Sermons of Charles Stanley

It'd be great if the sermons of Charles Stanley (maybe the content from Dr. Stanley's "Life Principles Notes", I have them all in print where I could ship them to FaithLife if they ever decided to publish them) could be available in Logos Bible Software. I'd love to be able to search all of them.
Nathan Parker
Visit my blog at
His and David Jeremiah's.
Faith in Christ
Richard Strait
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I believe David Jeremiah has some things in logos - his life works etc.
L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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So does Stanley. He has a LifeWorks and has books in Vyrso as well. Having all his sermon outlines would be great. I could scan all of mine, convert them to Word, then convert to a PB, but I'd rather pay Logos to do the work (plus if they released annual "updates" with new sermons, I'd buy them).
Nathan Parker
Visit my blog at
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I am new to Logos and have not been able to find anything by either gentleman. I will keep looking. I have the Diamond level.
Happy Thanksgiving
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Richard Strait said:
I am new to Logos and have not been able to find anything by either gentleman. I will keep looking. I have the Diamond level.
Happy Thanksgiving
I'm on Platinum and should probably get Diamond. It looks good.
Search for Stanley on both and You'll see all his good stuff.
Nathan Parker
Visit my blog at
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Andy Stanley would be great too
Keith Pang, PhD Check out my blog @
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So I get that on the one hand the more time one spends speaking and writing publicly the more opportunity there is to say something stupid, and unorthodox, but both have been going down some roads that cause me pause and concern.
I HOPE this is just a one off where Andy said something that he himself disagrees with. But I haven't heard any retractions either. Charles likewise has gone to some similar places.
Andy said (and retracted) that if you're not going to a big church you're hurting your kids or sinning against your kids. I forget the exact verbiage.
Either way, these are two I probably wouldn't be super interested in.L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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abondservant said:
Either way, these are two I probably wouldn't be super interested in.
I have some of the books each man has produced. For me, that is enough. I don't feel a need for their sermons, but perhaps for different reasons than you've given.
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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Of the two, Charles Stanley would be the one I would be interested in, due to Dr. Stanley's legacy. The pastor whose sermons I really wanted electronically are Adrian Rogers, and I am thrilled that happened. Dr. Rogers was a brilliant expositor.
As for Andy Stanley, it is unfortunately not a one-off. I have seen numerous times in the news where he has made statements that have caused backlash, and I even once publicly refuted one of his statements, in which he responded to me essentially telling me to pull my retraction. Instead, I listened to the full context of his sermon series and issued another statement stating where he was still incorrect in his sermon series and the areas he was correct in.
I've enjoyed Dr. Stanley's previous sermons over the years, but I agree some of his newer content does seem to be venturing off track a little. Adrian Rogers, however, was solid to the end, and I am thankful his legacy has been preserved for us.
Dr. Nathan Parker
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Nathan Parker said:It'd be great if the sermons of Charles Stanley (maybe the content from Dr. Stanley's "Life Principles Notes", I have them all in print where I could ship them to FaithLife if they ever decided to publish them) could be available in Logos Bible Software. I'd love to be able to search all of them.
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abondservant said:
I HOPE this is just a one off where Andy said something that he himself disagrees with.
This is a Baptist forum, for Baptist products.... Andy does not fall into this category.
(As you mentioned, he has made many statements to cause more than just his Baptist upbringing to be called into question).
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Nathan Parker said:
I have seen numerous times in the news where he has made statements that have caused backlash,
Found this today, thought was interesting...
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Keith Pang said:
Andy Stanley would be great too
Reference this review of A. Stanley's recent book:
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I also watched this with regard to his latest book:
I'll check out your two links as well. I may read the book just so I'm aware of the controversy and can offer a response if need be.
Dr. Nathan Parker
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I would agree on Charles. I have much respect for Dr. Stanley. His son, Andy, on the other hand...not so sure. Someone mentioned Adrian Rogers....yeah he is a good one.
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I realize this is an old thread, but I felt compelled to share a few thoughts about the dramatic differences between Dr. Charles Stanley and his wayward son, Andy.
FYI, I cut my theological teeth on Charles Stanley's outstanding Bible teaching and consider him the wise Christian grandfather I never had. The Lord used, and is still using, his teaching to ground me in the essential doctrines of Christianity and the glorious Gospel (i.e., the only one that can save). If he were still on this earth, I can confidently say that there is NO WAY Dr. Stanley would condone what his son is now openly affirming and promoting. Their teaching, and not just their ministry approach or methodology, is completely *antithetical.* (In fact, to help make this point widespread, I'm giving serious thought to the idea of creating a series of YouTube videos highlighting the contradictory positions each man held on major biblical issues.) Dr. Stanley, in sharp contrast to Andy, was a faithful teacher and defender of the inerrancy and supreme authority of God's Word (both New AND Old Testaments, the latter of which Dr. Stanley absolutely loved) for 67 years. Accordingly, I'm convinced that God mercifully protected Dr. Stanley from discovering how egregiously bad his son's teaching had become before he went home to glory in April 2023 and heard, "Well done, My good and faithful servant."
