Logos Deluxe Maps with Scripture

Here is a personal book that I have spent many hours developing. Do you remember these maps? The deluxe map set had many scriptures missing so I had to add them. I think you will like the verses added to the Nehemiah Maps of Jerusalem. I will eventually add Milestone tagging so you can link it with a Bible. I just need to find an easy was to do this.
You can turn on active visual filters as you use this with your Bible and even put it in a collection and search from your Bible with custom collections.
Wow! Thanks!
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John Brumett said:
I will eventually add Milestone tagging so you can link it with a Bible
Added at the Book level, and also added the Headwords for the ones at the end.
Logos 10 | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max
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Thanks, James. Eventually, I would love to milestone every verse in the document so I could scroll with the Bible. Do you know an easy way to do that?
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John Brumett said:
You can turn on active visual filters as you use this with your Bible and even put it in a collection and search from your Bible with custom collections.
This is exciting. Could you expand on the steps to activate this resource?
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1. Create a collection called Maps (include this resource)
2. Create a custom guide https://ref.ly/logosres/logos4help;hw=Edit_Guide_Template
your custom guide should be reference and then add collection Maps.
3. Now when you are in any passage of your bible right click and choolse the verse you are using and then on the right hand side choose your custom collection Maps. If there is a scripture dealing with an events it will take you to that reference. Then scroll above to the nearest map link. You should then have a Map dealing with that Passage of Scripture.
Another way to follow along is turn on your active Bible reference in visual filters in both your bible and in the Maps that way when you scroll along you should see that reference highlighted in red.
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Jack Hairston said:
Could you expand on the steps to activate this resource?
You might mean how to get this resource in Logos. You need to build a personal book
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTIBdObY_i0 Here is a link on how to build a personal book.
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Thanks so much!
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Thank you very much!
John Brumett said:1. Create a collection called Maps (include this resource)
I use this Collection to add all those works with "mytag:Maps&Atlas".
Including your previous work on Holman Atlas etc :-)
MacOS Sierra / Logos 7 Collector's Edition & All Base Packages / Logos Now
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Neat! I'll give this a look when I get home. thank you
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Amazing! Thanks....
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John Brumett said:
I will eventually add Milestone tagging so you can link it with a Bible.
7534.Links Logos Deluxe Map Set Verses.docx
Along with adding Bible milestones, expanded Table of Contents:
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Even better! Thanks.
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Thanks so much for sharing!
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Thank you.
This is great!
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I'm probably just messing this up, but the process I see/follow in my system is a little different than what you described above, so I'd like to make sure I'm doing it right. The way I'm "choosing" the Bible verse, is to right click on it. This opens a popup window. With the Bible verse highlighted on the right side of the popup menu, I can select my previously created custom guide for my maps collection from the left side of the popup menu as shown below.John Brumett said:3. Now when you are in any passage of your bible right click and choolse the verse you are using and then on the right hand side choose your custom collection Maps. If there is a scripture dealing with an events it will take you to that reference. Then scroll above to the nearest map link. You should then have a Map dealing with that Passage of Scripture.
Selecting the custom guide then opens a new panel on the right (as shown below), displaying any of the map related personal books from the maps collection, with entries that pertain to the verse that had been selected.
Then, as shown below, I can select any of the map related personal books to see what map(s) pertain to the verse that was originally selected, and if desired, open the map from the link in the personal book.
So... I think I'm accomplishing what you described, but the process I'm using doesn't seem to follow what you described. Should I be doing something different?
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Per the screen shots below, I don't see an active Bible reference in my visual filter options for either my Bible resource or the Personal Book, and I don't see any visual filter option at all for the actual map resource. Am I looking at the wrong thing?John Brumett said:Another way to follow along is turn on your active Bible reference in visual filters in both your bible and in the Maps that way when you scroll along you should see that reference highlighted in red.
Visual Filters for Bible
Visual Filters for Personal Book
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John Brumett said:
Another way to follow along is turn on your active Bible reference in visual filters in both your bible and in the Maps that way when you scroll along you should see that reference highlighted in red.
One more alternative with Personal Book (PB) that has Bible Milestones is using Multiview so the PB follows Bible Scrolling. Can click Map Title in PB to change Logos Deluxe Map Set.
