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I am adding these posts to the previous tip list L/V 10 Tip of the Day (when it doesn't time out) QUESTION: How do I create a table of all the names of the months in the Bible? SOFTWARE: Using Perplexity with the search argument Please create a chart of the names of the lunar months in Biblical times including the leap…
I've had the Logos desktop app installed since early January with Translator's Workplace and so far it's worked swimmingly. A few days ago the desktop app stopped opening - the loading screen popup still appears, but when it goes away the program won't actually open. I've tried rebooting my computer, and the FAQ fix where…
It repeatedly freezes. Can't add more than 4 books to a collection by dragging and dropping. Beginning a collection with the rule type:bible yields only a handful of the many versions in my library. Everything worked properly until the version 40 update. Logos - what have you done?
It’s that time of year—almost. While we wait in the winter chill, we look toward the warmth of Spring, and of course, March Matchups. 🎉 Voting is officially live, and it’s your chance to shape the showdown! Here’s how it works this year: Head to the March Matchups page to draft your top 10 most-wanted Logos collections.…
I noticed that when I added the free resources for this month that they by are missing Community Tags. Previously there have been only a few community tags missing from resources, only on occasion. I don't place a great deal of stock on these collective tags as they can be misleading or wrong. However I do tag each…
I tried rebooting and that didn't work. I tried finding Logos on the Task Manager, but it wasn't on there. Does anyone have ideas?
After the recent update of the iOS app to 40.0.0 (184), Share only provides plain text (no URL). The URL is very important to my note taking. I take notes outside the app in Markdown and have written a script for Pythonista that takes the plain text and the URL and combines them to produce a Markdown quotation with a link…
I really find the crowdsourced lists of Bible verses on to be quite helpful for topical search. I'm fairly new to using Logos and I would love to do this the Logos way to skip steps. Any suggestions?
I understand that the Wordsearch Perks is ending and that is more than acceptable. Logos is more than fair by offering to honor the remaining months of my subscription that ends in October. I need to use the coupon code provided during March for a one time offer; however, I do not find the link where I can "shop for…
This really strikes me as an easy ask, we already have export in several formats. I use readwise and would like to have my highlights exported more easily to readwise via a csv file. Could this be added?
In the Psalms, if I have these reformat settings: it ends up putting the word 'title' there, sometimes. But turning off 'one verse per line' fixes it to the desired format: Maybe because Psalms is already one verse per line? Dunno. But it will also add this word "title" to a passage list if the title of the chapter was…
Add something like Word has, where you can right-click on a word and see synonyms for that word.
I would like to be able to assign the font and font size as part of a custom copy style in Logos.
I know there is a feature for illustrations in both the Sermon Wizard and the Sermon Editor, but I find both only moderately helpful: The tool in the Editor only provides very general ideas. The assistant provides far too many - and mostly unsuitable ones. I would like a smart search based on a Bible text and/or a thematic…
What's the difference between these two? The first entry in this picture was released 2020, the other one in 2010. The newer version is missing one of the authors. Doug, the text writer, but still has Sergio, the illustrator, and the same publisher. I have the hard copy older version (2010). The Logos shop preview won't…
When I first saw the promotion, my reaction was at how poorly my personal favorites were represented in Logos - Renita Weems, Barbara Green, Roberta Bondi, Gail Ranshaw, Johanna Manly … but then I focused on History and began to wonder why none of these are featured: Hildegard of Bingen Teresa of Avila Thérèse of Lisieux…
This ebook is on sale elsewhere for $3.99 I'm interested in buying but not as a Kindle book.
Hi everyone, Just want to see if you have the Galaxie Theological Journal subscription either on Logos or directly on the Galaxie website, and want to know your experience (on search for specific topics etc.) and maybe comparison between the two subscriptions. It seems that the one on Logos does not update , while the one…
This book is type monograph and has nothing in the library subject column indicating it may be or may have been an ebook. However, it is the same format and indexes as the rest of the books in it's series, which is "Reformed Expository Bible Studies". LLS:REBS70EPH 2021-05-10T20:29:28Z REBS70EPH.logos4 I believe it should…
Good Afternoon Logos You have other resources from Paul Benware but you seem to be missing this one. I know it is a text book in some seminaries and I would appreciate if you could get it into Logos. Here is another book by him you do have:
New book by John Ortberg, Steps, shows a release day on Feb 4 and yet, it hasn't shipped. For some unknown reason, you can't buy the book on Faithlife Ebook store as well. Please make it available as I have I don't want to but the book on kindle. Would rather prefer the Logos ecosystem. Thanks
Logos carries The New Moody Atlas of the Bible with this information: Print Publication Date: 2009 Logos Release Date: 2014 It seems that a newer version (?) of this is in print: The Moody Bible Atlas Gebundene Ausgabe – 4. Februar 2025 Will we see this in Logos, too?
