HB101 Reading Errors

Have been getting frequent content could not be displayed notices in the Courses Tool. This error appears multiple times in HB101.
Opening HB101 itself—without the Courses Tool—reveals that the target resource is BBH
Opening BBH reveals that the Stop Reading link is misplaced
Pardon the typo±Graphic Converter does not make it easy to change text once the screenshot has been saved.
There are many additional misplaced Stop Reading markers in the HB101 course readings (which affect Courses tool formatting and/or words being truncated in the Courses tool's content pane).
Could all the links to BBH readings could be checked to ensure that Stop Reading doesn't occur mid-table or mid-sentence?
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!
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This is so prevalent that I opened the course itself and closed the Courses Tool. Considering the price of this course, such sloppy editing is inexcusable.
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Jack Caviness said:
This is so prevalent that I opened the course itself and closed the Courses Tool.
I keep the Courses tool open (to mark my progress), but do readings outside the Courses tool mostly because of note-taking limitations.
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!
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I'll go through the course and update the reading links to Beginning Biblical Hebrew. That book was recently updated, and when changes are made in a resource like that it has the potential to mess up the Start/Stop Reading indicators. The links from the course itself should still get you to the correct starting point (unless the changes made to the resource were significant), but they won't work in the Courses Tool.
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Miles Custis said:
I'll go through the course and update the reading links to Beginning Biblical Hebrew. That book was recently updated, and when changes are made in a resource like that it has the potential to mess up the Start/Stop Reading indicators. The links from the course itself should still get you to the correct starting point (unless the changes made to the resource were significant), but they won't work in the Courses Tool.
Thank you. However, there are other problems with this course. For instance—Segment 41 Activities
Where is the best place to report these errors?
"The" should be "We"