Joshua Blau. Phonology and Morphology of Biblical Hebrew
Joshua Blau lays out the form of Biblical Hebrew, and the philological evidence in the text itself for connections to proto-Semitic forms. He argues for his own reconstruction of the verbal system. This is an invaluable reference work for the scholar interested in detailed exegesis founded upon deep understanding of the…
The Icon As Scripture: A scriptural and spiritual understanding of Orthodox Christian Iconography
Amazon blurb: An illustrated study of the realtionship between Scripture and Orthodox Christian iconography Synaxis Press blurb: THE ICON AS SCRIPTURE (by Archbishop Lazar Puhalo) Since 1972, Archbishop Lazar has given a lecture, with slides, entitled "The Icon as Scripture." This important dimension of the meaning of the…
The Book of the Twelve: Composition, Reception, and Interpretation, 2021
Tiemeyer, Lena-Sofia, and Jakob Wöhrle "In the last two decades, research on the Book of the Twelve has shown that this corpus is not just a collection of twelve prophetic books. It is rather a coherent work with a common history of formation and, based upon this, with an overall message and intention. The individual books…
Messenger of the Lord
The Prophetic Ministry of Ellen G. White. God called a seventeen-year-old girl, frail and in poor health, to proclaim His Word and guide His people. For the next seventy years Ellen White served as the Lord's messenger--writing, preaching, counseling, traveling, warning, and encouraging--as she faithfully delivered the…
Historic Faith Commentary Series
I'm specifically requesting the Romans volume, but would love to see the whole series as it is developed! Enables the reader to share the same experience that a Christian living in the first four centuries would have experienced when hearing Romans explained on a given Sunday. As you will see, the early Christians…
Spiritual Friendship by Aelred of Rievaulx
There is a great edition of this in the Cistercian Fathers series. It is surprising not to see it on Logos.
Christianity Not Mysterious: Or, a Treatise Shewing, That There Is Nothing in the Gospel Contrary to
In Logos we have Measuring the Distance between Locke and Toland: Reason, Revelation, and Rejection during the Locke-Stillingfleet Debate | Logos Bible Software but nothing by the Deist Toland. Toland's is sufficiently influential in its own right and an important counter point to the Stone-Campbell Locke-influenced…
Understanding End Times Prophecy by Paul Benware
Good Afternoon Logos You have other resources from Paul Benware but you seem to be missing this one. I know it is a text book in some seminaries and I would appreciate if you could get it into Logos. Here is another book by him you do have:
Bible commentaries by Theophan the Recluse
This is an essential Russian Orthodox author of the 19th century. Many of his works belong in Logos but for a start: Amazon blurb: trans. Archpriest Gleb Wleskov; edited by Seraphim Englehardt After nearly 30 years of engagement with this text, we are delighted at long last to make it available to the faithful in permanent…
Opus Majus, Volumes 1 and 2 by Roger Bacon (Bible and Science)
This is an essential work for people interested in science and the Bible and what has been termed in Biblical interpretation as "Mosaic Physics". From Perplexity: Roger Bacon's approach to Scripture is best illustrated in his work Opus Maius (c. 1267), particularly in Part IV, where he discusses biblical exegesis,…
Chronographia by George Syncellus -- anyone know an available edition?
