Missing material in mobile Ed James course

I was watching the lesson on the dating of James and in it he references an accompanying chart. I cannot find this chart in the transcript but it does show on screen. Can this please be added to the transcript?
Also for those of us lucky enough to own EEC James can the links to his commentary be readded somewhere so when he references it we can find it?
Varner’s Commentary from EEC was linked to heavily in his mobile ed course, but they were removed when FL pulled his commentary from the EEC series.
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So it seems! Luckily enough I own the EEC James so I guess I'll have to dig through that for the chart but for those who don't... it would be nice if they add that chart.
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Like Kenneth mentioned, we pulled all the links to Dr. Varner's EEC James volume due to the issues laid out in this forum thread: https://community.logos.com/forums/t/131058.aspx.
We don't have any plans to add back links to this volume or add in any material (like the chart) to the transcript. The chart does appear in the video, so you can see what Dr. Varner is referring to. If you own his EEC volume you can find the chart on page 56.
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I'm sorry but this is really unacceptable! I can understand the reasons, but for those of use who paid for the ECC James commentary and the James Mobile Ed course, no links should have been removed. We paid for something that has now been taken away from us, please restore the missing links.
Dr. Varner's commentary was highly rated by others, Douglas Moo, Scott McKnight, Michael Bird, and Craig L. Blomberg. And I for one am glad to have it in my library, even though I'm cautious about how I quote from it.
If you must remove them, do so for those who don't have the commentary. You have two versions of the Early Church Fathers, one with protestant notes as per the print edition and one with them removed for Catholics. Why can't you do the same thing here?
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I'm sorry you are frustrated, and I definitely understand that frustration. This situation was not ideal. We actually removed the links to this commentary in the course last year when Lexham announced they would be pulling it. Just as you would be careful how you quote from the EEC volume and wouldn't cite it in an academic paper, we felt we should avoid citing the book in the course.
When we removed the links to Varner's commentary we added in links to other commentaries (I think mostly Douglas Moo's Pillar volume) to replace them. Those who decided not to return the EEC volume can still read it while they take the course—they just have to follow it independently instead of using links in the course.
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Bobby you said some awful things about me when I complained about FL removing something I had paid for - the NASB paragraph format bible. It's interesting now you have felt the sting of something being removed that you paid for it is ok for you to complain and say FL's actions are unacceptable.
The irony even goes to the point of you suggesting FL offer two versions of this mobile ed course because they offer two versions of ECF's yet it was so unaccrptable to many people for FL to offer two versions of NASB to satisfy everyone's needs.
I was acussed of being like Satan for simply believing FL should not take from people what they have paid for in faith that they would have lifetime access. But now the shoe is on the other foot and all of a sudden it is ok to make such a complaint against FL,
For what it's worth I sympathise with your frustrations and agree the links should have been left in in some form, even if it was an appendix at end of resource.
Bobby Terhune said:Miles,
I'm sorry but this is really unacceptable! I can understand the reasons, but for those of use who paid for the ECC James commentary and the James Mobile Ed course, no links should have been removed. We paid for something that has now been taken away from us, please restore the missing links.
Dr. Varner's commentary was highly rated by others, Douglas Moo, Scott McKnight, Michael Bird, and Craig L. Blomberg. And I for one am glad to have it in my library, even though I'm cautious about how I quote from it.
If you must remove them, do so for those who don't have the commentary. You have two versions of the Early Church Fathers, one with protestant notes as per the print edition and one with them removed for Catholics. Why can't you do the same thing here?
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I believe I owe you an apology. What goes around comes around!
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Accepted Bobby we are all faliable human beings and sometime our passion for a particular view on a topic does lead us to say and do things we really don't mean and have not thought through properly. I know I am guilty of being one-eyed and thoughtless at times.
Bobby Terhune said:I believe I owe you an apology. What goes around comes around!