Logos 4 Beta 1 DVD



  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,058

    You can try closing and reopening, but on my system it takes place immediately. Just to be sure, are you double clicking a word in the NA27 or the NA27 with McReynolds? I am trying to double click now on the NA27 with McReynolds and I can confirm that nothing happens. This appears to be a bug.

    i tried NA27 Int and it needs some encouragement before it responds to keylinking! NA27 GRAMCORD Int is a little better.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Trey Selman
    Trey Selman Member Posts: 232 ✭✭

    DVD Made it to Austin, Texas at 5pm

    about 1000 resources indexed (removed about 250 pre Feb 2006 lbxlls, 12 lix/lsf,  70 pbb)

    Installed and indexed on laptop in about 1 hour

    Installed and indexed on desktop in a little over an hour.

    Indexing would stall if DVD was removed. Once indexing completed DVD was not needed.

    Trey Selman

  • Frank Sauer
    Frank Sauer Member Posts: 2,040 ✭✭✭✭

    Received the DVD to day here in FL. Did the install, ran into the same indexer crash problem as I did with the download (.xml files - timelines had to be removed from the resources directory to get the indexer to run. Total installation and indexing time was about 2 hours for approx 350 resources.

    Logos 10 - OpenSuse Tumbleweed, Windows 11, Android 16 & Android 14

  • Jacob Hantla
    Jacob Hantla MVP Posts: 3,874

    None of my collections were imported. I hope this will be possible in the future, since I have over 2000 resources and rebuilding all the collections would take an enormous amount of time.

    Can you tell me more about the collections you have in 3.x? We're open to importing them, but concerned that if we make it easy to bring these hand-built collections over, users won't ever turn them into (the much more powerful) query-built collections.

    Do  your collections "need" to be hand-built, or do they tend to group on author, series, or type of resource?

    I have numerous collections, many of which were hand-built, but they all tend to have one-thing in common, like:

    • favorite journals
    • best Micah commentaries
    • best apologetics texts
    • JETS
    • John Owen Collection
    • etc

    With tagging, rating, and advanced features, I can't see any reason (other than initial convenience and comfort) to import my collections. I personally don't think I'd take advantage of that function if it were provided, even though I have extensive collections on my 3.0f


    Jacob Hantla
    Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church

  • Charlene
    Charlene Member Posts: 548 ✭✭

    Looking at the NA27 Interlinear, I still have not found a way to view only those lines I want to. For me that's just Greek and the English gloss. All the other stuff just clutters the screen. The help file points me to View | Interlinear, but that option is only available in Libronix. This is not acceptable to me, and hopefully will be an option in a future version.


    Hi Rich,

    To get the "other stuff" off the screen that you do not want, I just right-clicked on those unwanted options. For example, I do not want the transliterations. So on the left side where it has MSS Trl, I right-clicked there and then unchecked the two places where it has Manuscript (Transliterated) and Greek Lemma (Transliterated). This removed all the transliterations.

    I have not yet figured out, though, how to make this the default setting for any interlinear that I open.



  • Robert Pavich
    Robert Pavich Member Posts: 5,685 ✭✭✭

    Just to let the Logos staff know; when I had this crash I had uninstalled the download version of Logos and installed from the DVD.


    I reformatted my laptop and reinstalled; the same crash message occurred but the app indexed fine and runs like a champ...hmm...

    Robert Pavich

    For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__

  • spitzerpl
    spitzerpl Member Posts: 4,998 ✭✭✭

    I was in the DVD group. My DVD install went without a hitch last night. Items synced from my download computer, infographics were available (I like what I see so far), no timelines, and my wife has agreed to give it a test drive (I watched baby while she went to get a soda :-))

  • Rich DeRuiter
    Rich DeRuiter MVP Posts: 6,729

    Can you tell me more about the collections you have in 3.x? We're open to importing them, but concerned that if we make it easy to bring these hand-built collections over, users won't ever turn them into (the much more powerful) query-built collections.

    Do  your collections "need" to be hand-built, or do they tend to group on author, series, or type of resource?

    I have a collection of favorite Bibles I cycle through when studying a passage. That's easy enough to build.

    The more difficult ones have to do with differing types of commentaries. I have them in three collections: Exegetical, Homiletical and 'study Bibles.'

    The main purpose of building these collections for me is to easily cycle through them with the left-right arrow keys. I've not tried building collections (except for the favorite Bibles collection), but I don't seem to have the capability of using the arrow keys in L4 (LIV ? Hey, I kind of like that).

     Help links: WIKI;  Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)

  • David Housholder
    David Housholder Member Posts: 113 ✭✭

    I'm joining the "Wow!" response. I received the DVD yesterday late afternoon. I installed it on my Lenovo ThinkPad T61 this morning (Centrino Core 2 Duo @ 2GHz, 3GB RAM, Vista Ultimate SP2). It took 27 minutes from start of install seeing the home screens.

