Add support for tables in Notes

Phil Gons (Logos)
Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,802
edited November 2024 in English Suggestions
Please allow us to create and edit basic tables in Notes.
179 votes

Submitted · Last Updated



  • James Hudson
    James Hudson Member Posts: 337 ✭✭✭
    I believe this is a vital and essential part of notes for those of us who like to structure and organise ideas.

    (Just look at the number of tables in Logos resources) - people really do use this method of structuring thoughts!!
  • Gregory Lawhorn
    Gregory Lawhorn Member Posts: 986 ✭✭✭
    This week I'm preaching in Matthew 6, and tables would be really helpful to highlight Jesus' repetition in the giving, praying, and fasting passages.
  • David Taylor, Jr.
    David Taylor, Jr. Member Posts: 4,386 ✭✭✭
    Yes, I find myself regularly putting notes in Evernote due to the lack of Tables in Logos Notes
  • Michael
    Michael Member Posts: 311 ✭✭✭
    @james-38 agreed. This has been requested for awhile.
  • @davidtaylorjr Likewise. However, I find they languish there and get forgotten about.
  • Absolutely think this is very vital for creating comparisons and charts
  • Totally agreed. Tables are indispensable.
  • Nick Stapleton
    Nick Stapleton Member Posts: 75 ✭✭✭
    Beyond tables, I'd like to see further metadata included in notes for greater context and search ability. I've created a separate post here if you'd like to vote:
  • FraCharles
    FraCharles Member Posts: 5
    Notes would be really handy. Would it even be possible to use HTML in the background for notes? Thus things like tables and headings could just use HTML formatting.
  • Danny Jenkins
    Danny Jenkins Member Posts: 44 ✭✭
    I would like to have the ability to add tables to my Bible Notes. I have many tables with my notes in WordSearch, and I would think this would be important to me to keep them going in Logos.
  • Daniel McCoy
    Daniel McCoy Member Posts: 70 ✭✭
    I am working on my survey of the Kings of Israel and Judah today. I wanted to make a couple tables in notes to compare/contrast each king. This feature is a must-have!
  • Kevin Kay
    Kevin Kay Member Posts: 16 ✭✭
    Being able to add tables to Notes would be very helpful
  • J. Gary Ellison
    J. Gary Ellison Member Posts: 151 ✭✭✭
    Seriously? I see from a search on this question that this feature was requested in 2009. RTF files could do this. We had it in BibleWorks. Hmmm. Sorry about that!
  • I agree, it would be REALLY nice to be able to have tables in notes. For me, it wouldn't need to be anything fancy, just the ability to create/delete rows and columns, place text and have the ability to edit within the fields, etc. I would love to see this added in the near future!
  • George Neverov
    George Neverov Member Posts: 3
    Yes please add this feature to Logos (Notes and Sermons). Indeed it's a vital function. Sometimes I need to add contrast and I want to display that in two columns one against another. Sometimes I need to display my bulleted outline horizontally in a form of table, so I can see points and compare them. Thank you!
  • YES! Tables are absolutely necessary in Logos Notes for organizing columns of information.
  • Definitely need this please!
  • David Taylor, Jr.
    David Taylor, Jr. Member Posts: 4,386 ✭✭✭
    This is especially useful for Inductive Bible Study if you are doing compare/contrasts, lists, etc. Please please PLEEEEAAASSSEEE make this a priority!
  • Please enable table creation in Logos notes. I used OneNote & Evernote for organizing my thoughts and would like to never touch those applications ever again. When I'm working on my studies, I rather only use a single application but the notes portion built into logos is extremely limited.
  • Danny Jenkins
    Danny Jenkins Member Posts: 44 ✭✭
    I would love this feature. Have many such tables in my WordSearch.
  • michael strand
    michael strand Member Posts: 24 ✭✭
    Agreed. Tables are one of my favorites ways to organize text in Word and other tools. Adding this Logos notes (and Sermon Docs) would be great.
  • Curtis Gordon
    Curtis Gordon Member Posts: 6 ✭✭
    PLEASE!!! Tables would be such a huge assistance with organizing, notetaking, and research.
  • Robert Lloyd Davey
    Robert Lloyd Davey Member Posts: 31 ✭✭✭
    Absolutely agree!!!
  • If this is to difficult to do immediately, then start with markdown table generators. But please add tables
  • Gregory Lawhorn
    Gregory Lawhorn Member Posts: 986 ✭✭✭
    Yes, we need tables in Notes! I'm currently preaching at the local Rescue Mission. They provide New Living Translation bibles for their guests at chapel. I use the New American Standard. It would be a tremendous help to have BOTH translations side by side in my notes.
  • Curtis Homan
    Curtis Homan Member Posts: 8 ✭✭
    It would be great to just have a Markdown editor (with table support)
  • The Notes feature of Logos is one of the most important. Recent improvements have made it easier to use our Notes as a great repository of information gathered during studies. (Bravo for allowing graphics; this has been more than nice.)

