Cloud Computing: Why you can't sync selectively



  • JimTowler
    JimTowler Member Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭

    JimT said:

    and go back to what I was attempting with the new COM API tools.

    I have noticed in other threads your interest in this, so I look forward to seeing what you create.

    Its Off Topic here, but maybe a good thing ...

    I'm working on a number of ideas, as I see what the API will allow, and what is already possible "native" in Logos4.

    1) My program gets an Event every time I move around in a resource: book, Bible, whatever. I was going to see if I could track what I've been reading, what pages, and what I've not yet used. See if I can spend at least as much time reading resources as writing about stuff here [:)]

    2) Use the list of Resources, to create additional notes, comments etc about each resource. I really would rather have some extra user fields inside Logos4 as "My Tags" is too messy to overload much, so I'll add stuff externally instead. Also should be easy to get a report within seconds after any updates. See whats new or updated.

    3) My own "Notes", or at least the bits I think I need that don't work as I'd like for now.

    4) I hope I can request a few new events over time, to add a little more notification for e.g. highlighting

    Of those, only (1) is really about using the applicaton. The others are work-arounds for missing features.

    I have other ideas too, but not sure the API is rich enough yet.

  • J.R. Miller
    J.R. Miller Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭✭

    Wow.. sounds like you can make good use of it to enrich your study.


    My Books in Logos & FREE Training

  • Dewayne Davis
    Dewayne Davis Member Posts: 850 ✭✭

    It is enough to make you switch back from Macs to PCs!

    Oh no! Blasphemy in the Bible Software forum! [:O]

    “... every day in which I do not
    penetrate more deeply into the knowledge of God’s Word in Holy Scripture
    is a lost day for me. I can only move forward with certainty upon the
    firm ground of the Word of God.”

  • Russ White
    Russ White Member Posts: 569 ✭✭

    Another piece of anecdotal evidence to add to the growing pile. I ran by a church today and had a chat with someone in IT there. We were talking about "the cloud"--they use it for backup, synching data, all sorts of things. So he was a little puzzled when I said I was having an issue with Logos and the cloud... As we continued to discuss, he said, "Oh, it's no problem, we just encrypt everything with x, and..." "Oh," I said, "Logos isn't encrypting this data." You could've stuck a fish in his mouth.

    [quote]We're just keeping them in one place and encouraging users (most of whom
    are much less technical than Russ) to let us manage them.

    If you "encourage" someone to let you manage their data, then you'd better secure their data. Telling them, "I want to manage your data, but only the bits that I want you to give me," just isn't going to work. Either build/earn the trust, or don't play the game. Once people realize you're encouraging them to give you their data, but you won't be held responsible for what happens to that data once they've given it to you, they're going to take their money and go home.


  • JimTowler
    JimTowler Member Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭

    I hope no-one tells Russ that Logos4 sends sometimes sends a search (or portions of it) to as clear-text HTTP://

    (I'm undecided if this concerns me. I might block or disable Internet Access more often now I know it. At least if I'm doing anything I want to be less public, which to be honest, is hardly-ever-to-never. Its the principle.)

  • Todd Phillips
    Todd Phillips Member Posts: 6,737 ✭✭✭

    JimT said:

    I hope no-one tells Russ that Logos4 sends sometimes sends a search (or portions of it) to as clear-text HTTP://

    (I'm undecided if this concerns me. I might block or disable Internet Access more often now I know it. At least if I'm doing anything I want to be less public, which to be honest, is hardly-ever-to-never. Its the principle.)

    That's actually a search request for populating portions of Topics section of the Basic search (see below).  It only happens for a Basic search on the Entire Library, which is why you're not seeing it all the time.  Blocking would deprive you of those results and of the ability to use the Reading Lists window (which also accesses that site).


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