    I hadn't realized what the power of synchronization would be until I puzzled over why the articles on Galatians and Revelation on the home pages. Those were the books I was studying in the download install on my Windows 7 computer. This isn't coincidence, right?

    Then I saw my notes in place and when I opened ESV it opened to the last passage I had been looking at on my Win 7 computer. Nice!

    The pop-up info boxes on library items is also a great help.

    Switched from Isaiah to Galatians in the ESV with interlinear open. It continued to display the text of Isaiah in the interlinear window until I clicked on a word in Galatians. I would expect the interlinear to sync with my book choice.

    I'll comment on License Agreement in another thread.

    Dave Housholder

  • George Allakhverdyan
    George Allakhverdyan Member Posts: 1,075 ✭✭✭

    Checked out Exegetical guide, everything looks good here UNTIL I hit the sound/pronounce icon (nothing happened the first couple of times, no sound, no nothing then I get this ugly message from Windows: Logos 4 has stopped working! Oh no! My first crash! Ok, go to desktop and restart, no problem, wonder what happened? Let’s go back to the Exegetical Guide and try it again. Yep, definite problem with sound function, second crash!

    Hi James, thanks for the thoughts. It is good to view the release notes to see what is and isn't working to know whether or not the problem you encounter is a known issue, please see http://community.logos.com/forums/p/741/6455.aspx, also if you do experience severe problems like crashes/hang-ups please post the logs with your issue in a separate thread (soon we'll have a hierarchy to make it easier to post), please see the guidelines referring to this at http://community.logos.com/forums/t/728.aspx

    Happy testing!

  • Gregg Watson
    Gregg Watson Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Hello All! Got my DVD this morning and started the install shortly after. I did suffer a devastating sense of let down when it didn't start automatically. But a quick trip to Windows Explorer, a couple of clicks on the mouse and we were installing. I am now contemplating shaving for the third time since I started, waiting for the resources to index. still, having read all the early scuttlebut I a really looking forward to diving in.

  • Wyn Laidig
    Wyn Laidig Member Posts: 401 ✭✭

    We're open to importing them, but concerned that if we make it easy to bring these hand-built collections over, users won't ever turn them into (the much more powerful) query-built collections.

    It really not a good idea to make it hard for people to upgrade.  It took me days to make all my collections.  I'm not opposed to switching to query built, but I can't afford to take a chunk of days out of my life just to setup V4.   Spread it out over a few months and it's workable.

  • Mitch Davis
    Mitch Davis Member Posts: 502 ✭✭

    I can't even get discouraged about the long indexing because I can't install the DVD....I get a runtime error. Anyone else having this problem? At least I can play with the downloaded version (my consolation is enjoyable!).

  • Robin K
    Robin K Member Posts: 47 ✭✭

    Yes! DVD arrvied safely toward in suburbs of Chicago. I had to right-click--->explore to get it running. I was scared when it said "preparing your library--this may take a really long time"--but it was done in a few minutes. Now it is indexing (2,858 resources remaining) for the last 1 hour. I like new interface! However, it did seem cluttered and too many things going on (blogs, news, excerpts, etc.) I think you can customize it, but how do we get rid of excerpts? Do we have the option of changing fonts like in Logos 3? I haven't really tried anything else. This is because I tried a search and it crashed. I am thinking this is because it is still indexing. 

    I am going to wait until indexing is over to play around some more. Overall, so far so good and very pleased! 




  • James Brown
    James Brown Member Posts: 245 ✭✭

    DVD arrived!! Installed on

    WinXP Media Center Edition Version 2002 SP3

    HP Pavilion Desktop

    Pentium 2.80GHz with 2.00 GB of RAM

    Installation went smoothly... indexing started before I left this morning came home this afternoon to Logos v.4 opened and waiting ;)


  • Rich DeRuiter
    Rich DeRuiter MVP Posts: 6,729

    I can't even get discouraged about the long indexing because I can't install the DVD....I get a runtime error. Anyone else having this problem? At least I can play with the downloaded version (my consolation is enjoyable!).

    Mitch, do you get the runtime error when running autorun.inf, or when running Logos4Setup.exe? The autorun is known to be corrupt. If you haven't done it yet, navigate to the DVD and run the setup program manually.

     Help links: WIKI;  Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)

  • Randall McRoberts
    Randall McRoberts Member Posts: 55 ✭✭

    I got mine Thursday. Installation was a breeze. Even the indexing didn't take that long, but I only have about 1400 resources. I suppose it took less than two hours.

