LA171 & LA181

jth Member Posts: 14 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

I bought LA171 and LA181 few days ago. They don't show up in the Courses tool, but I can find media and text files in the library. Is this normal, because I thought that I can find and use all Mobile Ed courses from the Courses tool? There's still LA151 and LA161 as unavailable courses, but not LA171 and LA181, not as available or unavailable.


  • Matt Hamrick
    Matt Hamrick Member Posts: 667 ✭✭

    I wasn't aware it went live until now because I own the previous version and Faithlife notified me when it went live with the price for me since I owned the previous version. This time around I don't think Faithlife notified me yet. As for your issue,  for any new course that releases it takes a few days before it makes the courses tool.

  • Brad
    Brad Member Posts: 927 ✭✭

    Thanks, Guys, These weren't on my radar.  I have LA151 & LA161.  Are there really any compelling reasons to pay for these new versions, even at a big discount?  I'd appreciate any input anyone can share.

  • Mathew Haferkamp
    Mathew Haferkamp Member Posts: 459 ✭✭

    Hey Matt, I just checked the site and it is live.  I have the same as you and it offered a $500 discount or a $150 to upgrade.

  • Kenneth Neighoff
    Kenneth Neighoff Member Posts: 2,629 ✭✭✭

    These emails usually come several days after the product has gone live.  I wish they would come before or even on the same day. 

  • Lonnie Spencer
    Lonnie Spencer Member Posts: 371 ✭✭

    Brad said:

    Thanks, Guys, These weren't on my radar.  I have LA151 & LA161.  Are there really any compelling reasons to pay for these new versions, even at a big discount?  I'd appreciate any input anyone can share.

    When I looked down the list of the course descriptions I did not notice anything different then what was taught in the Logos 6 version. I also own the original courses that came out in Logos 4. There was a significant difference between that one and the revamped courses in Logos 6. That was worth paying for the upgrade because so much more was added to the original courses. Brad,  I asked the same question on the Learn Greek and Hebrew forum. I got over 500 views and zero replies. That answers my question and I can save 150 dollars for an update that is not a significant expansion of the content of the previous Learn Hebrew and Greek courses (IMHO)

  • Miles Custis
    Miles Custis Member, Logos Employee Posts: 411

    We should be sending out messages about the upgrade pricing for current LA151 or LA161 owners today, and LA171 and LA181 should be showing up in the Courses Tool soon.

    The biggest difference between the new courses and the previous versions is in the Greek course. LA181 is taught by a different speaker—Daniel Zacharias who recently authored a new Greek textbook that makes use of Logos for Lexham Press. The format of LA181 with Dr. Zacharias lecturing and working through the material in Logos at the same time in studio improves on LA161 which consisted of mostly screencast videos. It covers the same basic content of LA161, but it is an entirely new course. LA171 on the other hand is essentially the same course, but with updated screencasts and some added reading links.

  • jth
    jth Member Posts: 14 ✭✭

    My bad. Didn't know that the new courses go live unfinished. I thought there was something wrong with my account.

  • Miles Custis
    Miles Custis Member, Logos Employee Posts: 411

    Courses have to be added to the Courses tool after they are fully produced. We typically try to make them available right after a course ships, but for these courses there were some issues with converting the reading links into the Courses tool. We're working on getting that resolved.

  • David Betts
    David Betts Member Posts: 99 ✭✭

    This latest update is for L8 - a great improvement over the first two attempts, and to me very much worth it. [$149 upgrade].

    The videos for Greek are much better than previous - I've not yet got to the Hebrew. If I recall correctly, Heiser and Cisneros came up with the idea for MobileEd [this was a few years ago, and open to correction], and theirs was the first [somewhat primitive compared to now] videos. This also covers the LXX Greek - which is important for those who understand some corruption in the Masoretic Text, as well in as some Greek mss. Fortunately we have to tools to compare and contrast these texts.  [see Rebooting the Bible: Exposing the Second Century Conspiracy to Corrupt the Scripture and Alter Biblical Chronology by Woodward, S. Douglas (Kindle, not yet in Logos - I suggested it to the author)].

