Can Resources Download to an SD Card?

Is it possible for Logos resources to download to an SD card, rather than to the phone's internal storage?
Not at this time.
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Curious--I keep seeing this question posted all the time. My phone (on Android Kitkat) has an option to set the primary storage either to the phone's internal space or to the SD card; I choose the latter, and resources download to it just fine. Do not most phones have this feature?
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Sean said:
Do not most phones have this feature?
Thanks for mentioning this; my Logos resources are now loaded on the SD card.
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Yasmin Stephen said:Sean said:
Do not most phones have this feature?
Thanks for mentioning this; my Logos resources are now loaded on the SD card.
Oh terrific! I can't tell you how happy it makes me to have helped someone with this! [:)]
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I've been having the same issue with Android KitKat (not able to save resources to SD card) only I'm on a tablet rather than a phone.
Please can you tell me where you found the setting which sorted the problem? I know I can go into app settings and tell the device to move the app to the SD, and when I do this, the device says that it's been moved, but it hasn't. It only copies some of the app files over; not the resources, they're still on the internal storage.
Is this an issue which is likely to be resolved when I get the update to Lollipop? Or is there any way that an option can be included in the app itself to specify where content is stored?
I'd really appreciate it if anyone could help with this.
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As I posted in another thread mine is a LG but since it is running 4.4.2 the settings should be very similar. Can you please share how did you set the configuration to use the external card. Another questions? Will that work for apps that will be installed from that point onwards or it will move all apps, even those already installed? Control over what you can move to the SDcard will be preferable since I don't think that is a good idea to move all apps to the external memory.
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Edil Cajigas said:
As I posted in another thread mine is a LG but since it is running 4.4.2 the settings should be very similar. Can you please share how did you set the configuration to use the external card.
For me, it was in Settings >>> Storage; there is a section called Default Write Disk, with two options: Internal SD card and External SD card. I chose the latter. (My phone is using JellyBean.)
Edil Cajigas said:Will that work for apps that will be installed from that point onwards or it will move all apps, even those already installed? Control over what you can move to the SDcard will be preferable since I don't think that is a good idea to move all apps to the external memory.
I have no idea and, for my own purposes, I don't much care. Except for WhatsApp messaging, music and Logos, my phone is mostly just used as a phone. Hopefully someone with more experience with this will be able to help you there.
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The problem is that Google stopped giving access to apps to the SD Card in Kitkat and later. Some other apps are finding a way around this, but the Logos app doesn't employ this kind of thing.
Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association0 -
Logos needs to find a way. My phone gives me less than 1.5GB for apps, and Logos is by far the largest consumer of that space. I have loaded only about a dozen apps and cannot add any more because there is not sufficient space.
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Yes, I just figured out how, and I have done it on my phone and tablet, both running kitkat.
First, you need to root your tablet/phone, there are lots of tutorials on how to do this, and I prefer Odin method with TWRP recovery... works every time.
If you have a new android device, rooting may void your warranty, so watch out, and do not unplug your device while it is flashing software/rooting, cause that is risky And could cause problems.
After it's rooted, get the NextApp sdSDFix from the playstore, grant su(superuser) permision, and hit continue. This should make external sd card accessible to your apps.
Before continuing, download as much of your logos library as you will want and are able to, including big image and video files. Keep going until your internal storage is almost full.
Then get the foldermount app from the playstore, it is free for use with up to 3 apps, after that it is $1.99 for pro. It will move your app data to the external sd on a separate partition, linking the folders to make your device think it is on internal storage. Open it and grant su permission. Then select apps analyzer. Bible should be at or near the top because there is so much appdata. Select it and then press "create pair". It will then as if you want the destination folder to be created automatically, select yes, then select the check mark on top. It will then move all of your appdata to the SD card, and everything should still work just fine... you may need to log in again, but there should be no issues.
It is a process, but worth it in my opinion.
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Donovan Neufeldt said:
First, you need to root your tablet/phone
FYI, Faithlife doesn't support rooted devices.
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If Faithlife does not support rooted devices, it should support storing appdata on sd cards (like audible). I would not have rooted if I had that option, but logos was using abut 10 gb of my internal memory. I looked in settings, and searched high and low to find out how to set logos to store on exterm a microsd.
Just put an option in settings: default download location, with the option to save to external sd.
All logos resources are drm protected anyways, so they cacan't be used by other people no matter what. After spending thousands on logos, I'd like access the resources when I don't have wifi.
The only reason people do the hard way is because there is no easy way.
