Logos 7 started to crash

Since a couple of days Logos 7 started to crash on both my machines. It happens always after a couple of minutes after a fresh start. Here is the logs: 4452.LogosCrash_BWojnar.zip
It looks like a problem related to opening an article in a dictionary.
Is there a Logos.log file as well?
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No Graham, I have Logos.log only from the year 2016. I have logging enabled. Can I do something else? Thanks for your help.
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After using the logging java script, I got also Logos.log file. Here are my new logs after the new crash: 8156.Logos_logs_BWojnar.zip
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Bohuslav Wojnar said:
Since a couple of days Logos 7 started to crash
Something to do with update to 7.5? My computer got some slowness but not crashing
Gold package, and original language material and ancient text material, SIL and UBS books, discourse Hebrew OT and Greek NT. PC with Windows 11
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Veli Voipio said:Bohuslav Wojnar said:
Since a couple of days Logos 7 started to crash
Something to do with update to 7.5? My computer got some slowness but not crashing
It might be connected.
The problem is it caught me in the middle of a sermon preparation for Sunday. Well, in fact, I am preparing all the time, so for me there is no good time for crashes [:)]
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Bohuslav Wojnar said:
After using the logging java script, I got also Logos.log file. Here are my new logs after the new crash: 8156.Logos_logs_BWojnar.zip
I think it is due to a problem with one of your personal books - there are lots of errors logged against them - but I'm afraid I can't get any further than that.
Hopefully someone will be able to help further.
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Thanks Graham. I am working now on on-line Logos app. What a blessing to have that alternative. [Y]
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If the issue IS related to a personal book, presumably the personal book was open in your layout? If so, have you tried loading to a blank layout?
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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alabama24 said:
If the issue IS related to a personal book, presumably the personal book was open in your layout? If so, have you tried loading to a blank layout?
Yes, I experimented all kind of ways. I opened to the blank Logos, I opened and stayed at the home page etc. It did crash at trying to open PB that was suspicious although I did have it for a long time. It is one of the Czech Bibles PB (Pavlík). I changed the docx file for a simple file and rebuild the book. after indexing Logos crashed anyway.
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Bohuslav Wojnar said:
It did crash at trying to open PB that was suspicious although I did have it for a long time. It is one of the Czech Bibles PB (Pavlík). I changed the docx file for a simple file and rebuild the book. after indexing Logos crashed anyway.
It could be Notes and Highlights for that resource. Try disabling it in Visual Filters, or removing them in the Notes file.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I tried that too. Still crashing. Always in a 2 - 3 minutes from starting the Logos.
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The crash happens every startup because the application is trying to index your documents, and you have a note attached to a text range in one of your resources that's causing a problem. This is likely to be a recent note you created, and may or may not be attached to the PBB mentioned above. If this narrows it down enough, you may be able to try going in and removing the attachment point from some of your recent notes to see if you can prevent the problem.
In the mean time, I'll do some more looking to see if I can figure out what the problem is and how we might be able to work around it.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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Thank you Andrew for your reply. I will try to look into the notes.
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After doing some investigation, the problem is definitely with a note attachment, but I can't actually determine which resource the note is attached in. It may also not be a recent note, but could have been created some time ago.
My gut tells me that this is a PBB that was recently rebuilt, and I suspect it's one of the ones on this list:
PBB:f6167d4ccbdf4a6aa88169a31b5d75a2Here's something we can do to try to track this down.
- Turn off auto-updates in your program settings.
- Exit the application.
- Open up the folder C:\Users\Bohuslav\AppData\Local\Logos\Data\suu45qaz.oix\ResourceManager\Resources
- Find all of the files that correspond to the resources IDs listed above. To do this, ignore the "PBB:" part and add ".lbspbb" to the end. So, for example, the first file would be "227c41b093384b51994a367d1d4b778d.lbspbb".
- Move each of these files to a folder on your desktop as a backup. This will allow you to copy the file back afterwords, and will allow us to take a look at the file if we figure out which one is causing the problem.
- After all the files have been removed, restart the application and see if the crash has gone away.
If you are not comfortable taking these steps, please contact customer support (they are available on Saturday). I will make sure they are watching for you.
If this works, you will be able to use your application, but none of those PBBs will be available. I'll then have support contact you next week to help determine the exact file with the problem so that we can make a fix.
If this doesn't work, contact support, or they will contact you next week.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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Thank you Andrew for taking your time to help me. I did what you recommend and it really stopped the crashing. I found however that 4 of the PBBs on the list are missing in my Resources folder on both computers.