I would like to see this in any European language to be in Logos. From Perplexity Synopsis of Chronographia by George Syncellus George Syncellus' Chronographia is a Byzantine historical chronicle written in the early 9th century, intended as a universal history of the world from creation to his own time. Syncellus, a…
The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville
This is an absolutely fundamental resource for nearly a thousand years. Amazon blurb: This work is a complete English translation of the Latin Etymologies of Isidore, Bishop of Seville (c.560–636). Isidore compiled the work between c.615 and the early 630s and it takes the form of an encyclopedia, arranged by subject…
Spiritual Writings of Kierkegaard
Provocations - Spiritual Writings of Kierkegaard Provocations is a collection of excerpts from Kierkegaard's writings that pertain to Christianity, religion and spiritual matters. It is systematized and short. Collected in a way that makes it similar to reading Pascal's Pensees. From Amazon "Provocations contains a little…
Semitic Christianity: St. Aphrahat & The Sages of Babylonian Talmud
by Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg This is a reading for serious students of Church and Jewish history. It is based on my Ph.D. dissertation at Stellenbosch University on the history of Jewish-Christian polemics. There I reconstruct the fourth-century polemic between sages of the Babylonian Talmud and a local Semitic Christian…
Key Events in the Life of the Historical Jesus: A Collaborative Exploration of Context and Coherence
Published by Eerdmans in 2010 and written by team of evangelical scholars (Blomberg, Bock, Evans, Marshall, McKnight, Osborne, Snodgrass, Webb, Wilkins), this huge work (931 pages) examines 12 key moments from the life of Jesus, six from ministry at large and six from Passion Week in Jerusalem. Each essay argues that…
The History of the Puritans: From the Reformation in 1517 to the Revolution in 1688, abridged (Neal)
Abridged from 1.2 million words in 4 volumes to 260K words in one volume. Our Puritan ancestors were mighty in the things of God. We are little aware of the debt of gratitude which we owe to these defenders of civil and religious liberty – that trial by jury is the law of the land, that the press is free, that we are…
Christ and the Church by Ed Wharton
Amazon blurb: In this book Ed Wharton makes available his lecture notes from his course "Scheme of Redemption" Under the title "Christ and the Church- The Fulfillment of Purpose and Prophecy, Wharton has arranged the study for classroom use into three major divisions: Historical Doctrinal, and Eschatological. The first…
The Case for Historic Christianity by Ed Wharton
For a group frequently asking for more resources and their own package Amazon blurb: Historical Christian Evidences is an exciting approach to proving the claims of Christianity. This has been fairly well established in the enthusiasm which the subject has generated among an inquisitive and increasingly large public who…
The Church of Christ by Edward C Wharton
For a group frequently asking for more resources and their own package Amazon blurb: The Distinctive Nature of the New Testament Church Behind the historical church of the New Testament lies the purpose and wisdom of God. The New Testament church is a unique institution of divine origin. The systematic study of Scripture…
Alexander Sperber, The Bible In Aramaic, E J Brill, 1992
Volume 1: The Pentateuch according to Targum Onkelos Volume II: The Former Prophets according to Targum Jonathan Volume III: The Latter Prophets according to Targum Jonathan Volume IVa: The Hagiographa: Transition from translation to Midrash Volume IVb: The Targum and the Hebrew Bible. Unlike the current Aramaic edition of…
Historic prayer collections from Paul C Stratman (WELS Lutheran)
Praying with the Readings: ---- (Praying with the Readings, Lectionary Based Prayers) WELS Lutheran
This is a man who really understands corporate worship and has created marvelous prayers for use in many situations - don't pass this by without checking an Amazon preview to understand why he is recommended.
Will Willimon's Lectionary Sermon Resource
We have: We need: Year A part 2 I don't see
Abingdon Theological Companion to the Lectionary:
Please add years A and C both of which are available
Common Worship Lectionary: A Scripture Commentary
We have Year B. Please add Years A and C both of which are available.
Anselm Academic Study Bible etc.
Reviews of the Study Bible: Professional Reviews ANSELM ACADEMIC STUDY BIBLE: Catholic Edition: New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE) 2015. Anselm Academic, 702 Terrace Heights, Winona, MN 55987-1320 paperbound 398 Pages $43.95 ISBN 978-1-59982-632-5 www.anselmacademic.org. Organized and developed with the…
Merged: New Resource Request
This discussion has been merged.
New Resource Request
I'd like to recommend 'The Bible As It Was' by James L. Kugel be made available in Logos. I see that Logos does have 'The Great Shift' by Kugel, so there's a precedent for his work in Logos.
Charismatic Chaos, MacArthur
Available in Chinese, but not in English. Please make the English work available
[HU] Revised Karoli Bible
There is a recently revised version of the Hungarian Karoli Bible (published in 2011 I think). I would also gladly help with encoding the text.
The forgiving life: a pathway to overcoming anger and building a culture of peace
Dear Brothers, One more suggestion: ENRIGHT, Robert D.; FITZGERALD, Jennifer. The forgiving life: a pathway to overcoming anger and building a culture of peace. Washington: American Psychological Association, 2015. Thank you!
