Convert Note to Highlight, Highlight to Note

Myke Harbuck
Myke Harbuck Member Posts: 1,646 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Can you give users the ability to convert a note type. For example, I create a highlight, but then add a note to that highlight. I'd like to be able to change the type of record, so that it shows up in the Notes facet and not the highlights facet, since it would actually be a Note at that point.

Myke Harbuck
Lead Pastor, www.ByronCity.Church
Adjunct Professor, Georgia Military College

29 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • Bernhard
    Bernhard Member Posts: 702 ✭✭✭
    I have voted, but I think even better would be for it to show under Notes and Highlights if it has both - that is what it is, right?
  • Dan Osborn
    Dan Osborn Member Posts: 14 ✭✭
    Your highlights are already notes, stored in designated notebooks (which you can customize).
  • Bill
    Bill Member Posts: 365 ✭✭✭
    I don't know how to resolve everyone's issues for highlights.

    1. What I do know is most times during reading or study of any resource type I would like to simply highlight words or phrases for a temporary visual and I don't want it to show up anywhere else. I don't want it to create any type of document, archive, or have it show up in other resources, it is just meant to be a visual on the text I am reading, period.

    Note documents are another story.
    2. I may just want an note icon of my choice anchored to a reference or a word or phrase, which I can click to go to a note document in a notebook.

    3. I may also want to create a note attached to selected text, choose an icon AND a highlight for the selected text from the note document drop down menu for highlights. Again here the highlight is only a visual in the text of the resource where the note icon is displayed, but it does not create another document of any kind.

    A note is a note with an icon that may or may not also include a highlight.

    A highlight is only a highlight, not a document!

    IMO we do not need "highlight" documents as such, that clutter up the notes tool, all we need is a "note" Document that we can apply a style and color to the text it is attached to, which can be done from within the Notes Tool now.

    Too soon old. Too late smart.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton Member Posts: 79 ✭✭
    That could be achieved by adding/changing a Note icon on a Highlight, but it is NOT actually a Note just because one added a note.
  • Jaycu49
    Jaycu49 Member Posts: 6 ✭✭
    I think an option to to turn off a note put into a notefile when a highlight is made would be helpful. I preach directly from Logos. I highlight to show what I want to emphasize what I want preach. not to create a note.
    I do not need my notebook filled with unneeded notes. just by putting in bold print something I want to emphasize while preaching.
  • Brandon Early
    Brandon Early Member Posts: 111 ✭✭
    If I have tagged something with a highlight and added to note it should appear in both when filtering. It's silly that I can't change the type. I was looking through all my notes and I couldn't find a note I made on a highlight. This is not a good search feature please add notes and highlights under both filters.