Bible app crashes when closing multiple workspaces

This is for Logos Bible app on iOS 11.0.2 on my iPad

I had around 28 workspaces open from various activities and I decided to close them in the workspace / tab window. After closing a number of them (probably around 13-14) the app crashed.

This happened again when going back into it and closing another 13 workspaces.

I believe I have seen this behaviour in the past. Anyone else seeing it?



  • Randy W. Sims
    Randy W. Sims Member Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭

    I believe I have seen this behaviour in the past. Anyone else seeing it?

    This did happen in past versions. One of the first things I did with the initial Next beta (because I love to push limits) was to open up around 60 workspaces with splits and links. It would occasionally crash on creating or closing a workspace, but pushing it that hard, I didn't pursue it as I should have. It's a lot of dull work opening and closing so many workspaces to find the pattern of failure. What was interesting is that opening it after a crash everything seemed stable. It SEEMED like it was the management, the opening and closing, that was causing the crash. I didn't pick up on the pattern of every 13-14 but that seems similar to my experience as best as I recall. I'll try again if I get time a little later today.

    EDIT: Just opened 57 workspaces (Tyndale commentaries, not downloaded) and closed them all without incident. No splits or links...

    EDIT2: Opened 100 more workspaces. No restart between above. This time I was opening from a passage guide where above I started off opening from Library button and then switched to the new tab button in the manager. Around 50 I got a crash, non-responsive. The screen froze and stayed that way for a long time before crashing to desktop (CTD). Opened Logos again and everything was as left and seemed stable. Started opening more workspaces and got a CTD around 100. Started closing tabs and got CTDs after 58 closes, 20, and then 17 closes. No splits or links.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 32,743

    Thanks Randy

    Looks like there is a problem here that needs to be addressed.