Forgiveness is a choice: a step-by-step process for resolving anger and restoring hope
Dear Brothers, One more suggestion: ENRIGHT, Robert D. Forgiveness is a choice: a step-by-step process for resolving anger and restoring hope. Washington: American Psychological Association, 2001. Thank you!
The forgiveness workbook: free yourself from anger and resentment
Dear Brothers, One more suggestion. Title: WORTHINGTON, Everett L. The forgiveness workbook: free yourself from anger and resentment. Oakland: New Harbinger Publications, 2006. Thank you!
The Apostolic Writings
Adding Andrew Gabriel Roth's "The Apostolic Writings" to purchase options. ISBN: 9781736589342
A Panoramic View of Patristics in the First Six Centuries (With An Overview of Selected Coptic Ortho
This is a general overview from a non-Latin West perspective with decent charts setting out the time frames and issues in the early church.
Commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke by Cyril of Alexandria
While we have several commentaries by Cyril, I'm not finding this one which is especially used in the Oriental Orthodox tradition. amazon blurb: Cyril of Alexandria (c. 376 – 444) was the Patriarch of Alexandria from 412 to 444. He was enthroned when the city was at the height of its influence and power within the Roman…
Commentary on the Epistles of St. John the Theologian by Archimandrite Justin Popovich
The entire series should be included. Note this is a Serbian Orthodox Bible commentary. amazon blurb: This Commentary on the Epistles of St. John the Theologian - published now, three years after the blessed repose of Venerable Fr. Justin (on the Feast of the Annunciation, 1979) - was written by the tireless Messenger of…
The Parables of Jesus: Sermons by Saint Gregory Palamas
is a bare minimum; one would prefer the entire series this would help fill the holes in the Eastern Orthodox bible commentaries. amazon blurb: The Parables of Jesus is the fourth volume in the series, and covers the parables of the Publican and the Pharisee, the Prodigal Son, the Second Coming, the Unforgiving Servant, the…
Historical Commentary on the Old Testament - entire series
examples: Amazon blurb: The book of Micah provides insight into the struggle of a prophet with his vocation in an extremely difficult time. The aggressive policies of Neo-Assyrian kings which involved large-scale destruction, deportation and resettlement upturned existing social structures everywhere. Kings of Judah like…
Revised New Jerusalem Bible Study Edition
It is an updated version of a classic Catholic translation. It has been available already on Kindle. I really want to be able to add it to Logos so I can get the best out of the version.
Book request: Stockholm Syndrome Christianity
Dear Brothers, greetings! I would like to suggest a book to Logos. About What if our culture isn’t collapsing because of the work of crusading secularists? What if it’s failing because leading Christians identify more with secular elites than with their fellow believers? Those are the provocative questions posed by my…
Scholastic books in Methodism
Please consider offering this book for your Methodist patrons: John Wesley on the Sacraments by Ole Borgen.
The Practice of Piety (Lewis Bayly)
The Practice of Piety presents the substance of several sermons Lewis Bayly preached while minister at Eversham. It was made into a devotional manual and soon became one of the most popular books in England. It was translated into Welsh, French, Hungarian, Polish, and several other languages. The Practice of Piety is…
Jesus And The Old Testament: His Application of OT Passages to Himself & His Mission by R.T. France
Black Theologians needed
Dear Logos, we need more sources from black theologians, pretty please. James Cone, The Cross and the Lynching Tree Howard Thurman, Jesus and the Disinherited Jennifer Snow, Mission, Race and Empire Verna Dozier, The Dream of God Please add these titles!
Ezekiel: A Commentary by Paul M. Joyce
Tabletalk from Ligonier
Ongoing series. Monthly devotional with very helpful articles. It would be great to have these in Logos to be able to cross-reference and bring up later for study and prep.
War & Peace
I've been looking for a spiritual warfare book named 'War and Peace'. I don't remember the author so I'm not able to find it anywhere on the internet. (Not the Tolstoy book). Does anyone know where I can find it? Or the author?
Conscious Health
Conscious Health, Ron Garner. It's a good one. The same title (2006, I checked) with a different cover is available on Amazon. Sold out in Canada cause it's good.
Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, 2nd Edition
This is a 2023 update of the 1993 edition.