    In my work and in the opinion of others in the forum, tables are an essential part of note taking. Ours is an age where people are increasingly comfortable organizing their notes in a tabular format. Each row is a record of data and each column contains an attribute of a record.

    When composing notes that are based on data (e.g., patriarchs and ages, locations and topological features, books and literary characteristics) the table is the de facto standard for presenting the data. In the academic world tables are critical to good notes. The absence of this feature means that we are often forced to go outside of Logos to do the kind of editing that we expect in even the most rudimentary of web-based editors.

    Here below is a minimalistic list of table-editing features that we are needing in Logos notes:

    Cell Merge - we need the ability to merge cells. This makes it possible to create row headers, column headers, and summaries.
    Cell Shading - even if the shading is grayscale it would help make the table content easier to read.
    Table Alignment - the user should be able to make the table left-aligned, right-aligned, or centered.

    Thank you for taking time out to read this suggestion.

    In His grip by His grace,
    Roderick L. Barnes, Sr.
  • Tom Vidal
    Tom Vidal Member Posts: 275 ✭✭
    This would be supremely beneficial. Tables are a natural part of note taking and information-organizing, and as @james-38  stated, tables are a powerful way of structuring one's thoughts.
  • danwdoo
    danwdoo Member Posts: 584 ✭✭✭
    Notes, sermon docs, and in a new academic paper feature please!
  • There are various use cases for tables in notes. Tables are natural for many to structure their thoughts and make comments. For example, we want to keep notes on particular list of verses. If I use tabs to indent the text and later I make an entry which is longer, I have to re-indent all the lines which is tedious.
    Additional, the notes section should cater for HTML which includes tables, images and urls.
  • Having a table of data is an effective way to track and share beneficial information. 

    The justification and reason for tables seem self-evident. Tables allow for a more effective means of relaying 'complex' data in a manner that people can easily digest. 

    Data displayed side by side allows the reader to compare/contrast the information within a matter of seconds. 

    Biblical survey books frequently use tables to help the reader unravel the distinct differences or central themes in the data presented. Tables are an absolutely essential tool in education. Could you please develop this feature? 
  • DennisG
    DennisG Member Posts: 20 ✭✭
    Yes, please using word to create documents instead of in Notes tool
  • This would be handy for note taking and copying from resources to notes. (Currently have to take a picture of table and then lose any search or highlighting ability in notes)
  • Mal Walker
    Mal Walker Member Posts: 403 ✭✭✭
    Tables = Good
    No Tables = Bad

    Current MDiv student at Trinity Theological College - Perth, Western Australia

  • I don't know why Logos doesn't have this yet!
  • Can we also add tables in Sermon Builder?
  • Genghis
    Genghis Member Posts: 58 ✭✭
    Absolutely.  Went to add a table in a note this morning and was surprised it was not there.  Why has this been given such a low priority on the product roadmap?
  • Kevin McKanna
    Kevin McKanna Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
    Absolutely.  Right now, I end up having two note files for everything I study.  One in Logos and one in OneNote for their tables.
  • Tables would be awesome!!!!
  • Shino John
    Shino John Member Posts: 22 ✭✭
    would love that
  • Tables in notes would be the best solution, but an acceptable alternative might be a different kind of document that could be linked to a note.
  • Jim Dean
    Jim Dean Member Posts: 315 ✭✭✭
    Also, allow each cell or row or column to have a background color spec. 

    Redeeming the time (Eph.5:16+Col.4:5) ... Win 10, iOS & iPadOS 16
    Jim Dean

  • Ian Kirk
    Ian Kirk Member Posts: 17
    Definitely useful
  • Edward Rangel
    Edward Rangel Member Posts: 9 ✭✭
    What a wonderful feature!  
  • The facility to create tables in Notes [atleast PC/Mac platforms, if not all platforms] would be really helpful in Bible study to structure, organize thoughts and information as well as aid in presentation. I am mostly using MS word/ Onenote to keep my notes in. Notes in logos is a very good tool but lack of essentials like table creation, headings etc pushes me to use MS word. In the past I have used WordSearch and I think its document features allowed tables.
  • Would be very helpful.