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If I wanted big brother controlling evrything, and if I wanted no expandable memory, and if wanted to pay twice as much, I would have gone with apple.
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How is it possible that Logos would not provide a way to do this? Knowing that books consume large amounts of data, and their customers often spend thousands for their product/service?
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The reason is Logos chooses not to invest the time or effort into finding a workaround for its app like other Bible apps did.
That's there right.
Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association0 -
It is their right, nobodies contesting that, but at the cost and financial investment we make in logos software, I do not think the expectation is unreasonable. Logos does have good customer service and does things to improve. As the customers, we also have the right to say "Logos, this is really important to us... and as such we hope you make this a priority."
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Given the financial investment and customer loyalty (ive been a customer for 15 years), yes, I absolutely think we should have a voice to say this is really important.
And regardless of faithlife supporting rooted devices, I suspect the software will still work exactly the same on a rooted device.
Logos needs to remember we are deeply financially invested in their platform.
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Its is pretty rediculous to pay $3k for books and not have own them offline. Tablets are todays technology, and with the capabilities available, this should be a priority. Searching and all the features is great, but for $3k i expect options to read my content offline (and not lug around my laptop!!)
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Jonas Spurlock said:
Its is pretty rediculous to pay $3k for books and not have own them offline. Tablets are todays technology, and with the capabilities available, this should be a priority. Searching and all the features is great, but for $3k i expect options to read my content offline (and not lug around my laptop!!)
Logos has always advised you to download to your mobile device only the items you need offline. I have over 7000 resources in my library and on my iPad/iPhone i have roughly 1200 items which i have been advised is more than I should have. There are plenty of devices offering you more than enough room to install all your items if you want. In the end Logos is not at fault because you bought a device that is too small to meet your needs.
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Derek said:
Given the financial investment and customer loyalty (ive been a customer for 15 years), yes, I absolutely think we should have a voice to say this is really important.
Please enter your suggestion on UserVoice - here are the instructions on how:
Derek said:And regardless of faithlife supporting rooted devices, I suspect the software will still work exactly the same on a rooted device.
This is not at all true. We've seen issues in the past with rooted devices not displaying things properly, and there are a huge number of combinations of devices and root methods. You are welcome to try whatever you wish with your device but you will have to support it if things don't work.
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On an android device I can download only the books I want (with no issues on a rooted phone either). However, on my windows tablet there's no app (just the standard software package), so it appears it's all or nothing as far as downloads are concerned, and it eats up most of the memory. (I have 32 GB.) Is there a way to limit local books on one windows device (the tablet) but not another (computer)?
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Barry Cushman said:
On an android device I can download only the books I want (with no issues on a rooted phone either). However, on my windows tablet there's no app (just the standard software package), so it appears it's all or nothing as far as downloads are concerned, and it eats up most of the memory. (I have 32 GB.) Is there a way to limit local books on one windows device (the tablet) but not another (computer)?
Hi Barry,
Welcome to the forums!
The Faithlife Mobile apps (Android/iOS) are not equivalent to the Faithlife Desktop apps. If your Windows tablet can run Logos, it is likely running the full Desktop version and in this case there isn't any distinction between a "tablet" and a "computer" - your tablet is a computer, just a very space-limited (and probably quite slow) computer.
To my knowledge the answer to your question is "no", although I'm not an expert on running Logos Desktop on Windows tablets (I'm better with the mobile apps, and this is the Android Apps forum).
If you repost to the appropriate Logos Desktop forum I hope you might receive a more favorable answer.!0 -
Help. you were able to get it to work but it didn't work for me. Got root using odin, twrp.
Tried many different apk managers, linksd2plus and rootchecker plus as well as several other free app managers.
I granted root acces to the apps before using. None would move any part of Logos.
I called tech spport today and they said it couldn't be done and asked me to open a support case. they did not steer me to forum.
Please describe the issue:
I have a galaxy tab s with 32 GB internal and a128 GB SD card.
I have given myself root access so that on my apps with content as well as the executable.
I want to put the logos on the internal storage and the books on the sd, much like any cloud based app.Logos will not do this whereas I could do it with kindle, audible, music, etc. I am using linksd2plus a souped up apk mgr. Ideas, my 32 is full and my 128 has lots of room.
I have no trouble with the app except I want to move the. Files. Maybe I could just move them command line and then force a link to mount when I start the app. Of course I will need to find them
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Hi Karen,
You can use the DirectoryBind app to move your library to SD.
I can confirm that this is working. Of course, it's unsupported.
