Indexing unlocked only or locked too?

Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
I have a lot of locked resources too. As far as I can tell, Logos 4 doesn't recognize them. I asked if that was going to be a permanent feature, but got no answer which makes me think it probably will be.
Longtime Logos user (more than $30,000 in purchases) - now a second class user because I won't pay them more every month or year.
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Logos 4 only deals with unlocked resources. It ignores locked resources.
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Will I be able to do that in Version 4?Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Thomas C. Black said:
Will I be able to do that in Version 4?
I'm sorry, but no. Logos 4 ignores locked resources completely. They generated far too much confusion, and with our new "index everything" we don't want the complexity of all those locked books included, then filtered out, and reindexing when new locked books arrive on CD's, etc.
Moreover, the system will be managing your resources itself, ensuring you have the latest version, and we wouldn't wnat it wasting bandwidth updating (and reindexing) books you might never purchase.
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Bob Pritchett said:Thomas C. Black said:
Will I be able to do that in Version 4?
I'm sorry, but no. Logos 4 ignores locked resources completely. They generated far too much confusion, and with our new "index everything" we don't want the complexity of all those locked books included, then filtered out, and reindexing when new locked books arrive on CD's, etc.
Moreover, the system will be managing your resources itself, ensuring you have the latest version, and we wouldn't wnat it wasting bandwidth updating (and reindexing) books you might never purchase.
I can understand that and am actually glad for it. It does loss a little bit of functionality but I'd rather not have them cluttering things up. Also I am very happy to hear that Libronix will keep all my files up-to-date automatically!
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Bob Pritchett said:Thomas C. Black said:
Will I be able to do that in Version 4?
I'm sorry, but no. Logos 4 ignores locked resources completely. They generated far too much confusion, and with our new "index everything" we don't want the complexity of all those locked books included, then filtered out, and reindexing when new locked books arrive on CD's, etc.
Moreover, the system will be managing your resources itself, ensuring you have the latest version, and we wouldn't wnat it wasting bandwidth updating (and reindexing) books you might never purchase.
My bandwidth is not measured, but what about those who pay after they go over their limit? How about giving the option to turn the auto update off. And what happens if you lose connectivity and have to shut down before regaining connectivity. Loss of power supply should also be considered.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.