Vyrso eBook Suggestion: copy Vyrso Genre(s) to Library Subject
Please include Vyrso in Subject metadata so can filter library for Vyrso edition:ebook resources.
Please duplicate Genre(s) from Vyrso eBook Store into Subject metadata, which would be useful for library filtering of Vyrso eBooks:
Threads requesting Vyrso library filtering:
Keep Smiling
I totally agree with the suggestion but that would mean extra work outside the automatic processing of the files the publishers provide - it would require the creation of meta-data.
Very brave of you to suggest Vyrso format is lacking KS4J. Every time anyone brings up any suggestion for improving Vyrso books they get shot down by a certain MVP telling us its not going to happen as Vyrso is only a 'hobby' business. It will be interesting to see if said MVP shoots down your suggestion like he does to everyone else who dares to say Vyrso as it currently stands is an inadequate format.
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KS4J - I have read this post several times, but am unsure what you are requesting! It seems that part of your request is for Vyrso resources to have subject metadata included. This would be greatly appreciated, since out of 2,212 Vyrso resources I own, only 11 have any metadata in the subject field!
Is that your only request? If not, what do you mean by your first sentence?
Please include Vyrso in Subject metadata so can filter library for Vyrso edition:ebook resources.
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Example: Vyrso ebook => Discover the Bible for Yourself has Details
Dreaming of Subject metadata for this edition:ebook resource:
Vyrso.; Biblical-Studies,; Bible-Study-Guides.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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alabama24 said:
Why the inclusion of "Vyrso" in the subject field? You can already sort for this by the syntax edition:e
Noet edition:e resources are also included. Noet example is in thread => Noet eBook Suggestion: copy Genre(s) to Library Subject
Both Vyrso and Noet eBooks have Edition:eBook
Keep Smiling [:)].
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alabama24 said:
A separate field for "store." This could be useful to distinguish Logos from Verbum too
+1 [Y] for "Store" field addition with filtering in Library.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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I've suggested that to user voice a long time ago. It needs to be done both for Vyrso and Logos resources.
Please vote here: https://logos.uservoice.com/forums/42823-logos-bible-software-7/suggestions/9285627-library-hierarchy-and-filtering
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Jan Krohn said:
Added comment to User Voice Suggestion that has 102 votes:
Please duplicate Genre(s) from Vyrso and Noet eBook Stores into Subject metadata automatically, which would be useful for library filtering of eBooks.
Please enable library filtering of Vyrso and Noet, which could be a new field OR store name in an existing metadata field: e.g. Subject.
Keep Smiling [:)]