    Be prepared to read... and read! I skipped over some reading to get to learning, with the intent to complete all of the reading later.

    There are some resources discussed you may not have in your library, but it takes you to the Logos store for items to be purchased. Hopefully there is, or will be, a list of all resources discussed in the course. I could "hope" that Logos could have a discount-incentive for those who purchased or upgraded this course.

    Thank you Logos for (upgrading) this course.

    Blessings! and Shalom

  • Lonnie Spencer
    Lonnie Spencer Member Posts: 371 ✭✭

    This latest update is for L8 - a great improvement over the first two attempts, and to me very much worth it. [$149 upgrade].

    The videos for Greek are much better than previous - I've not yet got to the Hebrew. If I recall correctly, Heiser and Cisneros came up with the idea for MobileEd [this was a few years ago, and open to correction], and theirs was the first [somewhat primitive compared to now] videos. This also covers the LXX Greek - which is important for those who understand some corruption in the Masoretic Text, as well in as some Greek mss. Fortunately we have to tools to compare and contrast these texts.  [see Rebooting the Bible: Exposing the Second Century Conspiracy to Corrupt the Scripture and Alter Biblical Chronology by Woodward, S. Douglas (Kindle, not yet in Logos - I suggested it to the author)].

    Be prepared to read... and read! I skipped over some reading to get to learning, with the intent to complete all of the reading later.

    There are some resources discussed you may not have in your library, but it takes you to the Logos store for items to be purchased. Hopefully there is, or will be, a list of all resources discussed in the course. I could "hope" that Logos could have a discount-incentive for those who purchased or upgraded this course.

    Thank you Logos for (upgrading) this course.

    Blessings! and Shalom

    Thanks Miles and David for your answers. I'll have to think this over. [^o)]

  • Bill Moore
    Bill Moore Member Posts: 975 ✭✭✭

    We should be sending out messages about the upgrade pricing for current LA151 or LA161 owners today, and LA171 and LA181 should be showing up in the Courses Tool soon.

    The biggest difference between the new courses and the previous versions is in the Greek course. LA181 is taught by a different speaker—Daniel Zacharias who recently authored a new Greek textbook that makes use of Logos for Lexham Press. The format of LA181 with Dr. Zacharias lecturing and working through the material in Logos at the same time in studio improves on LA161 which consisted of mostly screencast videos. It covers the same basic content of LA161, but it is an entirely new course. LA171 on the other hand is essentially the same course, but with updated screencasts and some added reading links.

    Miles, how long will these courses be available at the upgrade price for owners of the previous edition?

    Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Clinton, SC

  • Lonnie Spencer
    Lonnie Spencer Member Posts: 371 ✭✭

    We should be sending out messages about the upgrade pricing for current LA151 or LA161 owners today, and LA171 and LA181 should be showing up in the Courses Tool soon.

    The biggest difference between the new courses and the previous versions is in the Greek course. LA181 is taught by a different speaker—Daniel Zacharias who recently authored a new Greek textbook that makes use of Logos for Lexham Press. The format of LA181 with Dr. Zacharias lecturing and working through the material in Logos at the same time in studio improves on LA161 which consisted of mostly screencast videos. It covers the same basic content of LA161, but it is an entirely new course. LA171 on the other hand is essentially the same course, but with updated screencasts and some added reading links.

    After buying the upgrade on Monday and returning it on Tuesday for a refund, I did not see enough difference (IMHO) to warrant spending 150 dollars on what is basically the same material. But, with Logos generous return policy, you can judge for yourself. If you have never owned these two courses before I would recommend them to anyone. I have gained a lot out of them. But I'm not in to Ground Hog Day- Deja-Vu

  • David Thomas
    David Thomas Member Posts: 3,272 ✭✭✭

    After buying the upgrade on Monday and returning it on Tuesday for a refund, I did not see enough difference (IMHO) to warrant spending 150 dollars on what is basically the same material. But, with Logos generous return policy, you can judge for yourself.