    I had installed from a download earlier, on a machine that has never had Logos on it. Again, no problems.

    I'm trying to get used to what is there and what isn't, and how to do things I want to do. All I can say so far is that the new look is beautiful.

    My system is a Dell XPS 420 (1 1/2 yrs old) with a Quad core running at 2.66 GHz and 4 Gb memory. Vista 32 bit. Home Premium Graphics card is NVidia GeForce 8800 GTX with 768 Mb Video RAM, if I remember. No, I'm not really a gamer.

  • Anthony Hebert
    Anthony Hebert Member Posts: 10 ✭✭

    None of my collections were imported. I hope this will be possible in the future, since I have over 2000 resources and rebuilding all the collections would take an enormous amount of time.

    Can you tell me more about the collections you have in 3.x? We're open to importing them, but concerned that if we make it easy to bring these hand-built collections over, users won't ever turn them into (the much more powerful) query-built collections.

    Do  your collections "need" to be hand-built, or do they tend to group on author, series, or type of resource?

    Bob, the concern I have about my collections is that I have approximately 100 hand built collections that would require an enormous amount of time to rebuild. The ability to build collections are very powerful for me for two major reasons 1) I want to limit the resources that I search from to a particular set of books that I have chosen 2) I want to limit the results I get from a search. As a seminary student, collections have made my life a lot easier. I realize that I could probably rebuild all the hand-built collections, however I just don't think I have the time to do so - it would probably take months. So I am one of the users that is hoping Logos 4 has the ability to import collections to minimize my transition time to the new generation of Logos software. 

  • Anthony Hebert
    Anthony Hebert Member Posts: 10 ✭✭

    Received the DVD Friday in Nevada. Installation went smoothly and indexing required approximately 5 hours for 3100 resources. The DVD install was my second install of the product since the first one was a download on a test system running Windows 7 without Logos 3.x. First impressions are positive. The interface is vastly different from 3.x so it will take some getting used to. I am trying to learn a new way of doing everything that I did in 3.x.

    I am very impressed with the power and speed of the search engine. My first search was "Calvin WITHIN 10 words Geneva" and it returned several hundred hits within 12 seconds. As I noted in a previous post, at this point my main worry is about importing my collections over from 3.x to 4. Hopefully, Logos will see fit to offer an import collections feature in the final release. Well, back to my new power tool!

  • Anthony Hebert
    Anthony Hebert Member Posts: 10 ✭✭

    I am very impressed with the power and speed of the search engine. My first search was "Calvin WITHIN 10 words Geneva" and it returned several hundred hits within 12 seconds. As I noted in a previous post, at this point my main worry is about importing my collections over from 3.x to 4. Hopefully, Logos will see fit to offer an import collections feature in the final release. Well, back to my new power tool!

    A correction to my previous post. My search results of "Calvin WITHIN 10 words Geneva" returned 2100 results in 0.43 seconds. My original time of 12 seconds was a typo.

  • Anthony Hebert
    Anthony Hebert Member Posts: 10 ✭✭

    Having read numerous other posts from beta testers regarding problems they have experienced with certain aspects of the installation, I felt that I should write to inform you that I had no problems with:

     1) Logos 4 discovering my resources on a secondary 1TB hard drive and properly indexing them. As a result of complaints from other beta testers I was concerned that Logos 4 would not recognize my resources stored on a secondary drive, but since my resource collection takes up about 30GB, I decided to try installing without moving the resource folder back to C:\  

     2) Logos 4 indexing ALL of my resources, including those pre February 2006. After reading about problems other beta testers were having with older resources, I was expecting the indexing phase of my installation to hang up on the older resources. I thought about removing the pre Feb 2006 resources but at the last minute decided to try the install first with all the resources and it worked just fine. Well done Logos!

    Main system is Intel-based system with a Quad core processor running at 2.66 GHz and 4 Gb memory. 1TB hard drive. Windows XP Pro. Graphics card is NVidia GeForce 9800 GTX with 768 Mb Video RAM.

  • Robert Pavich
    Robert Pavich Member Posts: 5,685 ✭✭✭


    Can in chime in with a comment?

    I also have LOTS of collections in V3 and mainly they were created because the searches were so darn slow!

    But not so in V4!


    So I'm rethinking my collections logic and only creating collections that make sense; I'm just making them as I go and trust me; once you've done a few queries; you'll really like the new way to filter resources and I don't think you'll have a complaint...

    just my opinion.

    Robert Pavich

    For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__

  • Anthony Hebert
    Anthony Hebert Member Posts: 10 ✭✭


    Can in chime in with a comment?

    I also have LOTS of collections in V3 and mainly they were created because the searches were so darn slow!

    But not so in V4!


