Feature Request?

I'm not sure if this is the actual place to put in a request. But could you guys a new Download All button that appears right away instead of us having to search for things and then manually download? There is a Download All that appears after I start searching the library, but I figured it's been done this way for the majority of customers who have more library than space on their device.
You can drag down and look above the top row of your library to find a "Download All" button. I think it would be a terrible idea to use it, but that's your decision.
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James McAdams said:
You can drag down and look above the top row of your library to find a "Download All" button
This is one of the differences between the iOS and Android apps.
The download all button is available immediately on iOS but only appears after you have started to filter the library and have got a resultant set of fewer than - I think - 50 resources. My guess is that Ezra is using an Android device.