    Thank you for your evaluation and reminder that others can try and keep/return.

    Making Disciples! Logos Ecosystem = LogosMax on Microsoft Surface Pro 7 (Win11), Android app on tablet, FSB on iPhone & iPad mini, Proclaim (Proclaim Remote on Fire Tablet).

  • Dave Colclough
    Dave Colclough Member Posts: 213 ✭✭

    Having purchased the courses it was a bit disappointing to find the brand new Greek course using an old version of Logos 8 (prior to the 8.7 new right click menu structure). Is there any plans to update those segments?

  • T. L. Brown
    T. L. Brown Member Posts: 99 ✭✭

    As a result of using the outdated version, Dr. Danny uses a morphology that calls for the Subjunctive mood but in the latest version of L8, there is no Subjunctive.  How do we resolve this?



  • Michael S.
    Michael S. Member Posts: 674 ✭✭

    This frustrates me.  Like one of the other posters, I too purchased the origianal DVD set back in 2010.  They had so many issues, they came out with the upgrade at a discount...I believe it was about $150 also.  I purchased those.  The comments on this forum shows that they too had many errors and mistakes.  So now, third time is a charm?  It seems not.  I think until they can create a product that is upgradeable after production, I am not investing in more of these. 

    Design and produce the course in such a way that if the platform changes, or mistakes are found, they can be updated (ie. streaming service maybe?) without us having to purchase again.  I realize this would create a challenge for those wanting to download the course to watch off line, but I think even that could be handled.  Reveal the update availability the next time the person is online and offer the choice- Upgrade this course?

    Anyway, I will get off my box and move along.

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,151

    As a result of using the outdated version, Dr. Danny uses a morphology that calls for the Subjunctive mood but in the latest version of L8, there is no Subjunctive. 

    I don't think the morphology changed at all in recent versions of Logos - and why should it? 

    When looking up the components of Logos Greek Morphology for verbs, there clearly is the subjunctive mood: 

    (same in the Friberg and GRAMCORD morphologies) 

    Terry, could you explain - maybe sharing a screenshot - what you are doing, where you expect it to be present as per the course video and what you are seeing? That might help in sorting out the issue.


    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • JRM
    JRM Member Posts: 21 ✭✭

    How do LA171 and LA181 compare to GK101 and HB101? It seems the "Introduction to Biblical . . ." Greek/Hebrew Course are longer, more expensive and focused more on learning the language than just learning the Logos software. I have the funds to put towards the GK101/HB101, but do the utilize and and explain how to use Logos software features to a lesser extent than LA171/181? I would love to learn a bit more greek and hebrew, but my main goal is being able to take full advantage of the tools in Logos at this point. So my question is, basically, is the content in LA171/181 also covered in GK101 and HB101 or is LA171/181 actually the best way available to learn to use Greek/Hebrew tools in Logos?

  • PetahChristian
    PetahChristian Member Posts: 4,636 ✭✭✭

    JRM said:

    my main goal is being able to take full advantage of the tools in Logos at this point

    You’d definitely want LA171/181. GK/HB101 aren’t focused on the tools in Logos.

    JRM said:

    is the content in LA171/181 also covered in GK101 and HB101

    No. The language courses are primarily focused on vocabulary and grammar. Some of the activities might have you use a tool such as Bible Word Study, but the emphasis is on the language, not how to use the software.

    To put it another way, Learning Biblical Greek/Hebrew will teach you more about the language (more memorization), while Learn to Use Biblical Greek/Hebrew will teach you more about interpreting the language via Logos (less memorization, more reliance on the software).

    Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!