MuttiView allows PB scrolling without changing Bible location.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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I can do this in MultiView with Logos Atlas and Logos Deluxe Map Set personal books, but not with any of the other map/atlas related personal books I've tried. However all the personal books will track along with the Bible if they're in the same link set.One more alternative with Personal Book (PB) that has Bible Milestones is using Multiview so the PB follows Bible Scrolling. Can click Map Title in PB to change Logos Deluxe Map Set.
Have you tried any other personal books with Multiview?
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Rick Ausdahl said:
Have you tried any other personal books with Multiview?
For grins, added a Personal Book Bible => American Standard Version 1901 - Personal Bible without Chapter and Verse #'s to Multiview, which follows NIV scrolling:
Thankful for Logos Now membership so have "Emphasize Active References" in Visual Filter menu. Full Feature Sets also have "Emphasize Active References".
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Sorry... I should have been more specific when I said other personal books. I was thinking specifically of some of the other map related personal books John has made available. E.g. he's also provided them for the Holman Bible Atlas, Rose Then and Now Bible Map Atlas, and the Zondervan Atlas of the Bible. Those three personal books don't even show up for me as options for selection to include in MultiView.For grins, added a Personal Book Bible => American Standard Version 1901 - Personal Bible without Chapter and Verse #'s to Multiview, which follows NIV scrolling:
Thankful for Logos Now membership so have "Emphasize Active References" in Visual Filter menu. Full Feature Sets also have "Emphasize Active References".
Keep Smiling
Regarding the "Emphasize Active References", I do have the Full Feature Set right up through Logos 7 and I do see it as a Visual Filter option for all of the map related personal books John has shared. I do also see it on the actual Holman, Rose, and Zondervan atlas/map resources themselves. Where I don't see that filter option is on the NIV Bible (per my screenshot above) nor any of my other Bibles, and I don't see any Visual Filter options available on either of the actual Logos map/atlas resources being discussed--i.e. the Logos Deluxe Map Set or the Logos Atlas tool.
Do you see this filter as an option for your Bibles, for the Logos Deluxe Map Set, or for the Atlas tool?
NOTE: I'm guessing this particular filter doesn't really need to apply to Bibles--I was looking for it because in a previous post, John had said to have it turned on in both your bible and in the Maps.
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Rick Ausdahl said:
I was thinking specifically of some of the other map related personal books John has made available. E.g. he's also provided them for the Holman Bible Atlas, Rose Then and Now Bible Map Atlas, and the Zondervan Atlas of the Bible. Those three personal books don't even show up for me as options for selection to include in MultiView.
The reason they don't show up is I haven't provided verse milestones for these. I will try to work on these and provide that in a few weeks or sooner.
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John, I've never created any personal books, but you've done so much already, and I'm feeling pretty guilty about being a consumer only while contributing nothing. If you can point me to any kind of training web page that explains creating milestones, I'd be happy to help. At the very least, I could perhaps give it a go on one of the books while you're working on another. Let me know if you'd like me to give it a whirl. [:)]John Brumett said:The reason they don't show up is I haven't provided verse milestones for these. I will try to work on these and provide that in a few weeks or sooner.
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Any idea where I can find those PBs you mentioned as to the other books?
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Rick Ausdahl said:
John, I've never created any personal books, but you've done so much already, and I'm feeling pretty guilty about being a consumer only while contributing nothing. If you can point me to any kind of training web page that explains creating milestones, I'd be happy to help. At the very least, I could perhaps give it a go on one of the books while you're working on another.
This thread has three Personal Documents for Logos Deluxe Maps with Scriptures
Original => 7343.Logos Deluxe Map Set.docx
Bible Book milestones added using Heading 1 for Table of Contents => 3326.7343.Logos Deluxe Map Set.docx
Many Bible milestones added => 7534.Links Logos Deluxe Map Set Verses.docx (plus moved some map entries for sequential scrolling along with Heading 2 for Map links so they appear in Table of Contents)
Logos Help has Bible Book abbreviations:
Help also has Personal Book Syntax:
Keep Smiling [:)]
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I think I found them all
RoseZondervanHolmanESVLogos 7And of course this threadDid I miss any?
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