Has anyone heard an update on some of the new volumes for the Lexham Research Commentary set? The last I heard was they were planning to have Daniel and Ruth out before the end of 2020, but it looks like that has been delayed.
I see Logos carries some books by Joseph M. Holden. What about having also A Visual Guide to Biblical Apologetics ?
Amazon blurb: An illustrated study of the realtionship between Scripture and Orthodox Christian iconography Synaxis Press blurb: THE ICON AS SCRIPTURE (by Archbishop Lazar Puhalo) Since 1972, Archbishop Lazar has given a lecture, with slides, entitled "The Icon as Scripture." This important dimension of the meaning of the…
Tiemeyer, Lena-Sofia, and Jakob Wöhrle "In the last two decades, research on the Book of the Twelve has shown that this corpus is not just a collection of twelve prophetic books. It is rather a coherent work with a common history of formation and, based upon this, with an overall message and intention. The individual books…
The Prophetic Ministry of Ellen G. White. God called a seventeen-year-old girl, frail and in poor health, to proclaim His Word and guide His people. For the next seventy years Ellen White served as the Lord's messenger--writing, preaching, counseling, traveling, warning, and encouraging--as she faithfully delivered the…
I'm specifically requesting the Romans volume, but would love to see the whole series as it is developed! Enables the reader to share the same experience that a Christian living in the first four centuries would have experienced when hearing Romans explained on a given Sunday. As you will see, the early Christians…
There is a great edition of this in the Cistercian Fathers series. It is surprising not to see it on Logos.
What happened to the page break function in the newest update? I commonly use double dash to signal the slide content should continue on a new slide. It's not working!
i.e. there is an audio accompaniment uploaded the the song slide w/ lyrics.. when i click on the song slide, it displays the slide, and auto plays the audio. can i disable the auto play, so it just has a play button that i can click anytime i want?
would it be possible to add the Ukrainian Bible - Turkonyak translation for ProClaim? We really need it. Переклад Р. Турконяка
Hi! I'm new to Proclaim and just starting a trial. How do you change the pre-service loop time? It's set to 31s and I don't know how to change it to 30 minutes. Can anyone help please?
Fairly new to Proclaim and trying to streamline our team's processes. We never use title slides for songs, is there a way to not show them by default rather than having to untick the box every time we add a new song? I've tried saving as default song but I get a message about smart content and then it doesn't seem to do…
For some reason the text box that shows credits on songs is no longer appearing and the option to put credits on the first lyric slide no longer appears. How can I fix this.
How can I get a you tube video into proclaim? I've been trying for over an hour! It should not be this hard!!!!! I have tried to download and put in as a video, I have tried the webpage by copying URL , Tried the embed link…nothing works! I am sure that I am missing a simple step but I am getting frustrate! HELP!
For the last couple of weeks, when I enter the Hymn Number in the appropriate box, it still will not display on any of the slides, including Title and Lyrics slides. Any ideas? Have I possibly inadvertently turned it off? Thanks!
While evaluating Proclaim (day 4…), we're wondering if we can save / export or somehow re-use songs that have been modified. Our Worship team may blend parts of 2 songs into one arrangement and we'd like to keep the work of putting it together for use in the future without having to re-do it. Any options to do this?…
We really need an audio player attached to the slide. can we get a play, pause and skip bar embedded into a slide? similar to what you get when you upload a video. right now, we can attach an audio to a slide, and it autoplays.. and if you accidentaly go off of it, clicking the slide again, it starts from the beginning..…
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Are you making the most out of your Logos library? Dive deeper into your research and studies by learning how to navigate your Logos library like a pro. Join us for an engaging webinar where we'll take you on a library tour and teach you Logos essentials such as sorting, query searching, and creating collections and…
Join us for an interactive “Ask Me Anything” session focused on the Logos Community platform. This is your opportunity to ask specific questions, share your needs, and gain deeper insights into utilizing the site effectively. As a way to say thank you for learning about our new community, we will randomly select two…
Explore how the Power Lookup tool in Logos can streamline your study process by providing instant access to all the links in your Bible or books. Instead of flipping through footnotes and cross-references, see everything in one place. This webinar will also demonstrate how to efficiently access dictionaries and lexicons…