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Bohuslav Wojnar said:
Thank you Andrew for taking your time to help me. I did what you recommend and it really stopped the crashing. I found however that 4 of the PBBs on the list are missing in my Resources folder on both computers.
Good to hear that the crash went away!
It's not a problem that some of the PBB files are missing. These are just PBBs that you added a note/highlight in, and then later deleted. The note will still exist, and the attachment to the missing resource won't cause a problem.
If you are willing to help us find which resource file is the problem, here is what you can do next... start copying the resource files back into the folder that you moved them out of. One of these files will cause the crash to start happening again. We'll want you to send that file to us. I... uh... can't quite recall the email address for that, so I'll have to post on Monday when I get back into work.
Once you find the file that causes the problem, you should be able to copy the other files back in to restore access to those resources.
For the problem resource, you can determine the name of the PBB by pasting the resource ID into the command bar (the autocomplete should include the name of the resource). You may or may not be able to fix the problem by rebuilding the PBB. If it doesn't work, you could delete the PBB entry and create it again from scratch, although your old notes/highlights will not be attached to the new PBB. Alternatively you will need to wait for us to take a look at the resource file and determine if it's exposing a bug that we can fix.
Please let me know if this makes sense.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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So it looks I found the "guilty" PBB. It is this one: db6cb1247901456da16ec63355ee7e57.lbspbb called Johan Steinmetz. I have been adding the files and seeing what happens and discovered that adding that file made Logos crash again. Deleting fixed the problem again. I will try to rebuild the PBB. If needed I can create a new one as you recommend. Thank you again for your help.
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The problem looks to be solved. I recreated the PBB and it works without crashing. So I can work on my sermon tomorrow. Now it is quite late here in Europe. [:)]
Thank you Andrew once more for your great help. Also to all of you guys who tried to help. I appreciate it very much. [Y]
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Bohuslav Wojnar said:
The problem looks to be solved. I recreated the PBB and it works without crashing. So I can work on my sermon tomorrow. Now it is quite late here in Europe.
Thank you Andrew once more for your great help. Also to all of you guys who tried to help. I appreciate it very much.
I'm so glad to hear that. Could you please email the resource file that caused the problem to testing@faithlife.com? Just mention me in the subject and I'll take a look to see if it's a problem we can fix, or if it was just some kind of corrupted file.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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Hello Andrew. Thank you again for your help. I just sent the corrupted file to the email address you provided. Logos works without any problems since I recreated the PBB from the original files. Just for you to know, I haven't change anything in the source files. There are 3 of them.
Have a great day.
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Thanks for helping track this down. I got the file and was able to recreate the crash. We'll see if we can fix it so it doesn't happen again.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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Hi There guys
I seem to be having the same problem mentioned here caused by a note crashing the application, however im very new to this software and have no idea at all how to delete this note to solve my crash problem as you did ..are there perhaps any steps you could walk me through in going about deleting my notes in order to open the program successfully again as i need this for my studies.
Thank you in advance for your advice i look forward to hearing from you guys
God Bless
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Hi Keegan - and welcome to the forums
Sorry to hear you are having problems.
When Logos crashes it can be for a range of reasons so it is important we try and find out the root cause of what is happening in your situation - it may be something very different.
Can you start a new thread in this forum and provide as many details as possible - when does Logos crash, what platform are you running on (Windows / Mac), a set of logs after Logos has crashed (see https://wiki.logos.com/Diagnostic_Logging for details)
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Hi Andrew , i seem to be having the same problem as i know recently i created a note by accident and simply exited , since then it has been crashing, iv followed your above mentioned steps however when i enter into the last tap "resources" the folder seems to be empty..
Not sure how to go about fixing this but i cannot open logos 7 due to this crash and require it for studies. Any help would be greatly apreciated
Thank you!
God Bless
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Keegan Stuart said:
Any help would be greatly apreciated
As Graham mentioned, please create a new thread, explain the issue clearly while providing appropriate details, and post logs. Please see my signature line to learn about logging.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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Thanks Graham and Alabama24
Started new thread here https://community.logos.com/forums/p/140607/896592.aspx#896592
Thanks for the help!
God Bless
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Bohuslav Wojnar said:
Since a couple of days Logos 7 started to crash on both my machines. It happens always after a couple of minutes after a fresh start. Here is the logs: 4452.LogosCrash_BWojnar.zip
This crash should be fixed in 7.6 (