Can I save or print newsclippings which i have taken from e -books bought from Logoa? How dfo I do t

Can I save or print newsclippings which i have taken from e -books bought from Logoa? How dfo I do this?
Hi Margaret - and welcome to the forums
Margaret Dingle said:Can I save or print newsclippings which i have taken from e -books bought from Logoa? How dfo I do this?
I would suggest using a Clippings Document - see for some context
Does this help at all?
PS: I would recommend editing your post - click "More" and "Edit" - to remove your email address. Otherwise it may be picked up by spambots
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Dear Graham
The Wiki materila was useful but I would also like to be able to transfer some clippings to a Word document as quotes. I am writing an Honours thesis.
How do they know where to send the emails if I do not put in my email address? I suppose they have it on a central register or it is an automatic process.
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Hi Margaret
Margaret Dingle said:The Wiki materila was useful but I would also like to be able to transfer some clippings to a Word document as quotes. I am writing an Honours thesis
You can export the contents of a Clippings Document to a Word Document - by clicking the panel icon and selecting "Print / Export"
But for what you are wanting to do have you tried simply selecting the text you are interested in in a book, copying it (Ctrl/Cmd-C) and then pasting it into your Word Document?
Margaret Dingle said:How do they know where to send the emails if I do not put in my email address? I suppose they have it on a central register or it is an automatic process.
When you refer to sending emails what do you mean? Are you thinking about getting replies to your threads sent to your email address or something else? If it is about getting replies to your threads then assuming you have clicked the "Email me when someone replies" button it will use the email address you used when creating your Logos account from their "central register" as you say
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Thank you everyone. I will now click send emailing replies.
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yes! you can save and print out this this
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