    So I'm rethinking my collections logic and only creating collections that make sense; I'm just making them as I go and trust me; once you've done a few queries; you'll really like the new way to filter resources and I don't think you'll have a complaint...

    just my opinion.

    Robert, thanks for your comment. Over the past few days, I've read a few posts regarding filter-based queries, but I don't know too much about them. Could you give me an example, or step instructions regarding how to run one of the filter-based queries? I'd like to see the power of these tools. You're help is much appreciated. Thanks.


  • Robert Pavich
    Robert Pavich Member Posts: 5,685 ✭✭✭


    Here is a shot of my list of collections so far; and also the syntax to filter the archeology collection.



    Robert Pavich

    For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__

  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,476 ✭✭✭

    So I'm rethinking my collections logic and only creating collections that make sense; I'm just making them as I go and trust me; once you've done a few queries; you'll really like the new way to filter resources and I don't think you'll have a complaint...

    just my opinion.

    Exactly, I can confirm that. More I learn about the new approach, more I like it. To make a collection took ages in v3, here it is a a few seconds of writing a search command. As addition to that, searching whole library paradoxically is faster, than searching the collection. Funny, but true.

    What I want to find out also is co-relation of prioritized books and search ranked results list.


  • Justin Langley
    Justin Langley Member Posts: 19 ✭✭

    Just installed via DVD. Seemed to go without a hitch, but it finished up after I went to bed. When I woke this morning to check it out, I didn't have any error messages or anything, and I opened up Logos 4 to start exploring. Now, it seems to be indexing my resources again. Is that normal?

    Initial impressions: layout is outstanding, I've only perused a few books so far, though! Had my first crash when I attempted to right-click on a word in BHS SESB Version. I was able to customize the opening, so that I have no sounds and so that I start with a blank screen, which is preferable for me.

    Looking forward to working more,

    Justin Langley

    Windows XP Home
    Running via Parallels on Macbook Pro

  • Rich DeRuiter
    Rich DeRuiter MVP Posts: 6,729

    Charlene said:

    To get the "other stuff" off the screen that you do not want, I just right-clicked on those unwanted options. For example, I do not want the transliterations. So on the left side where it has MSS Trl, I right-clicked there and then unchecked the two places where it has Manuscript (Transliterated) and Greek Lemma (Transliterated). This removed all the transliterations.

    Charlene, I missed your response yesterday. These forums are really hard to navigate. I find myself missing things all the time.

    This only works with Reverse Interlinears. There is no equivalent category, or window, for standard interlinears, and I hope we don't get one - I don't like the way it works, since you can only see one line(or part of a line) at a time. Not very helpful, IMHO. (Thankfully, I don't use any reverse interlinears on a regular basis, so I'm not complaining.)

    Charlene said:

    I have not yet figured out, though, how to make this the default setting for any interlinear that I open.

    In fact, if I close a reverse interlinear, or navigate away from it in the same pane, and later reopen it, my category settings are lost.

     Help links: WIKI;  Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)

  • Don
    Don Member Posts: 281 ✭✭

    Can you tell me more about the collections you have in 3.x? We're open to importing them, but concerned that if we make it easy to bring these hand-built collections over, users won't ever turn them into (the much more powerful) query-built collections.

    Do  your collections "need" to be hand-built, or do they tend to group on author, series, or type of resource?

    I have a number of types of collections:
    author (because there is no standard naming convention for authors--MacArthur is probably listed about four different ways)
    denominational (baptist, catholic, methodist, etc.)
    Bibles by language
    Bibles by translation style
    by book of the Bible (all about Matthew, all about Mark, etc)
    by various topics (Apologetics, Archaeology, Biographies, Creationism, Creeds, Cults, Devotional, etc.)
    by set (Early Church Fathers, commentary series, etc.)
    by theological perspective (Arminian, Calvinist, etc.)
  • Mitch Davis
    Mitch Davis Member Posts: 502 ✭✭

    Mitch, do you get the runtime error when running autorun.inf, or when running Logos4Setup.exe? The autorun is known to be corrupt. If you haven't done it yet, navigate to the DVD and run the setup program manually.

    I get it via the Logos4Setup.exe (manually).

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,058

    Just installed via DVD. Seemed to go without a hitch, but it finished up after I went to bed. When I woke this morning to check it out, I didn't have any error messages or anything, and I opened up Logos 4 to start exploring. Now, it seems to be indexing my resources again. Is that normal?

    It would pay you to check the Logos4Indexer.log in My Documents\Libronix Log Files folder during, or shortly after the session**. It will tell what is happening in plain English and might save you some time writing to the forum and waiting for an answer!

    ** logs are overwritten at the start of a new session with L4.


    Windows 11 & Android 13