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Barry Cushman said:
On an android device I can download only the books I want (with no issues on a rooted phone either). However, on my windows tablet there's no app (just the standard software package), so it appears it's all or nothing as far as downloads are concerned, and it eats up most of the memory. (I have 32 GB.) Is there a way to limit local books on one windows device (the tablet) but not another (computer)?
The Windows desktop application doesn't support selective downloading of resources. We're tracking that suggestion here:
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Amen, if I drop $20,000 on a product I have certain expectations, Like when I make a suggestion you will happily respond by saying, "I will get on that right away sir". At this level anything else is just disrespectful and rude.
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Corriell Brotherwood said:
At this level anything else is just disrespectful and rude.
I hope you are kidding as it is unrealistic to think they could do that for everyone who has > $20,000 invested. An were they to do so, those with major investments would quickly run the company into the ground with the lack of a balanced market. I am embarrassed to ever get any recognition base on the size of my deposit, investment, income ... However, if your post was intended tongue-in-cheek, welcome to the forums [Y]
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Can you point to where Logos says they don't support rooted devices? That would be unfortunate if they didn't--rooting a device is one of the first things a number of owners do... According to the Android FAQs:Kevin Byford (Faithlife) said:Donovan Neufeldt said:First, you need to root your tablet/phone
FYI, Faithlife doesn't support rooted devices.
What devices support the Logos Mobile apps for Android?
The Logos Mobile apps are compatible with most Android Tablets and Phones, as long as the [sic] support the "Google Play" or "Amazon App Store" marketplaces.
As for moving resources to an SD card, I found this in the Android FAQs:
I want to buy an Android Device. What size should I buy?
Since the mobile apps access your books from the internet, there are no restrictions as to what size you have to buy in order to use the app, but some devices may require a "microSD" card to install applications.
So, as far as Logos is concerned, there's some reason for having a "microSD" card...
For what it's worth, I moved Logos to my SD card by doing:
Settings > Applications > Manage Applications, select Bible from the list > Move to SD card
Android 2.3.4 (Gingerbread) / Logos 4.3.9
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Paul Unger said:
Can you point to where Logos says they don't support rooted devices? That would be unfortunate if they didn't--rooting a device is one of the first things a number of owners do...Kevin Byford (Faithlife) said:Donovan Neufeldt said:First, you need to root your tablet/phone
FYI, Faithlife doesn't support rooted devices.
Yes, as a Faithlife Employee I mentioned it back in 2012 here on the forums (and in many other places on these forums):
You can root your device if you wish but we don't officially support rooted devices (either Android or iOS).
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If it's "official", Logos might want to think about making an official statement about that somewhere (i.e., not buried in the user forums...). And also state what a lack of support means, e.g., can't run the app at all, can run the app but can't sync 'Notes' (for example; just picking something out of the air), can run the app and everything should work but we can't help if something goes wrong.Kevin Byford (Faithlife) said:Paul Unger said:
Can you point to where Logos says they don't support rooted devices? That would be unfortunate if they didn't--rooting a device is one of the first things a number of owners do...Kevin Byford (Faithlife) said:Donovan Neufeldt said:First, you need to root your tablet/phone
FYI, Faithlife doesn't support rooted devices.
Yes, as a Faithlife Employee I mentioned it back in 2012 here on the forums (and in many other places on these forums):
You can root your device if you wish but we don't officially support rooted devices (either Android or iOS).
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Paul Unger said:
If it's "official", Logos might want to think about making an official statement about that somewhere (i.e., not buried in the user forums...). And also state what a lack of support means, e.g., can't run the app at all, can run the app but can't sync 'Notes' (for example; just picking something out of the air), can run the app and everything should work but we can't help if something goes wrong.
We've updated this page:
Unsupported means you are on your own if anything in the app (whatsoever) doesn't work on a rooted device. If something doesn't work on a rooted device that also doesn't work on a supported device, that's a bug that we want to fix.
Incidentally, we dropped support for anything below Android 4.x quite a while ago.0 -
Confused - if LOGOS cannot install to a micro SD Card, why is this statement in the FAQ?
Can the apps sometimes be installed to a micro SD Card?
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Floyd Johnson said:
Confused - if LOGOS cannot install to a micro SD Card, why is this statement in the FAQ?
Some Android devices may require a microSD card to be present before any applications can be installed (not just the Logos apps). The FAQ doesn't imply or infer that our apps can sometimes be installed to a microSD card, or that Logos resources can be moved to an SD card.
