Installation and Indexing FAQ’s
Installation and Indexing FAQ’s for Logos 4 and Logos 5 Wiki: TOC, VTOC, HomeForum: Home, General, Logos 5Logos4 for Win, Logos4 for Mac Page Contents * Installation* What about System Requirements and Disk Space? * What is the direct link to Logos installers? * Where does Logos install resources? * Why does Logos install…
Logos 4 Windows Is Hanging Right After Startup
Bug Report
Bug Report Wiki: TOC, VTOC, HomeForum: Home, General Forum Bug/Crash reports In order to create the most effective bug reports for technical support issues on the forum, please submit a formatted report. For the title of your forum post (or email to tech support) please start with Bug: followed by a brief description of…
Cannot connect to Logos servers
Cannot connect to Logos servers Wiki: TOC, VTOC, HomeForum: Home, General There are a variety of reasons why Logos might not be able to connect to the Logos servers. Here are some solutions: 1) First, the most common solutions offered by Logos Support http://www.logos.com/L4/support/unabletoconnect 2) Expired security…
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