In Andy's case, I believe we're seeing another tragic example of the age-old tale of a rebellious “PK” (Pastor’s Kid). For a relatively deep and thoughtful analysis of Andy's drift away from Scripture and biblical orthodoxy (i.e., "Where did he go wrong?"), I recommend watching the YouTube documentary "Who Is Andy Stanley? – The Making of a Minister" by "HonestYouthPastor."My first thought when reading Dr. Al Mohler's article about the now notorious, apostate, LGBT-affirming "Unconditional Conference," which notably took place several months after Dr. Stanley passed away, was that Andy was waiting, possibly out of respect (or fear!), until his dad died before “coming out” (pardon the pun) with his *true* views on sexuality loudly and proudly. In my opinion, I believe that’s why Andy has been so ambiguous and evasive about this stuff over the years . . . until recently.
As such, I honestly believe that Dr. Stanley was blissfully unaware of the serious nature and extent of Andy’s unbiblical teachings during the last decade or so of his life, in part because Andy is a master equivocator/prevaricator. I've truthfully never heard anyone (including lawyers!) talk in circles as slickly as Andy Stanley does. Anyhow, had he been aware, there’s no way his father—a biblical bulldog!—would have failed to reach out to him and attempt to reprove him over these egregious errors, which now rise to the level of legitimate heresy, as Joe Dallas, Albert Mohler, Alan Shlemon (Stand to Reason), and others have so convincingly argued in their excellent responses to the reprehensible "Unconditional Conference."As so many others have rightly stated, it’s almost beyond belief that the offspring of Charles Stanley could say/do such things as Andy has in recent years. Heartbreaking and tragic beyond words. Let us all pray for Andy and the many people he has misled and continues to mislead.
Moreover, may we all stand firm on the unchanging Truth of holy writ, come what may. Churches are compromising on these (and other) issues all over the West. I earnestly hope this fact, coupled with the chaotic nightmare circus of our current political and cultural situation, means Christ's return is upon us.
God bless,
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Please read
Your post is inappropriate in these forums where we discuss Logos software and resources. We do not discuss theology because we want all Christians to feel comfortable coming to the forums for assistance.Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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For research purposes both can be good 👍 At least to quote straight from the horse’s mouth 😂
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Question: Why is my post deemed "inappropriate" (seriously?), seeing as how I was merely adding to a conversation Michael S. and Nathan Parker began back in 2018, specifically addressing the problems with Andy Stanley's teaching? In other words, why were they given a pass?
Who would have thought that one would be "flagged" and chastised for simply warning fellow Christians about a demonstrably false teacher (according to Scripture, Christians are actually commanded to do this, if we really love the Truth and one another) on a website for Bible software, of all things?
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Question: Why is my post deemed "inappropriate" (seriously?)
Andy’s unbiblical teachings during the last decade or so of his life, in part because Andy is a master equivocator/prevaricator.
Calling Andy names and calling his teachings unbiblical are both demeaning to people on the forums who are fond of his works.
chastised for simply warning fellow Christians about a demonstrably false teacher
There are a number of demonstrably false teachers on Logos. Would you think it appropriate for me to write a long post saying Calvin is a master of arrogance and a false teacher? [I would argue that any human theologian is demonstrably false in some detail.]
Christians are actually commanded to do this, if we really love the Truth and one another) on a website for
software, of all things?
Yes, Christians are commanded to gently correct those going astray. They are not commanded to do so on a SOFTWARE forum for which the sponsoring company wishes to have everyone who calls themselves Christian (or a user of Logos/Verbum) to be comfortable coming to to ask for assistance in using the software.
To those who object to my use of Calvin as an example. Please note that it is used as a hypothetical - not as something I would do or would think. I wanted someone that it would be very clear it would NOT be appropriate to make such a statement of. Think of it as a bit of Jewish/Pauline logic. Please replace Calvin with the theologian of your choice, Hus, Augustine, Luther, Wesley, White, Aquinas, Kierkegaard, Frame … note also the use of "detail" in my opinion that every human has imperfect theology - that was deliberate rather than implying that Calvin was wrong in any significant aspect.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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I guess Paul calling the judaizers “Dogs” and telling Timothy he had delivered some unto Satan must’ve been not so nice of him 😂 Or 2 Peter 2 and Jude in his short epistle calling all false teachers those names should be taken out of the Bible because is not nice 😉
I’d still use Andy at least for research purposes 😁
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No language is inappropriate in all settings. I'm speaking only of what is appropriate in the forums as expressed by the sponsors of the forums. Over the time I have been on the forums, words have gone from acceptable to unacceptable.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."