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Appreciate you clarifying that.Kevin Byford (Faithlife) said:Paul Unger said:If it's "official", Logos might want to think about making an official statement about that somewhere (i.e., not buried in the user forums...). And also state what a lack of support means, e.g., can't run the app at all, can run the app but can't sync 'Notes' (for example; just picking something out of the air), can run the app and everything should work but we can't help if something goes wrong.
We've updated this page:
Unsupported means you are on your own if anything in the app (whatsoever) doesn't work on a rooted device. If something doesn't work on a rooted device that also doesn't work on a supported device, that's a bug that we want to fix.
Painfully aware of that... I'm looking for help finding v. 4.3.9 that I can install on an Android 2.3 phone ( I installed Logos on one of my phones a while back (from the Play Store) and it works great as a Bible reader (which is all I want on the phone), but since the phone is not rooted I can't find the apk to put it on my second phone (which I want to take overseas with me on a translation checking trip next week). If I go to Play Store I'm told, "Your device isn't compatible with this version."Kevin Byford (Faithlife) said:Incidentally, we dropped support for anything below Android 4.x quite a while ago.
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We don't publish unsupported versions of our apps, although you might find another user that can give you the apk.
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You can download from here:
Better hurry before FL staff realizes the file is still available, and take it offline [;)]
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Thank you, Jan!Jan Krohn said:Paul,
You can download from here:
Better hurry before FL staff realizes the file is still available, and take it offline
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I agree! I have been a logos cx since version 1 and have spent a similarly a large investment in scholar pack, additional books, bibles, commentaries, uprades and to not have the ability to put books on the sd card is rediculous. There are now many other digital works, programs out there now at a lot less money. Looks like you Logos/Faithlife could put a little effort into this program feature. Many of us do not want to be connected to a cloud all the time and cannot be especially 2hen using the mobile version.
Please consider making this a priority as mentioned above.
Also, when speaking about the desktop version allowing to store the books in other location's like it was possible to do in earlier versions.
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Since i see you work for Faithlife, can you tell us if there is any plan to allow resources to be saved to SD card? Most of my use is tablet based now days, and if I need to worry about internal storage, I'll need to stop buying resources....
I love Logos, but am finding it difficult to use effectively as I used to.
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I cannot speak for FL but it has been pointed out on several occasions that the staffing levels have been greatly reduced and while I do not know for sure what that means for many requested features I do know that several times it has been said this or that planned feature is not longer feasible due to smaller numbers of employees. There are dozens of improvements I would love to see on the mobile apps but I have resigned myself to no serious improvement or new features... I may well be surprised but doubt it as FL seems very content to building tighter and tighter integration with the web... Indeed in the future maybe the only mobile app FL will have is the web app (hope not but who knows).
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You might try following the instructions recently posted here: As I mentioned earlier in this thread I was able to move Logos to my SD card by going:Bob Schwerdt said:Since i see you work for Faithlife, can you tell us if there is any plan to allow resources to be saved to SD card? Most of my use is tablet based now days, and if I need to worry about internal storage, I'll need to stop buying resources....
I love Logos, but am finding it difficult to use effectively as I used to.
Settings > Applications > Manage Applications, select Bible from the list > Move to SD card
Hope you get it figured out!
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There is a very easy way to force Logos app to show the option to store resources in SD Card.
1) Activate Developers Option by going to Settings > About Device > Software Info > tap on Build Number until Developers Mode is turned on.
2) Once step 1 is completed, go out to Settings. You'll see Developer Option now available.
3) Go into Developer Option > Scroll to the end > Turn on "Force allow apps on external"
4) Go out to Settings > Apps > Bible (Logos) > Storage > change to "External Storage" under Storage used.
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Hello, Kevin!
Faith Life support of rooted devices is, understandably, a terminal issue, as is the case with the majority of reputable developers. However, the inability of the user to have the MAJORITY of his resources available in an offline mobile format--given the fact that we now have SD Cards that are at least 128G--doesn't seem to be a justifiable ministry posture. The technological architecture of current mobile devices, as well as the cutting edge advancements of Faith Life Software, definitely militate in favor of providing the user with optimal offline mobile accessibility. The desire for this functionality dates back to at least 2013. Also, many Faith Life users have made significant investments into this valuable resource. I guess my concern is whether or not Faith Life would be willing to invest in us by providing this simple and much needed functionality.
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My question, given your instructions on how to access the Developer Option protocols, is whether or not your resources are being saved on the internal storage or external storage (SD card)?