The Logos notes system could work with the markdown format like the Obsidian software creating a neu

Anderson Abreu
Anderson Abreu Member Posts: 557 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Logos could have its grading system redesigned to be more useful. I've started using the Obsidian software for grading notes with links between notes, so I thought it would be wonderful if Logos notes worked like Obsidian or Notion, which also creates links between notes.

For those who don't know Obsidian yet, I suggest you look for good videos of it on YouTube. Obsidian uses the markdown format, which allows you to import and export notes to other services. It aims to create a neural network of information, connecting it logically and creating links with existing files.

The idea is to have a notes system that acts as a "second brain". The notes are linked and interrelated in a fantastic index system, then it presents all the notes in a graphic system reminiscent of a neural network that is very similar to Logos' "Psalm Explorer" tool (which would already help in this process).

If Logos had this function of making links between notes and sermons, we could build our entire life of notes, studies and sermons in a way that everything could be classified, interconnected and more easily located whenever we need to remember a note or subject. Imagine it all in one place and the power it would bring to Logos.

Maybe, who knows, since everything you type in Obsidian is saved as simple .txt files to make it more compatible and exportable, Logos could have the function of letting Obsidian access your notes, or vice versa.


"... And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." (Ne 8.10)

10 votes

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  • Anderson Abreu
    Anderson Abreu Member Posts: 557 ✭✭✭
    Faithlife needs to give more attention and constant improvements to what already exists to make it better instead of adding more and more tools. It's obvious that new (really necessary) tools are welcome, but as long as they don't forget to improve old ones. I've begun to notice that old things are forgotten and new things are almost thrown in without much polish. This direction in the medium and long term is the road to the precipice.


    "... And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." (Ne 8.10)

  • Richard Fletcher
    Richard Fletcher Member Posts: 2

    Please, I'm begging you, make the notes work more like linked notes in Obsidian and have Markdown formatting support!

    The notes system is one of the weakest points of Logos and is what keeps me from having my entire learning workflow in Logos. In my opinion, the current notes system is useless for anything more than light notes while reading the Bible daily.

    I've watched all kinds of videos of people using Logos for seminary level work but after using Obsidian for one semester in college I shudder at the thought of using the Logos note system in any meaningful way.

  • Rob Dekker
    Rob Dekker Member Posts: 11 ✭✭

    Ah, i just added a similar new idea for a feature! Lets all vote everything up, so the Obsidian concept will become part of logos. I totally agree with @Anderson Abreu, there are a LOT of features in Logos, but a lot of them aren't quite there yet. Minimalise the quantity, maximise the quantity please.