Organize Your Books Tagging rules

John Kaess
John Kaess Member Posts: 753 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

I'm going through the Organize Your Books course. Moe spends a significant amount of time stressing the necessity of tagging all your books. Moe gives several examples of rules that can be used to select books for specific tags like prayer or ethics. He then suggests downloading a document from his web site listing many possible tags to use. However, he does not give rules for any of those tags. Several times he says that it is not necessary to go through your library one book at a time to tag them, but it seems that is what is required if he does not give us rules to set up the tags.

Am I missing something?



  • James Taylor
    James Taylor Member Posts: 1,408 ✭✭✭

    The only thing I can think of is that it is intended for one to use a combination of library sorting or rules to tag multiple books at once. Like if you know an author or publisher or series has alot of books on prayer (or whatever tag you have in mind) then you sort your library by that criteria and then you may select say 10 of the publisher's books at once and tag them for example.

    Logos 10  | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max

  • Several times he says that it is not necessary to go through your library one book at a time to tag them, but it seems that is what is required if he does not give us rules to set up the tags.

    Library can be filtered by key word(s), which includes search of resource description.  Tags can be applied to a selected group of resources.

    Moe spends a significant amount of time stressing the necessity of tagging all your books.

    Tagging all your books expands your knowledge of resources in your library.  Every tag is a collection.  Logos resources have Subject and Series metadata that can be used for collection rules.  Logos wiki => has "Counsel & Psychology" with rule:

    Mytag:Counsel OR Subject:(Counsel, Living, “Pastoral Care”, Psychology) OR Title:(Counsel, “Pastoral Care”, Psychology)

    that combines tagged collection of Counsel resources with metadata matches.  Vryso has a number of Counseling resources that do not match the Title filter.  Vyrso resources do not have Series and Subject so tagging edition:eBook resources can be very useful.

    Personally add tags with year and month of acquisition (if Free, then add Free tag).  Also add tags for morphology in resource: e.g. lbs for Logos Greek Morphology and he for Logos Hebrew Morphology.  Searching for Greek definite article is helpful for tagging:

    For Bible Search with results in Grid (comparison of verses found), am using tag BibleGrid for desired subset of Bibles.  Collection "Bible Grid Favorites - English Bibles" has rule:

    MyTag:BibleGrid Language:English Type:Bible

    For resources with Interlinear display, am using two tags.

    • InterlinearNT for Bibles that have Reverse Interlinear tagging in the New Testament
    • Interlinear for Resources that have Interlinear tagging: e.g. KJV, ESV, "The Apostolic Fathers in English"

    Related library management practice is using Rating.  When a resource is added to library, rating is 0 so can use filter


    to show resources whose membership in collections and tagging needs review.  Dynamic Rule collections add resource immediately.  If a resource is not in desired collection(s), then have two options: modify collection(s) to include resource or add tag(s).

    Thankful for Rosie's ratings =>

    0 stars - just purchased, haven't had time to do anything with it yet (though I usually do them right away so they don't stay in this state for very long)
    1 star - I really don't think this resource is very valuable and would usually chose to ignore it, but I don't dislike it enough to hide it
    2 stars - the rating I assign to everything as soon as I buy it, which means basically "I don't know yet what I think of this"
    3 stars - good
    4 stars - very good
    5 stars - outstanding, one of my favorite resources

    When have an opinion about a resource, then change rating appropriately.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Bruce Dunning
    Bruce Dunning MVP Posts: 11,148

    I'm going through the Organize Your Books course. Moe spends a significant amount of time stressing the necessity of tagging all your books.

     I don't have this course but I'm sold on the value of tagging all resources. It was a lot of work initially but a great way to familiarize myself with my library.

    However, he does not give rules for any of those tags.

    Having consistent rules is important. Of course you could just create your own.

    He then suggests downloading a document from his web site listing many possible tags to use.

    Could you also share the link to his website as I would love to compare his list with mine?

    Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God

  • John Kaess
    John Kaess Member Posts: 753 ✭✭✭

    Could you also share the link to his website as I would love to compare his list with mine?

    Scroll down the right sidebar and there are many many useful documents, tags and collections docs are near the bottom.


  • Bruce Dunning
    Bruce Dunning MVP Posts: 11,148

    Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God

  • Bruce Dunning
    Bruce Dunning MVP Posts: 11,148

    Oops! I left out the link. Here it is:

    Thanks John.

    I actually have seen these before and based my originally tagging on similar principles. If anyone is interested here are the current tags I'm using. I've shared it before on the forums but I'm continually updating it.

    3644.My Tagging System for Logos.docx

    Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God

  • Pastor Mark Stevenson
    Pastor Mark Stevenson Member Posts: 12 ✭✭

    Multi tagging can happen when the books are in a series like the Pillar Commentary Series or same general topic, theme, Theological...

  • Simon’s Brother
    Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,821 ✭✭✭

    Oops, reading what is said on the page I believe that link is meant only for those who have purchased MP Seminars training and was not meant to be shared on a public forum.

    Oops! I left out the link. Here it is:


    Oops! I left out the link. Here it is:


  • Lane McKay
    Lane McKay Member Posts: 148 ✭✭

    I have read and used Organize Your Books by Morris. It has helped me understand what books I have in my library.

    The only category I am having any problem with is the NonVersified. Is there a way to find all these books without having to go the the info section in the library. I have ~4500 books?