Sermon Manager: Option to set the start of the week to Monday

Ben Misja (Logos)
Ben Misja (Logos) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 2,182
edited November 2024 in English Suggestions
A standard feature in calendar apps is that you can choose whether the week is set to start on a Sunday or Monday. In the US, Sunday is often considered the first day of the week. In other countries, it is often Monday.

Ideally, there should be UI- or country-specific presets.

Senior Manager, New Languages

42 votes

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  • Korea is also take Sunday is the first day of a week in calendar, but this is good option for internationals.
  • Maiko Müller
    Maiko Müller Member Posts: 11 ✭✭✭
    this will be helpful in Germany. We start the week on Monday.
  • John Sacks
    John Sacks Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
    I'm in America and like to start the week on Monday as well so that I can keep my weekend days together on a calendar. I don't preach, but I'd think that if I preached the same sermon on a Saturday night service and Sunday services I'd want them grouped together and not in different weeks.
  • William Pannell
    William Pannell Member Posts: 6
    PLEASE!! I usually see my week starting on Sunday. But as for preaching, I really start working on Sunday's message on the Monday before. Therefore Monday leads to Sunday. So for the Sermon Manager it'd be immensely helpful for the week to start on Monday ending with Sunday's message.
  • Peter Law
    Peter Law Member Posts: 6 ✭✭
    Since Sunday is traditionally the day the sermon 'ships' then Monday is the start of its development cycle. This would be helpful.
  • William Pannell
    William Pannell Member Posts: 6
    Absolutely!! Not just a country difference, but as a minister, my sermon planning week starts on Monday planning for the following Sunday. It'd be nice to have that Sunday with the week prior since that's when I'm working on that message! Thanks!
  • From a preaching & teaching perspective, my week really ends on Sunday and then I observe "sabbath" on Mondays which begins my new week.  Giving each person the flexibility to choose how weeks should appear in Sermon Manager would be very useful.
  • Casey Jones
    Casey Jones Member Posts: 29 ✭✭
    Since I began preaching & teaching regularly every calendar I own or app I use I set Monday to the first day of the week. Visually it is a massive help in sermon prep and planning.
  • Randy Edwards
    Randy Edwards Member Posts: 5 ✭✭
    The Week needs to display the week before not beginning with the date that the sermon is delivered. Providing a user determine date range or default to the week before. Sermon preparation often begins on Monday before
  • Jeffrey Gardner
    Jeffrey Gardner Member Posts: 46 ✭✭
    I like the idea to make it an option.  I still use a Day-Timer paper planner, 2-page per week, and it runs Monday through Sunday. 

    "Ever learning and always adding to my knowledge of the Truth"
    "Worship God for who he is;  Praise God for what he has done."

  • I think most pastors actually begin their week on Tuesday (and take Monday off) - so having optionality to set any date would probably be helpful.