us a screen shot of your library, unfiltered and sorted by "recent"?
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Niall Blackburn said:So far I have tried restarting my phone and uninstalling and reinstalling the Logos app.
What version of the app are you running and where are you installing it from?
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I'm running version 5.2.2 of the Logos Bible app on iOS 9.3.2, and it's been downloaded from the iOS app store.
Unfortunately I can't upload a screenshot of my library right now
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Please open the Help menu and tap Report a Problem, and then copy/paste this thread URL in the email. I can't find any record of an NRSV purchase based on the email account that you are using to post here and so I am wondering if you are using the correct account.
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Niall Blackburn said:
I don't know if it's rooted?
Side comment, but FYI: You would know if it was "rooted." To "root" (or "jailbreak") the device means to hack into it, to break the software and licensing agreement with Apple.
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Have you tried opening the Help menu and using Restore Purchases?
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Hi Kevin,
When I do that it comes up with the same unknown error as when I try to download the NRSV from the Logos in-app Store. I have downloaded the Logos software for my Mac, and the purchase isn't showing up on there.I also haven't received the invoice from Apple, so I have to assume that the purchase has not gone through.
I have now been on the website and purchased through that route, which appears to have worked. The NRSV is now on my phone and mac!
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Niall Blackburn said:
The NRSV is now on my phone and mac!
Great! [:)]
Niall Blackburn said:I have now been on the website and purchased through that route, which appears to have worked.
That is better for FL anyways, as Apple gets 15% of all "in app" purchases. I love Apple, but they get enough of my money!
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
The In-App purchase validation issue should be fixed in version 5.2.3: .